Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
I’ve added The Doomed God and The Prince of Doom
Hopefully people can figure out how to update their votes if they need to.
The Author Guy
MemberIt’s based on what they call “heroic” proportions, i.e. Superman, Olympian figures, etc.
Heroic figures are 9 heads high vs about 7 or 7.5 for normal humans.
I sort of assume he’s in a more human state in the box rather than the golem state.
We never see the box for the bergrisi, it could be over 70.
I can increase it again, make it 100, then the other risar could walk through it.
The Author Guy
Member1440 and you get overlap?
Nargh, yes, each image is 300, so that’s 900.
I will figure out a proportional size.
The Author Guy
MemberHopefully have the posting error fixed. This post will tell me.
Apparently this error can cause problems if the DNN site and the Forum membership lists are not synched.
I had turned of the automatic sync mechanism because it was causing weird problems.
I’d just been manually doing it, but then forgot around Thanksgiving and haven’t done it.
We had 6 people who were not properly synched to see the beta forums etc.
My apologies to those 6.
The Author Guy
MemberWell that was not THE problem.
The Author Guy
Memberturning off notifications didn’t help, maybe reboot did? testing
The Author Guy
MemberHe found plans for all sorts of robes and gadgets.
He’s going with the “most doable” ones first. In the Smithy of Doom scene he notes (Beta 4) that for clothing, he’s going to need to outsource to a colleague of his in Freehold, and in fact delivers the plans the same day he goes shopping for tools for the Smithy. That is several days before the end of book 3, my hope is that he will have some of the robes back in book iv. It’s a question of what suitable cloth and other materials are available (which is why he outsources to a magical tailor).
There will be a very impressive red cloak (like Dr Strange but with a collar) it has a body harness because it’s a cloak of flying with the cloak morphing into wings.
It also has some basic protection built into it. But interweaving too much stuff takes a very long time.There will also be an outer robe with hood that acts as both an environmental suit (air conditioner) but has other protections built into it.
Then there are boots of something, and probably a belt. But again, construction and delivery time are going to be an issue so he won’t get all at once.
There are also rings and pendents, many of which he will make himself as that sort of what he specializes in.
The Author Guy
MemberNow, that’s a good one!
However, could that be reasonably confused with the Concordenax in people’s minds?
It is not confusing in my mind, but since people’s understanding of the Concordenax (and I mean readers, mortals, gods and demons by people) is rather iffy/uncertain. Could readers think I mean The Demon All-Father that some have referred to the Concordenax as?
I’ve added it to the poll.
The Author Guy
MemberYou can vote multiple times. I should think you can change your vote.
Try editing the post in which you originally voted.
I believe you have to be in posting mode to vote, so if you go back to the post you voted in, you should be able to edit that vote.
I will check the settings to see if there is some other setting for letting people change their votes.
Not sure if it’s the first time or not. Orcus is accused by many of being an Atheist and not amenable to the “God Establishment” and their whole godpool worshiper scheme which is really a racket to keep them in power for eternity.
But in any event, there will be differences. Of course one problem is that is it a true difference or just something different from the last incarnation? Perhaps resurfacing something from 2 incarnations ago?
The following is an alternate hypothesis. It is not actually a “direct spoiler” because I am not stating it as the truth. I am stating it as an alternate explanation as to what is happening. However, it might disturb people and trick them into thinking it is “the truth” rather than “a truth.” So I wrap it in Spoilder tag.
It is something that has been previously discussed, so I am simply reintroducing it.
[SPOILER]Or, is this Phoenix thing really not true ‘re-incarnation’ but rather a role that completely new people come in to fill and get shaped by “the role” and the “expectations” people have for the role. I.e. perhaps Tom is not Orcus reincarnated, but has assumed the “mantle of orcus” and what he is experiencing is the expectations of everyone who knew “Orcus” For example, once Hephaestus, Tiernon, Torean, Lilith, Sammael all decide Tom is Orcus, does he start conforming to their expectations, even as he did when summoned as a demon?[/SPOILER]
The Author Guy
MemberThat thought had crossed my mind.
Nope, current estimate says we are hitting halfway.
Years ago it was one long book, then when I got back to the book, I thought trilogy. By early book 2 I knew it was probably 6. End of book 2 added shorter side books and spin offs.
That’s what it still looks like.
The Author Guy
MemberWhat additional appendices (if any) need to be added?
For example do we need 5S Who’s Who in terms of avatars?
Any others that we may have mentioned and I’ve forgotten?
The Author Guy
MemberLet me think on it, that could be fun.
i’ve also been thinking about saying something about the D’Wargs somewhere. They are out there munching on Unlife.
The Author Guy
MemberInput time:
One concern I have about posting new appendices and new “Who is Who” entries is that it can spoil stuff for newer readers who have not gotten through all the books at a given point.
What do people think about having links on the front page that say
“Unlock content and forums for book N” and want to see information from it.
If they click that, they can see sections/pages/forums that are tied to having read a book or reading the book.
In who’s who, I can’t go line by line, but I can have separate sections for characters introduced in Book N.
Even after book 2, I have not added the D’Orcs to Who’s who, so as to not give away their existence. However, with Book 3 coming soon, that cat will be out of the bag.
The Author Guy
MemberThat makes sense.
Last time I added characters in advance, and ended up with characters that aren’t in the book…still need to do something on that.
I will do the color scheme/graphics day of release (New Years Day) and hold off a bit on characters and Appendices.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, I think that’s a good idea.
Also, Vaselle is going to be ecstatic to work alongside the priests who turned him away and be able to say: “see, I’m good enough for the guy that saved your butts!”