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Back…you know the one thing I’d forgotten about this place I am now, and it’s been 4,000+ years since I’d been here, is that all the dang steam plays a real number on my hair! It makes me look like some sort of deranged nut job! However, the soot seems to do wonders for my complexion!
Hmm, those names for Thomas and Edward seem particularly appropriate…but you can’t know completely why yet. Although the Thomas one should be pretty obvious if you’ve met Rupert.
Names are very important, particularly true names as they reveal your true nature!
As does your birthdate from both an Astrological and Numerological point of view!
MemberAnd since T-A-G wants a consistent style for the art…he would have put down a payment for book iii…if he knew what the title was…
technically the artist doesn’t need to know that, but he’d like the title and the picture to sort of align.
He has some great ideas, but he can’t bring them up until all the beta demons have beta read (due to spoilers) and then they can add their own to the list and then vote on the title of book iii.
MemberPersonally, I prefer an author that wants to make his book an outlet for MY BELIEFs to be the most enjoyable.
And that’s what I keep telling T-A-G
But that’s just me :d/
MemberHe certainly popped that soldier!
I am sure he must have enjoyed that a lot.
And poor Verigas, Tom put him through a total emotional ringer….poor guy…
MemberYes, it is hard. Unless you are in the Abyss…in which case it is much easier.
This is one reason demons enjoy proxy fights as much as the deities. Far better to wage war on foreign planes where it’s very hard to permanently loose your entire army.
So as you can imagine, demons don’t like combat in the Abyss…thus for all the various ego maniacs running around and all the drama and conflict of the court…the Abyss itself has been quite peaceful for the last several thousand years. Everyone has pretty much agreed to “take their fights outside” so to speak.
This will actually get a good amount of discussion in book ii, and then I fear it may come home to roost in book iii.
MemberWell, much like for humans, a brawl generally does not involve a desire to kill.
This actually goes back to the discussions about ruined buildings.
Demons do get in fights, a lot, but generally not fight to the deaths. Usually we just want to kick butt on each other.
So to clarify, I was talking more about wars between the demon princes and arch demons. Those did happen but not so much recently as you will learn in book 2.
Now, that being said…this ties into the activities of one really nasty demoness in book 2.
In a case we discover, she’s not playing by these rules and is in the business of killing demons she doesn’t like. Of course, no one knows she’s doing this (except those getting killed)But yes, demons are still very hard to kill in the Abyss, we regenerate and so we can brawl very often and very hard.
And as for off plane, completely correct. But we are talking about some greater greater demons, most archdemons and all princes in this case…war again.
Again, hitting close to home on book 2 here…
All that being said, I do note a large number of people trying to, or wishing to, do me harm. I’ve never understood that. I’m thinking they must be very antisocial…you know the stereotype of the grumpy old demon waving his cane and shouting “get off of my dungeon you young whipper snappers!”
Although I have never actually, ok may be a few times, but not that often, gone into someones dungeon and started playing with their whips and snapping them in the air or at people.
MemberWell usually, all the same rules apply to humans getting killed at to demons, it’s just demons are more resilient and regenerate.
However, big strong demons can hold smaller demons down and do damage to them faster than they can regenerate or use a prison to hold them. I get you in a locked room…think of Rupert dismantling the demon guard that Exador had put upon his lab. If that had been in the Abyss, the little demon would have had to escape the room physically and run away from Rupert before Rupert dismembered him.
As it was, he knew escape was going to be very difficult, so he sort of stood there and took his medicine, knowing that it would be extremely painful, but that he would live. In the Abyss, he’d have tried to escape.
It’s really no different than with humans, just harder.
However, there are some “rules” by which I mean societal understandings that that sort of thing isn’t normally done, or is only done with the approval of a higher up. Think of it like the mob.
If I kill your henchdemon, you might retaliate by killing one of my henchdemon. These are societal rules, not unlike feudal or mob rules.
This is one reason for a demon to swear loyalty to a higher up. For protection. Not all demons do this though.
Boggy and I are generally independent.
Antefalken is nominally in Lilith’s camp. Not officially, but unofficially. So for example if one of Sammael’s people permanently killed Antefalken without Lilith’s permission, she would likely see this as an affront and retaliate. If some nobody from the outback killed him who she had never heard of, she probably wouldn’t care too much. However, if said nobody from the Outbacks killed someone sworn to her, she would seek retribution.
The point being, killing other demons permanently is seriously frowned upon. Killing a vassal of someone else is a crime at least to the point that the liege can enact justice/retribution. Independents who kill each other get bad reputations and are shunned and maybe taken down themselves if they become a big enough problem.
As far as the Concordenax…well that is something I can’t answer without serious spoilers. But hypothetically, assuming the presence of said Demon All Father, perhaps he doesn’t care? Maybe he’s a very Darwinian sort, survival of the strongest?
