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  • in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7418

    [quote=LCSpartan051;5708]Also, why to the Lich’s want to know what an Apostle is? They are trying to re-create the Dark Apostle’s work, so they should know what the title means.[/quote]

    I am sorry where is this at? That they asked what an apostle is?

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Sentir, EM, and Tiernon #7578

    No need to buy.

    All HH Beta demons had access to the old HH Beta download page which contained the “final” epub version from the Word file uploaded to kindle, it just wasn’t on the menu so the link was hard to find.

    I have re-added it to the menu.

    I have enabled it for all AoD Beta demons.

    At the bottom of the page is Initial Release there is both pdf and epub.

    All AoD beta demons will get the “Initial Release” that goes to CreateSpace/Kindle for publishing as a pdf and epub as well.


    For those who are gluttons for punishment, there are a couple earlier beta’s there too so you can read some of the stuff that was cut/compare what was changed. this only goes back to beta 2, not sure what had changed by Beta 2 from Beta 1. I removed Beta 1 so new BR’s would come in with a fresh start.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 132 #7333

    [quote=Iume;5534]allowed -> aloud[/quote]

    Did this twice.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 132 #7334

    Set maximum search results to 0 meaning unlimited. This is not recommended (the setting says) so we may want to scale it back to 500 or something.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 123 #7340

    But see, it’s more than just a pool.

    It’s more like her cell phone/workstation.

    It handles stuff for her when she is “offline” it is the link holder. When she is locked in the interdiction, her illuminaries and all in Astlan would feel the disruption, the loss of her, but they would still have a connection to her ARC (AARC) and still feed mana to Tierhallon, and still draw down “preapproved limits” this is how Sentir Fallon could disappear into the Abyss.

    It’s a proxy.

    Maybe that’s the word, her “Proxy” It acts in her stead when she can’t be there personally, and relays critical information to her for approval.

    What do you think about that?

    : a person who is given the power or authority to do something (such as to vote) for someone else
    : power or authority that is given to allow a person to act for someone else

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 123 #7342

    Well, sort of, but different.


    1) Link Point to hold links and illuminations streams
    These can move seamlessly back and forth between Hilda and the device
    If she goes offline/unavailable it takes over links and can provide sort an Out of Office message/feeling to people
    2) Hardwired, so to speak to the GodPool, it can process mana for Hilda, or she can do it manually, as they did in Citadel
    Sends it to the next step upstream (Baysir or his Proxy)
    It is her connection to godpool (although she can also go direct or via Baysir)
    3) It receives, routes, prioritizes prayers for Hilda, stores them for her review, think of it like what Siri is supposed to do, but does not.
    4) Offloads processing of mana requests from priests
    It can automatically approve certain rituals/mana usage by priest authorization level
    Auto routes request to Hilda if not auto-approved
    If Hilda is offline, reroutes to others, including Baysir to ensure no interruption in service.
    5) Provides her access to the wisdom and (approved) knowledge base of Tierhallon (research station)
    6) Resides in Tierhallon

    The big point is that it can handle day to day activity that doesn’t require her immediate attention. She can set whatever alerts she wants.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 146 #7396

    [quote=Iume;5538]Stainsberry was in the command center right?So wouldn’t he have heard Tom admit to being the demon that kidnapped Talarius?Isn’t the secret out?[/quote]

    I will check, but I don’t think so. Stainsberry really doesn’t enter the inner circle until Talarius convinces Tom to bring him to the Citadel.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 146 #7397

    No, I don’t see him there, you are talking about the one where they learn of the SOS from the Citadel, yes?

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 146 #7399


    I need different words for these things.

    Yes, he was there, he will have some questions, but I am thinking that in the middle of battle he’s not thinking of asking them.

    However, should note this in Talarius thoughts, that his “story” was just blown by Iskerus in the CCC vs DCC and CCT

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 146 #7400

    [quote=Iume;5538]Stainsberry was in the command center right?[/quote]

    Talarius nodded, acknowledging the honor Lord Tommus was entrusting him with and took the horn. “Demon lord, if you had told me I would be doing this when you first—met me? Well, I have absolutely no idea what I would have thought.” Talarius shook his head, giving Tom a rueful grin. He had almost said, when Tom had first taken him hostage before remembering that Stainsberry was there beside him. [color=blue][i]Although Iskerus had probably shattered that illusion[/i], Talarius suddenly thought to himself.[/color]

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7478

    [quote=Giwdul;5612]Given all that, Beragamos might not have considered it a viable possibility until after he’d met Tom face to face.[/quote]

    Certainly not enough to mention that he knew what Orcus looked like. Remember, the 5S did a huge hit job on Orcus’ reputation (after they did a literal hit job on him)

    He would not bring this up to the lower avatars, particularly those working with Sentir Fallon. Sentir Fallon did not know about the Orcus: 5S relationship (presumably)

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7479

    [quote=Giwdul;5618]This kinda indicates that Beragamos has only been around for 70,000 and change years. Not 300,000.[/quote]

    Was that book 2? or book 3?

    Going to search now

    I’ve upped Beragamos “intimacy level” with Tiernon since book 2. At that point he was one of several Supreme Archons who’d been around forever.

    The whole Phoenix Cycle business as I evolved it later in B2 and in B3 telescoped everything.

    Earlier on, there wasn’t the idea that “all true immortals” Phoenixed due to memory/exhaustion. The presumption was that they just kept going until they got killed and had to be brought back, e.g. Osiris But I decided that immortal existential dread required Phoenix Cycles because how else do you go on for a million years, let alone a billion? or 20 Billion?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7480

    Does this help or does it seem forced?

    Beragamos sighed shaking his head. “In the [color=blue]last [/color]seventy-three thousand, four hundred and eighty-three years, give or take a few centuries depending on which planet we are talking about, I have done—I have been—many things, but I swear tonight is the first time that ‘horse thief’ was one of them.” [color=blue][i]Although I can’t vouch for previous cycles.[/i] Beragamos thought to himself.[/color]

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7481

    And going to change it so it’s not been 300,000, but the 73,000 since last phoenix cycle.

    in reply to: Fantastic Stuff today! #7552

    See, that’s exactly what the larger consulting firms (and other IT firms) did (and do) they grab what we call “green beans” and give them the title “Business Analyst” or “Junior Business Analyst” and then train them on the job, so they get that training. Schools don’t do that, not unless is a business school or MBA program.

    I have come to dislike the title BA, because while great as a “role” as a job title (on a resume) it’s a crapshoot as to what you are getting. And no on in HR can tell good from bad. Seriously? But HR is also one of those places that they throw a lot of greenbeans at to see who works out and who falls through the cracks.

    I have better luck with people in QA for some reason. it’s equally vague, but I’ve had better luck with it. Although maybe that’s the function of having good BA’s who can design a decent checklist for the QA team to follow. Yeah, that’s probably it.

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