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  • in reply to: Tom’s power level #2996


    Most demons have far worse experiences than Tom, he is sort of an exception. Coming out of the Abyss often means scrubbing floors, building fortresses for your master, slave labor basically, at least for the little guys.

    And the big guys? They have to much ego to even pretend to submit. But there certainly could be some that do that…

    Arch-Demons and above can certainly get out whenever they want. Although, no (or very few) humans know this–as of book 1. In fact they assume that the more powerful the demon, the more power it takes them to manifest on the plane.

    Tom has proven to be able to hijack other demon’s summons, that’s highly unusual, it has been done before but is extremely rare.

    however, there is a way to get out of the Abyss that’s far better for 3’s and 4’s than having a master (but it is not that common)…and that will be explored in Book 2…but people have mentioned it here in the threads…

    As to two masters, there is contradictory information on that, some sources say yes, some say no…

    Yes, but I don’t just smoke my pipe…I’m very social…and there might be some small cause for some demons to dislike me…

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3080

    Well, I didn’t say that the real world worked like this forum, only that I wish it did.

    I’d give her a run for her money on talking though…

    And she pretty much is the definition of girl/woman as in she came before her ex-husband’s second wife, who everyone insists was the first woman…I guess that makes Lillith the zeroeth woman.

    The ProtoWoman…and according to the Holy Texts, not made out of her husband’s spare parts.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3084


    Cool hat by the way!

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3086

    I believe you are correct.

    One of the great benefits of haberdashery is opportunity to breathe in mercury vapors, my friend Alice has a close personal friend who makes hats, he became extremely lucid the more hats he made. He throws the best tea parties, and is one of the few people that I can have a long and in depth conversations with.

    The Author Guy unfortunately lives about half a block from a [url=]Goorin Brothers Hat Shop[/url] where he gets his hats so he doesn’t get the opportunity to inhale any mercury.

    And for a full range of gentlemen’s attire might I suggest the [url=]Emporium stores[/url]

    They have Victorian, Steam Punk and Western fashions and accessories for both men and women.

    However, as I said, I think making one’s own hats leads to a happier, more rational outlook, if you follow the classic traditions, that is.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3088

    Death, actually.

    Having talked to my share of dead people, I can attest they are all remarkably unchallenged. Seriously bored,

    This is why so many people choose to get reincarnated. Sitting around on a cloud playing a harp gets really old, really fast. No worries about food, no worry about obtaining mercury…

    Can you imagine sitting on a cloud listening to or playing harp music for well…13 billion years so far…if one died today, i’m sure they’d be stuck on a cloud for at least another 13 billion years.

    So, OK, maybe Antefalken, being a bard, wouldn’t have a problem with that…but I couldn’t take it.

    I suppose that’s why I’m down here in the Abyss.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3090

    Yes, but heaven is supposed to be an idyllic vacation from the struggles of mortal life.

    If you end up going to war, that seems to defeat this idea of heaven. On the other hand, that’s pretty much exactly what’s going on in Valhalla…so OK…

    It really depends on the religion, I am sure.

    I think this is why it’s important to choose your religion wisely while alive (or pick one with reincarnation so you can change your mind later). You don’t want to get into a religion that locks you into 13 billion years of never ending harp music with no “out” option.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3092

    Yeah…rebellion is not really not a good way to go.

    A pissed off deity with a grudge is not something you want to go up against…

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3450

    What did it do? Or not do?

    I can reset any account. Is it the same email address as this account? If not shoot me an email from the one that you want it attached to…or…I can delete the old one/rename this one. tizzy (at) astlan (dot) net

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3452

    Oops, I think it is…gotta be careful which way you cut your wrists…

    Don’t worry, I’ve got some friends who’ll stop by and lap up the mess. So at least you’ll be a tidy corpse…

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2977


    You are very correct about doing nothing I haven’t commanded you. Popping the soldier was definitely disobeying/circumnavigating that.

    He didn’t really fly much off course though, and taking the nap is generally something you could do within the time frame, as long he got back on time.

    If he’d flown to another town off the general path…that would have been wrong. But varying off course by half a mile or so is not so much a problem as long as his path was accurate to the resolution of the hand drawn map. On that front, the command is much more about Tom’s intentions than what he actually does through no fault of his own.

    For example if the map was wrong, but he followed it correctly and ended up somewhere else…Lenamare would have had a problem on his hands. It’s exactly such situations that demons love to exploit.

    If he’d really wanted to be sure, Lenamare would have used an actual compulsion spell on top of the longer term bindings to force Tom’s more explicit obedience. Instead he relied on the basic binding between him and Tom to enforce the order. So, yes it was sloppy of Lenamare in dealing with a 4th order. But to be fair, he’d never had a fourth order demon to control before.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2979

    Well….perhaps…however, knowing wizards, Lenamare was probably far more concerned about Tom sticking around and munching on Zilquar’s people.

    He did immediately turn around and started returning, he just delayed, and then things caught up to him…

    So I, myself, would likely have interpreted the “immediately” as deliver the message and don’t stick around, head right back home.

    So, he immediately began returning, however, the real constraint was the time constraint of when he had to be back by, and Tom felt that he could
    stop for a bit and still return by the time constraint, and technically he could have, he wasn’t lying to himself, if he had been, he couldn’t have stopped.

    This is why giving demons instructions is always dangerous. Instructions are often up to interpretation, if the demon can figure out a way to sincerely and “truly” believe they are abiding by the letter of the command, they can generally get away with it. However, they have to convince themselves, legitimately that they are obeying a reasonable interpretation of the command.

    Now, that being said, the wizard might disagree, and when the demon gets back and the wizard is ticked off, the wizard can then punish the demon with lots of different torments and punishments. An experienced demon would have been aware of this as well…Tom, probably not so much.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2981

    You are completely right.

    Fortunately for wizards, your average demon on the street isn’t much brighter than your average humanoid on the street.

    Given that so many demons come from Earth like worlds, I wonder if most higher demons were originally Politicians, Lawyers, Mathematicians, Logicians, Poetry Majors, Writers, Used Car Salesmen, you know people that are good at twisting logic and words…

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3074

    He’s full of excuses…if he was a demon his master would not stand for this sort of tardiness.

    Accursed Masters don’t put up with slothfulness.

    Someone needs to summon T-A-G, turn him into a demon and order him to hurry up and finish the book already!

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3444

    Cool, but you need to sign in [b][color=red]Blood[/color][/b] red font.

    Otherwise I am unable to collect your soul via email.


    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3446

    Excellent point.

    Plus just think about all the faux urban decay people build.

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