But I will say, these current accords, or at least the “no wars in the Abyss” thing is something that emerged post a pivotal event that is critical to book 2 and that happened thousands of years ago. It is also reflective of why you haven’t been introduced to too many demons older than about 3000 or 4000 years old.
Boggy and Antefalken are both less than 1000. Younger than most elves.
Lilith is old, but don’t tell her I said so. Ramses is about as old as you might think, given his name. Similar for Exador.
As to how old some of the rest of us are, that will be much clearer in book 2 as we spend quite a bit of time in the Abyss. And we also spend a lot more time in Astlan with people of long lived races who have memories that go back a long way (big surprise: elves can be very old).
Only a of the new characters introduced are “currently human”
MemberYes George Demon, you must sign in blood!!!!! bwah hah hah hah
Not sure there is a method other than dogged persistance, if you are in a three dimensional battle with demons in all directions it can be hard to run away, opponents can gang up on you etc. Plus, there may be big demons using WMD’s etc
Yes, Tom is “independent” I have to use the quotes to maintain consistency with book 3.
Oh, a bit crazier than that, unfortunately only the plan will be revealed in book 2. Book 3 will be the implementation.
Book 2 has now turned into Book 2 and 3. This series just keeps getting longer and longer…
I have an even better reward for you, for getting your brother’s soul, we can now promise that no one will ever use the “salt trick” as discussed by Lenamare and Jehenna on you once we have you down here in the Abyss.
We demons are civilized after all.
You touch on an excellent point. I believe there is some discussion of this in the Library, but not sure.
Wizards use “Bindings” to bind their demons, instead of links. They use Familiar Links on familiars which is very different.
Bindings are very much one way links that shield the holder of the binding. Basically they can send spells/mana down the links, but they don’t get much information back from the link, other than that the demon is there/the link valid. It is intentionally one way so that the demon can’t crawl up it and screw with the wizard.
That’s the HUGE difference between a Binding and any of the other Links.
A Familiar Link is used by a wizard on a familiar (cat) that is a two way link in which the wizard gets feedback from the Familiar and can basically see, feel, “possess” the Familiar. Sort of like a GoT warg can do. Except those are much more dynamic.
Also for reasons I can’t disclose now, don’t confuse a GoT warg with an Orc warg, which is like a Tolkein or Viking warg which is a big nasty wolf.
MemberT-A-G is busy writing so I’m going to fill in whether he likes it or not.
T-A-G spent a lot of time trapped in FF7 in particular. But then at some point he started going all MMPORGy even though he tended to do solo half the time, which seems to defeat the purpose.
There will be a beta reader program, which is what it sounds like, meaning it’s a prerelease version for a subset of people who sign up/agree to confidentiality, they then read/comment/suggest changes/catch inconsistencies. So it’s an “unfinished release” in that the final release may have additions, subtractions, reorderings.
There will be a sign up list, some people are just saying in advance (in red ink in lieu of blood) they want to be in it and I will try to scrape all those names together, to “pre put them on the list”
There will be a locked forum/topic that only they can read/edit to discuss book 2 and argue points and changes.
MemberI was noticing the double posting, but it didn’t happen this time.
Very weird.
Well, I don’t know much about video games or console games or arcade games…but today certainly felt like one.
Tom is curled up on his new bed in a fetal position, apparently a bit overwhelmed by the day’s events. The bed is very dusty, hopefully it doesn’t make him sneeze.
Got to see both Darg-Krallnom and Arg-nargoloth today. First time in thousands of years. Was a bit nervous they’d want to kill me, but Tom intervened and said ‘No killing Tizzy.’ Now that’s a real friend!
Of course he also told everyone that they couldn’t kill Talarius either.
Oh well, you win some you lose some.
MemberNo, he’s just really old….
And I did.
MemberNeed to make request in blood colored font!
It’s a new requirement my lawyer demons have added, apparently since one can’t actually sign a contract in blood over the internet, one has to use a nice red font to simulate blood, as an added guarantee that the victim…ahem beta reader…knowingly agrees.
MemberExcellent! Much better now it’s eternally binding.
Member[quote]Is dying of….[/quote]
waiting for book ii?
Hmm, this is the first I’ve heard of this army of evil book. Sounds like a good time. I’m going to have to figure out which world it’s happening on so I can convince a wizard there to summon me. I like to be where the action is.
It would be convenient if it were happening some place close like Etterdam, but they’ve already had an army of evil thing thousands of years ago. Unless this is a historical story, in which case we all know how that one ended. Not a good day for evil. Sheesh.
Hopefully in this one, the Forces Of Evil (FOE) will prevail. We don’t get to see it that often. Actually, I am sure it has to happen a lot more often then these fantasy books tell us they do. I am thinking these books must be severely biased. They never report on battles where the FOE wins!
Blatant propaganda if you ask me. I can’t wait for the undead ice warriors to freeze those damn dragons in Westeros…