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  • in reply to: ETA: Next book #3036

    What other definition of sanity can there be, but me?

    I assure you that I am the gold standard of sanity in the Abyss!


    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3040


    Fuzzy Wuzzies!

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3042

    Yeah, well you squashed my fuzzie wuzzies when you started talking about using demon hide for couch covers!

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1825

    I don’t know, I try, but for some reason people just start making annoyed faces at me and then cover their ears and walk away.

    Maybe I have bad breath? It smells fine to me?

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1828


    Woo Hoo! You are now a Shadow+

    At 5 posts you become a Sprite!

    Of course, to get to be an all powerful Imp you need 50 posts!

    Now, I don’t think we’ll ever see them because by definition, there are Astral Onlooker’s who are guests and have never posted. Users, i.e. registered users are all Shadows until 5 posts when they become Sprites.

    Imps need 50 posts
    Fiends are 100+ posts
    Demons are 200+ posts
    Major Demons are 300 posts (but this may go up as time goes by.)
    Greater Demons are 400 currently.
    Arch Demons are 500
    Demon Princes are ??? not set in the ladder.

    What do people think of these levels? After a while they may be too low. It is probably better to set them higher sooner so as to not reduce one’s rank later.


    Guest is Guest
    Astral Onlooker is registered but no posts.
    Shadow is 1 to 10 posts
    Sprite is 11 to 24 posts
    Imps are 25 to 99 posts
    Fiends are 100 to 249 posts
    Demons are 250 499 posts
    Major Demons are 500 to 1499 posts
    Greater Demons are 1500+ posts
    Arch Demons are 2500+ posts
    Demon Princes are 5000+ posts
    Dark God is 10,000+ post

    (Dark God is not an official Abyss term–technically it would be Concordenax, but there is only one of those)

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1965

    Oddly enough Bigger isn’t always badder.

    A lot of the physically largest demons are III’s and IV’s. I sort of think of it as maxing out physical prowess before magical prowess starts to increase.

    Now, maybe Arch demons and Princes are really super huge and burly, but they typically don’t go around like that as it’s hard to get through doors, cave entrances, [i][b]sit on furniture,[/b][/i] etc. when you are 60 feet tall or taller.

    So they, I assume, take on smaller forms.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2271

    Your position is basically Tom’s position.

    Tom told me that was his feeling. Talarius cheated. Good guys aren’t supposed to cheat.

    Now, that being said: Astlanian gods are far from omniscient, so unless Tiernon or one of his reps was watching, they won’t know about the cheating…yet.

    Of course, the mortals don’t know this, and so many may conclude what you did, but experience with these folks means tells me they probably won’t reach the same conclusion. Demons are just evil to them, no matter what.

    And Talarius and the Rod? Well, remember there are competing pantheons, so while clearly people who worship Etonian Gods (Tiernon and the others) think of them as good; those who worship gods of other pantheons don’t particularly see Talarius and the Rod as “good guys” that have to wear a white hat.

    What is interesting is that Exador (I think in Book 1, if not then in Book 2) does notes that Talarius was pushing the bounds of what was considered good when he was Vicar General of the Rod and concludes that he (Exador) must have had an influence on the religion.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2273

    I am sure Talarius thought Tom would cheat, he’s a demon after all.

    However, Tom, foolishly if you ask me, thought for some odd reason that Holy Knights in Shining Army were the “good guys” or were supposed to be.

    I’m thinking he paid too much attention to the history of Greyhawk and too little attention to the Crusades of Earth’s Middle Ages. Of course, if he’d ever been to Westeros, he’d have also known better.

    Of course, I have a soft spot for Westeros, you’ve never been to a wedding until you’ve been to one in the Riverlands of Westeros. Those are my kind of wedding! Much more fun than the normal stuffy kind. My buddy, Walder, he knows how to put on a shindig! He also knows something about cheating and betrayal…

    in reply to: Oorstemothian Search Warrant #3205

    That’s a good question, the post tabulator and rank determiner is a bit weird, from what I’ve read.

    I think it updates your post every time you login and post again.

    My original sort of thought was that it would update every time you did a new post, but that has not seemed to be the case.

    So I think it’s tied to logging in and maybe posting again, and then it updates. Or perhaps it retabulates like daily and then updates you when you next post….it’s something convoluted that I didn’t get when I first read it. I’ll have to read more to understand it.

    He has two posts very close together, I’m betting one after the other???

    My bet is that if he logs in again and posts, we’ll see an update.

