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MemberHmm, that’s an interesting idea.
The roller coaster would be an excellent example of dribble to put on the site.
Some of the other cut bits, however, are going to be rewritten and expanded to deal with Captain Asmeth and his crew and the inter dimensional brigands that stole the book for Lenamare. Tentatively, that will be in a shorter book (and potential series) call the Seas of Astlan: Red Sky at Dawn (or something like that)
MemberI think he meant the werewolves are in a different book/series.
I should imagine there are werewolves in Astlan, since the word exists in their languages or at least I can say it and people know what I mean, so I assume the myths exists, and if a myth exists, it must be true.
Well from what I read, Asmodeus has plans to use her against Talarius, and probably Tom too. He said he had located her.
Those guys are Tiernon’s apostles I would guess. Not sure it’s an exactly accurate title.
Although if you treat the word apostle as being a sort of synonym for harbinger then they would be harbingers of doom aka apostles of doom as well.
Of course, strictly speaking, apostles are followers and harbingers go ahead. In one mythology I read about, the Harbinger was a guy named John the Dunker (he went around dunking people’s head under water in rivers) and he was a harbinger for a prophesied messiah. Then after that messiah came and violently went (as they so often do) his apostles Peter, Paul and Mary went around singing about him, his love, lemon trees and his magic dragon.
So maybe the next book should be called Harbingers of Doom. It sounds so much more ominous, and you so seldom get to use that word. However, it doesn’t roll of the tongue quite as well.
MemberThere you go, stereo typing good and evil…why do you assume there are no good guy werewolves?
And I’m sorry but if you are a werewolf and you live in London or Paris and want a snack, you got what? Rats, dogs, cats and humans. Clearly humans make the most sense for a full meal.
Sure, some cops might have horses, but not that many of them, they’d be harder to find.
So if you are looking for a good meal, you need to chowdown on someone in a dark alley, park or subway, no other options.
And if you think that’s evil, well, I point out that neither werewolves nor vampires are maintaining giant feedlots of people, nor raising them in tiny cages where they can’t turn around.
Nor do they use semi-automatic rifles to hunt. They realize such things (feedlots, military weaponry) are not sportsmanlike and ruins the “thrill of the hunt” after all, it’s the adrenaline and other high stress hormones rushing through the terrified and fleeing prey that give the meat that extra bit of flavor.
Speaking of evil and unsportsmanlike, let me once again wage war on the most unspeakably terrifying predators on any planet: Vegetarians!
Carnivores (unless they cheat with feedlots) have to chase down and kill their prey; but at least the prey has a chance to run away, to escape.
Vegetarians on the other hand prey on stationary targets that can’t run away. Imagine the terror of the poor carrot, stuck in the ground as the vegetarian walks openly up to it and plucks it out of the soil.
Then it brutally cuts is mouth off (the greens) and skins it alive, and EATS IT ALIVE! Yes, you know that vegetarians often eat their prey alive, of course some times the boil or bake their victims alive first.
But you note how if you put green onions or any onions in the fridge, say in water? They keep growing! And how you can dice up and plant a potato and it will grow (or sometimes grow on it’s own in the pantry?) Vegetables are alive and if you eat them raw, you are literally eating them alive!
At least with a werewolf, the victim bleeds to death relatively quickly, or when their heart is ripped out!
But no, those evil vegetarians eat their victims alive ignoring the poor vegetables silent screams of agony!
MemberHmm, could be, or maybe it happens in the middle of AOD?
Maybe he goes on a mission to rescue her? Of course, he’d probably need to get War Arrow into the Abyss, along with barding and a lance so he could charge Asmodeus.
MemberNope, none of the Dark Overlords that I have met would do that.
It would be very demon like of Talarius to twist the oaths around to force Tom to help him.
I like that, it would be very corrupting.
MemberI rather doubt that. However, I am sure Lenamare would try, as would Exador both are power hungry ego maniacs.
But I also point out that the Concordenax has been missing longer than Antefalken has been a demon, so he is working on Court mythology and preconceptions.
MemberYes they do.
They must of learned some secret. There is discussion of this in Book 3.
There are two things that make this difficult
1) finding the right plane out of a infinite number
2) finding the right place on the right plane, when presumably most planes are close to infinite
3) once you get the right planet (assuming there are planets–not the case in the Abyss) you got to find the right continent, the right spot and make sure it is not occupied.You note how gods and saints always appear to followers? I think they are following the links to those followers and just somehow creating a portal out of nothingness.
MemberT-A-G hasn’t said; other than there is a good 3 month lag” between the first draft and publication. This is for beta reading/editing and sending it to the editor.
At the moment T-A-G is writing two related books, The Chronicles of Astlan: Into the Wilds which will join up with DoA in late book III or maybe IV. And DOA:AOD. This is to expand on things happening elsewhere that are related/important, but is split off for more detail and less POV swapping.
AOD is further along word count wise, but CoA:ITA will probably come out first since its (in theory at the moment) about half the size of AOD.
MemberCould be, but then who is his mother?
He seems pretty believable when he says he had never been to the Abyss before when I met him.
But, being a demon, he could have been lying. Maybe he’s actually thousands of years old…
OR…wait for it…
Tom uses a World Gate, travels back in time and shape changes into Rupert and goes to Lenamare’s school and enrolls all with a plan to summon himself!
I.e. Rupert is Tom from a future timeline and he’s playing all of us!
MemberWow, never thought of that.
But now that you mention it, you gelatinous cubes must be able stand up to lots of stress and anxiety because you are immune to headaches!
And backaches, and muscle aches.
Wow, you guys do have some clear advantages.
But here is a thought, and I don’t know much about the social life of gelatinous cubes, but do guys do theater? And if so, how do you wish other cubes luck since you obviously can’t “Break a leg”
MemberOoh, I like that is sounds almost like a Klingon proverb, or maybe a really old, pre-civilized Vulcan proverb.
Oh, sorry, you don’t know about those races. They’re races in this high tech universe out there, not too far from from Tom’s Earth. One is very warlike, the other very logical.
MemberThe cookies are very good in Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM)!
Elves don’t normally burn people at the stake. The tie them to a tree and then turn them into pincushions with arrows.
The (Green) Arrow (on CW) thinks he knows how to torture people with arrows, but he’s got nothing on elves. Wicked nasty unpleasant people.
Good idea for the Doom band. Will suggest it to them!
MemberWell, it’s a question of what you can do, either will work. They prefer the superscript, of course, but since that’s a magic that I don’t know, I use the parenthesis.
MemberIn order to get that I am going to have to stalk her with a crystal ball. You do know that’s going to make her a bit paranoid that something is up?
MemberWell, don’t forget the orc/D’Orc prophecy about the return of Orcus with his son!