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MemberWell of course, but I didn’t mention them because no self respecting demon would want to be associated with “lawyers”
Oooh, please, I may be evil, but I’m not that evil….
MemberYou have a degree in law…and a brief span as a lawyer?
How brief of a span? One lifetime’s worth? say 60 or 70 years?
That would be forgivable; on the other hand if you kept practicing law for more than 1 or 2 centuries, you’d pretty much need to have a stake rammed through your heart.
Nothing personal, but I’m just looking after the best interest of the rest of the multiverse.
Of course, if you’d also spent time as a “Business Consultant” well, then…things get even worse…
MemberI am sick and tired of people telling me, Tizzy, that I really need to watch Game of Thrones or read “A Song of Fire and Ice.”
“Oh it’s really excellent!” People tell me.
Well, I’ve tried to watch it–bittorrent works remarkably well in the Abyss…in fact it was invented so we demons could steal pay cable…
But it’s for pansies!
Everyone raves about George RR Martin being a serial killer.
Hah, I say more like a Cereal Killer!
Westeros is practically a “safe space” compared to Astlan!
George RR Martin waits until the end of a VERY LONG Book 1/Season 1 to kill off Ned Stark.
Now admittedly, it was a very nice death, as a connoisseur of torture and death, I did find it enjoyable…
And then he proceeds to off the rest of the guy’s family and many more…I love a good head poppin as much as the next guy…
But come on! In Astlan, we kill our protagonists in Chapter 1!
We don’t wait around for hundreds of pages to kill our favorite characters. We do it upfront.
Hell, I died a couple thousand years before the book even started! Did I make you wait around for my grueling and horrible death? No. See, I’m a nice guy like that.
Same with many of the best people in the book!
And as far as body count….I gotta tell you, Lenamare is working on giving old Georgie boy a run for his money!
So puh lease…
OK, gotta run, gotta see if they kill off the short reasonable guy!
MemberAgain, a very interesting concept…and probably right…since they don’t particularly have a permanent body to store mana in, some form of pool or pool like construct would perhaps be needed.
Book II will actually be talking about this sort of problem…
MemberOf course, you know that deities tend to have a lock on reincarnation…
So that means that a deity still operating on Earth would have to be involved, at least as a co-conspirator…
Actually, I’ll have to check on that…I know clerics have a “forced” reincarnation spell. Not sure if the wizards have figured that out.
If they have…then it might not take a deity…although how a wizard would have the power to make a reincarnation work on Earth is not clear…the deity answer would be more plausible.
MemberThere are probably a couple issues with reincarnating someone from Earth.
1) Knowing that they exist, who to reincarnate
2) Knowing their true name or having part of their body
3) What system were they using for their afterlife? If they dissipated, then there isn’t much you can do. And if they went somewhere guarded by some deity who allows no other deities before themselves…it might be hard prying them out of that deities grasp.
4) On the other hand, grabbing a Buddhist or similar might be possible…IF you can catch them between reincarnations…and there’s the rub, if they are currently incarnated you have to get them out of their body and onto the Astral plane….As a rule, most clerics don’t have direct access, they go through an avatar to whom they are dedicated, and who has access. And in fact that avatar may go through another avatar. It sort of depends on how important you are, how important the avatar you are talking to is, and what you are doing.
Think of it as a “resources” approval process. Different levels of clerics are authorized to use so much god mana (beyond their own local supply) which in all likelihood is not from the GP but from their avatar. That avatar has so much mana he/she can give out, personally, and they can pull up to a certain amount out of the GP (think of it like a mana budget) Higher up avatars have bigger budgets/can approve more mana usage.
This actually is discussed in book II, particularly in regard to Saint Hilda of Rivenrock.
As an FYI the priests that feed her mana, and which she returns mana to are called her Illuminaries (because they light her up) in turn she is an Illuminary to an even higher up Archon.
And I would point out that most priests can swap between multiple Illuminaries, it depends on who they prey to, who they have established relationships to. For example, they can call on different saints for different situations, or different angels for different situations. They have their default “Patron” saint (some of whom are actually angels–think how the Seraphim have “Saint” analogues in Christianity)
Typically, most priests would use a Saint or other avatar’s assistance to do a reincarnation. In theory, depending on the religion, a high priest or “future” saint, might be able to do it on their own. Remember it takes verified “miracles” basically done on their own to get a person canonized.
Think of Canonization as being something like a religious version of Demon Binding, only it’s creating an Avatar (or Saint) out of a human spirit that has exited the body.
MemberI doubt it would work, as it requires the consent of the deity (or avatar)…as do most of the more powerful clerical rituals.
And the person has to be dead and not have a body, demons have bodies (sort of)
I suppose it could be possible for an evil deity to want to get demon avatars…but I’m not sure that they’d need to do canonization, they could presumably do something else to link them up to the GP and the “system” since Demons and Angels are very similar constructs.
In fact, in many pantheons, demons are just rogue angels that have broken away from the deity….
So, not being a priest, and having never been attached to a deity, I can’t say, but presumably some of the canonization spells involve forming the link to the godpool and the deity network. You’d do those rituals, but wouldn’t do the incarnation rituals that create the “body” as the “body” already exists.
MemberSorry just realized I forgot to respond to this. Something seems broken (to me) with the Active Posts and is making it harder for me to follow newer posts.
I actually saw it, read it and didn’t get back to it.
Interesting hypothesis. So if I am following you…you are saying that the Abyss is a “projection of the spirit plane” possibly reflected upon the other elements…hmm…I have to think about this…it would make some sense of some weirdness….
MemberCould be…
Of course, what are the planes of the gods if not spirit planes? That’s where all the dead souls go…generally…unless they are reincarnated or a god is doing something funky.
MemberThat’s an interesting theory!
Hmm, that would explain some of the freakiness about that river….
I’m going to need a volunteer to test this theory with.
MemberThank you.
I somehow missed this very appropriate post. I wish more people appreciated my efforts to get this lazy author working…
MemberYou don’t need to thank that lazy author guy.
you know he’s just a Warlock of mine, right?
no, you are a figment of my imagination How do you know you aren’t a figment of mine?
He’s so annoying.
MemberI don’t want to scare you, but you are closer to the truth than you think…
You clearly are rapidly approaching the same mental plane of existence that I like to dwell on….
Actually, there is a fairly simple answer to the Tom’s true name question…but in order to know it, you’d have to be able to read that book that everyone is hot and bothered about.
This would make him a very interesting test subject for the true name question
Of course, I expect it will probably hurt to get your soul split 87 times.
MemberWell, I’m raising a Demon Army to help me claim what’s mine.
Plus, as you know, Tom is my best friend (after Boggy of course) and he’s pretty kick ass so I’m thinking other soulholders might want to rethink their position.
But I tell you what, no need to fight…let’s just get all the soulholders together in a room to discuss this, I’ll bring a few extra pipes and we’ll enjoy a nice relaxing “peace pipe” sort of thing…talk it all out, nice and diplomatic like.