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  • in reply to: Beta1 – How did Tom recognize this? #7604

    I think this is a good point.

    Perhaps he’s not sure how he knows…

    Hmm, he would have seen some books on animagic from Maelen, I’d think, however that has never been clearly stated. It needs clarification.

    in reply to: Beta1 – How did Tom recognize this? #7605

    [color=blue]runic symbols and emblems that Tom recognized from some of Maelen’s personal books and papers as being tied to animages, and the Society of Learned Fellows. [/color]

    in reply to: (S)he #7608

    Yes, that is how you pronounce.

    But I will point out the bathrooms are great for dealing with hemorrhoids! Painful, yes, but effective.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7612

    That is what I’m thinking. Haven’t had the chance to actually in and look.

    Could possibly be growth related to. I probably should also add some IOPS to the disk. I’ve got a default 200 which is fine for a typical slow webserver or fileserver, but if you are doing any db activity, it needs to be higher. The vast majority of the year you don’t need much and so it’s rather wasted, I only have so many IOPS per hypervisor to move around, OK, it’s 45,000 but….every 100 IOPS counts….

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7613

    DNN logs bajillions of crap into the database that’s unneaded/don’t care about.

    And it’s gotten really bad the last year for some reason. That’s why I had to go to a larger version of SQL Server, the db exceeded 10 Gb a few months back and now it’s at 21 Gb already with only 7% free. I just pushed it to 25, I need to go in and clear out those stupid logging tables, or find out why they are so huge and then delete them.

    That should give us some growth room for the next month or so. Let me know ASAP if you see it again, because then it’s not autogrowth.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7615

    As I’ve just observed, some of this code is glitchy too.

    There is something that happens every now and then, I think associated with synchronizing users in the forum and site where my DisplayName in the forum suddenly becomes my username.

    No idea why, can’t find any procedure that will do that. So I have a proc that changes it back.

    I did a refresh, thought I saw no “Active Topics”, refreshed again, they came back and “The Author Guy” for the latest posts were all “Jerry”

    It’s not that I mind it, but I use “The Author Guy” to be more unique than my username, as in someone else might have a preferred Display Name of Jerry something and I want no real ambiguity when posting ex-cathedra

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7617


    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7618


    It just did both!

    Lost the forums and my Display Name flipped back again!

    Something is wacky as heck!

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7497

    Very good point.

    It’s was Lesteroth Garflog or one of his buddies complaining about how stereotypically handsome Tom is. Sort of like the Hollywood Movie Star version of a demon.

    Also, most of these guys would have dealt with him most frequently in his human form. They are humans most all the time. So while they would have seen his demon form, one could wave it away by saying he looks like a stereotypical demon.

    Beragamos biggest clue would be when he saw Tom walk into the CCC.


    in reply to: Beta 1 – Zbibik as an enemy #7532


    He can be a god of chaos but, in fact, working against Sutekh, as gods of chaos they have no obligation to work together towards a common gola of chaos, unlike the lords of law who have to be a bit less obvious.

    Going to change what god it is.

    in reply to: Beta 2 Released #7585


    I’ve released Beta 2; it’s rather soon and there are not massive changes, mostly tweaks to clear up discrepancies.

    Move the HALO stuff to Stevos & Teragdor, cleaned that up a bit elsewhere.

    As I was just posting about the motivations of Sentir Falon realized I did not get Zbibk dealt with.

    Please check to see if I have cleaned up your major discrepancies and issues in a reasonable manner.

    Also the Tiernon & Torean discussions are turning into chopped salad, try to read them objectively to see if they still make overall sense. Clear things up.

    Instead of inserting a final scene on the Nimbus, Alvar, Orcs, I added a new final scene that flashes back to Tal Gor that doesn’t interrupt the run up to battle and sort of answers what happened quickly in review and does a few other things. It’s a first pass, so probably needs more work.

    Again, big thing is wrap up discrepancies reasonably and make sure I have not missed anything like Zbibk.

    The Dis Pater thing is still out there, but I think I can deal with that in the next book. Keeping Rupert as Dis Pater, I really like him as Rupert because so often Orcus and Dis Pater were conflated, that it makes a lot of historical sense.

    in reply to: New First Lacuna #7590

    OK, so I forgot to fix the First Lacuna and the Zbibk issue in Beta 2.

    So here, for your hand rubbing diabolical pleasure is a new twist going forward, that works out SO much better than Zbibk!

    Very excited about this new alternate timeline that has just imposed itself on the future.

    If you have suggestions for punching this up even better, as always, let me know.

    Sutekh, God of Chaos, Lord of the Desert Storm, Purveyor of Change stood before the scrying pool beside his long term ally, Dysnoma, Goddess of Anarchy and their very useful compatriot, Baron(ess) Tartibsizlik. The scrying pool revealed an aerial view of the battlefield around the Citadel of Light, where the Storm Lords army had just fled the field of battle in defeat.

    “Well Tartibsizlik your warning was most prescient.” Sutekh noted.

    “The Lord of Law, the Oath Maker has returned.” Dysnoma said acidly. “Your minion and his allies did not finish off the Oath Maker as promised.” She glared briefly at Sutekh.

    “It has been expensive.” Tartibsizlik noted as hir face flashed to that of an angry old crone. “We have lost an entire Maelstrom, and now the Storm Lords have lost half their supposedly overwhelming army, even with the interdiction and four risar at their disposal.”

    “The Unlife are useful for the fear, disruption and chaos they bring. But perhaps it is time we recognize that they have their limits.” Sutekh said.

    “Clearly.” Tartibsizlik agreed.

    “Perhaps, or perhaps it is their leadership?” Dysnoma asked.

    “Your suggestion?” Sutekh asked.

    “Perhaps we should not put all of our Unlife support in the Storm Lords, I think it is time we provide Czernobog von Smerti with the resources he has been requesting?” Dysnoma suggested.

    “Perhaps,” Sutekh replied. “If you wish. However, Orcus is moving quickly to undo much of what we have worked these last sixth thousand years to gain. We may need to move even more aggressively than that.”

    Dysnoma chuckled. “I hope you were not expecting me to disagree? You know there is nothing in the multiverse that I want more than to punish my dear brother. He must suffer for our mother’s fate!”


    in reply to: New First Lacuna #7592

    I had been planning on bringing the other siblings in, not sure why I did not think to do it here, they were always sort of off in the distance as a looming threat….

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7670

    Great catch!

    I think this plays along the line that as far as the corruption, he was unaware of the why.

    I.e. a patsy.

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7671

    The patsy thing also would lead to some of Tiernon’s difficulties in pinning the corruption on him.

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