Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberAmazon finally got back to me at 4:45 am CST, “Sorry for the delay”
They are going to investigate the “quality control issue” and updates and decide by Jan 7 whether or not they will push it out to everyone.
I write back. Read the reviews on the book’s page. People are giving 1 and 3 stars because the thing is unreadable on a Paper White and you don’t know if this is an issue that should be sent out?
On the Kindle Cloud Reader they said they looked at my account settings (sent me some xml stuff) and said it wasn’t enabled so wouldn’t work. And I’m like “OK, how am I supposed to enable it? It works on the other books?”
And they were mum on the other issues with the DOCX that forced me to do epub.
These guys are annoying. They know they are the only game in town and they just don’t care.
Argh. I wish I had enough mana to summon Tizzy and Boggy to go talk to these guys. I’m sure they would get things straightened out ASAP.
Wouldn’t send Tom, don’t want them to give them heart attacks. Maybe just loosen their bowels a bit.
The Author Guy
MemberThat’s what it is!
There is nothing funky about it at all. It’s white background, black text, other than for the headings. It’s exactly the same as the last two.
I have no idea what is up with the kindle versions. For one thing my kindle refuses to hop on the wifi.
The Author Guy
Kindle and it’s formatting have presented issues with almost every release I’ve done, that plus finding errors and correcting them mean that readers may be reading “older” versions of their books.
In order to get the latest version of an Kindle books, do the following.
1) Log in to your Account
2) Click on My Account in the upper left
3) Scroll down your account page to DIGITAL CONTENT
5) This will provide you a list of your digital content
6) The list of content shows everything you’ve bought. If you have older kindle books that have been updated, you will see a button that says “UPDATE AVAILABLE”
7) Click on this button to get the latest version and then send it to your devices.T-A-G
The Author Guy
Lord of Oaths is nice I think I like that better than using “God” at this point, that might be a bit early.
Also, just thought of this. If we look at the target: The Foresworn or The Foresworn Gods
The Author Guy
As hard as book 3’s title is, book 4, when Tom releases the Kraken is obviously going to be “Clash of the Titans”
Clash of the God Clans
would be nice, but I think there is a phone game that might sue me.
Clash and Bash?
The Author Guy
MemberI think I’m missing something.
What speed?
There are various tunnels in/out of Doom that are guarded by D’Orc guards and always were. The mines were a back door that they no longer guarded because the hydra hounds were in that part of the tunnel system, so they relied on them and natural obstacles within that labyrinth.
In order for the D’Orcs to get out and surround the demons, they went out through those tunnels/gates. After swearing the demons in, they all went back in through the same tunnels/entrances.
The Author Guy
I think they were more focused on the issues at hands, rather than unverifiable claims of Zargvarst. But it should be brought up again as their mission continues, and in particular it will come up with Jenn as she puts two and two together.
Ideally, I’d have mentioned it there in passing, but it doesn’t completely move the plot forward so I am thinking at this point to bring it up in hind sight as in something they need to consider but did not immediately and what stock to put into it.
In fact, it should have come up in subsequent discussions that we haven’t been privy to, there were a number of days of down time since the spiel that we did not hear their discussions. So, I think I’ll bring it up again in 4 and say, “as you recall, I was not concerned about things that can’t be verified.” “well, now we need to consider it because…”
And that will come up because they will be arriving at the Astlan Doom about the time it goes live and the risar come marching out of it…
“Hey bergrisi! don’t let the Nimbus hit you on the head!”
The Author Guy
MemberThat basically sums it up.
The number of people in Doom, and Doom’s mana pool system sets a limit to how much Doom can generate.
But, then add in the Doomalogues all linked together and those are often on creature/animus rich worlds.
So Orcus could scale by adding Doomalogues.
Worshipers are also a fickle lot. And they start out as babies and they may leave the faith.
The purity comes from the fact that Doom is generating raw mana from scratch. Gods are harvesting mana from the material plane and it is filter first through people, then priests and then saints/avatars finally into the pool. Think of it as a giant animus filtration system. It’s very processed.
I think of it as the High Fructose Corn Syrup of mana as opposed to the Raw Cane Sugar from Hawaii (and it’s volcanoes)
The Author Guy
MemberNot per se, what changed back and forth was the control functionality.
Originally they were all controlled locally, after the whole ME fiasco, they changed to centralized control under Doom. That was the problem, when Doom went down, the other Doomalogues also got shut down. In the previous scheme, they would have kept going and Volund & Phaestus might have been able to eventually restart the main doom. Although without the wand, that might have been tricky.
The big point was, all the Doomalogues were being controlled by the Wand, and without the wand, they all went down.
So, in any event, under centralized control, they can route power whereever they need it in the system. Whether they charge Doom or something else or not all is dynamically controlled.
The Author Guy
MemberSee if this works better!
The Author Guy
MemberAnd we try again. The blank from email error happened again.
See if this post change link works/
The Author Guy
MemberI hate borken bugs.
Let us see if this notification works.
The Author Guy
Membersnarg I hate this bug.
Try to see if link works.
The Author Guy
MemberOK, this should do it. Forgot that I have to restart the app when the email sender breaks and I have to fix it.
Links should be working now.
The Author Guy
MemberWell, you could always “fake it” it doesn’t cost anything other than time to set it up.
The tools are pretty simple, and very poorly documented. They have this community forum where people ask questions and experienced authors reply, but Amazon says very little in terms of answers.
They have official documentation, but it’s marginal at best.
Take for example getting your book into different categories.
You are allowed two main categories. Period.
So I chose
Fiction > Fantasy > Epic
Fiction > Fantasy > GeneralThey also let you have 7 “keywords” or “phrases” officially used for people doing searches (according to instructions)
And those were the only places I was listed, or ranked on the book’s page. But then I saw that other books form other authors were in more categories.
I had to search and search both forums and google to find out how they did this.It turns out that if your keywords match certain categories, e.g. “Sword & Sorcery” EXACTLY then they will put you there (or in one of them, if the category is in two places
Fantasy > Sword & Sorcery (goes there)
Teen & Young Adult> Science Fiction & Fantasy > Sword & Sorcery (not here)And there are other places down other trees where Sword & Sorcery appears (e.g. College & New Adult) and it doesn’t go there.
It’s all trial and error.
About all I can control is:
Match Book (meaning free or cheaper ebook with paperback)
Kindle Unlimited
Allow LendingAnd that’s about it. Most everything else is a random act of Amazon or something for those who “figure it out”
Shelfari was the biggest secret. I randomly filled out details on stuff there for the first book and voila X-Ray turned itself on.
Then they killed Shelfari and there is no good tool for independent authors to populate official “X-Ray” or at least not that I can find.