    I don’t recall now, but I think one is a shadow until one has 5 posts.

    in reply to: Oorstemothian Search Warrant #3208

    Yeah, well, demons are not the most reliable workers on much of anything without the threat of torture…

    BUT they make horrible web developers!

    Have you ever tried typing on a keyboard with 9″ Nails/Claws? The curvature makes it particularly difficult!

    The better ones “hunt and peck” with their tails.

    The problem is, demons that are like Tom then end up frying their computer when the electrocute the keyboard!

    It’s hell being a demon!


    in reply to: Oorstemothian Search Warrant #3209


    Figured it out[/size][/color] #-o

    For whatever reason, this particular Forum i.e. “This Website Forum” was set with “no count” on. Meaning don’t count posts in this forum in the totals.

    I think this was set because I may have renamed an existing/predefined “Help with the Forum” Topic and by default since the Forum is supposed to be about the forum, and not about “real” discussions it was marked to not count. Or maybe I just created the forum and was thinking that way and forgot.

    That happens a lot. Your short term memory starts to go as you get older, I know after my first millenia I had trouble remembering what I’d done as recently as three or four decades prior…sheesh…talk about awkward!

    Anyway, since NocandlE had only posted in this forum, he never got counted.

    I’f changed that so from now on posts in this forum will get counted.

    Unfortunately I have no way to restore those post counts (although maybe it will do it automatically)

    I wish I could manually adjust post counts, because I’d be able to turn myself into a Demon Prince then…

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1820

    OK, I give up.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1821


    No I don’t.

    Wikipedia “the scientific method”

    First paragraph:

    The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.[1] To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.[2] The Oxford English Dictionary defines the scientific method as “[i][b]a method or procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century[/b][/i], consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.”[3]

    From the Overview

    [i][b]The scientific method is the process by which science is carried out.[/b][/i][10] Science builds on previous knowledge, and this can lead to improvements and refinements over time.[11] The scientific method can function in the same way,[12][13] meaning that it can become more effective at understanding, and even generating new knowledge.[14][15] For example, the concept of falsification (first proposed in 1934) formalizes the attempt to disprove hypotheses rather than prove them.[16]

    This model can be seen to underlay the scientific revolution.[17] One thousand years ago, Alhazen demonstrated the importance of forming questions and subsequently testing them,[18] an approach which was advocated by Galileo in 1638 with the publication of Two New Sciences.[19] The current method is based on a hypothetico-deductive model[20] formulated in the 20th century, although it has undergone significant revision since first proposed (for a more formal discussion, see below).

    You can see from above that the rudiments of the “Scientific Method” go back well over a thousand years.

    [color=darkred][size=6]The whole point of this red herring is that you said that “Science doesn’t work by comparing pieces of evidence compiling that with adds up, setting aside that which doesn’t and making comparative judgements on various pieces of evidence and drawing a conclusion as to the nature of what is correct and what is incorrect.”

    That is what science does. It’s the exact same thing that the author was asking you to do in judging the content of this site. Not all of it is going to match up, some of it may be wrong. That does not ipso facto disqualify the site and any reason to visit it. Your job with the site and the book is to draw your own conclusions as to the nature of reality…or at least the book’s reality.[/size][/color]

    [color=blue]And incidentally, that is basically what Wizardry tries to do with animagic. Although, since animagic is much more squishy than physics, I’d argue that Wizardy might be called a semi-soft science. But it does manage to create a systematic method for dealing with mana and animus that is repeatable and [i]mostly[/i] reliable.[/color]

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1823

    You shouldn’t listen to T-A-G; as I’ve said he can’t be trusted.

    I’m the friendly one who talks to everyone, he just goes around being a big know it all, and barely bothers to grace us with his presence.

    I swear to Lillith, oh wait, she wants to kill me, I swear to Sammael, T-A-G has a bigger ego than Tiernon.

    I never lie to my friends…

    We are friends yes? You, me, Boggy, Tom, Rupert, Gastrope’, Jenn, Antefalken, Maelen…wow…I think that’s the most friends I’ve had in the last two thousand years, at least!


    in reply to: Killing Demons #1961


    Do you know that Cooling Cantrip that Gastrope’ taught Jenn? That seems to work for them. My cave is about the same altitude is Tom’s. However, I actually have furniture. It took some experimentation…I tried this “mod” stuff made out of white plastic, but it tended to stick to you pretty bad.

    I finally realized that metal framed chairs with asbestos upholstery and cushions worked the best.

    So it’s really quite comfortable. And nicely scented!

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