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  • in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5162

    That is very cool!

    Yeah, sounds like a normal orc reaction if you ask me.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5193

    No Lottery, everyone that signs up can participate.

    It’s not like we’re sacrificing virgins to dragons.

    Sheesh, I miss Vermithrax, he was such a nice guy. Damn Ralph Richardson and Peter MacNicol for killing him!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5196

    Magic, torture, pain, suffering, agony, mind numbing….yeah, any of those words will work.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5200

    All on beta list.

    As I mentioned in the other beta forum (from book 2) T-A-G has been dragging his tail this month. Now hoping for late May.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4842

    All sorts of people in Murgatroy these days.

    Don’t know if any one else has noticed but something funky began happening at nearby old Fort Murgatroid; few days after the big battle at Mount Doom.

    Not a clue what’s going on over there.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4845

    [SPOILER]That is quite literally what is happening. The ‘heavens’ are going to Murgatroid.[/SPOILER]

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5150

    It’s Cain!

    I wondered what happened to him! You know Lilith is sort of like his aunt.

    So in case you were wondering, his propensity for violence is probably genetic.

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5154

    Well, like with the gods, the chess boards are actually the planes of men.

    And they can be centuries long. I point out that both Ramses and Exador have admitted to playing chess games in Astlan with the Anilords on various sides.

    And as we’ll see in Book 3, they are not at all the only ones.

    But as for my buds, we mainly play whist. Although, Reggie has introduced a new card game called poker. Tamarin and I seem to be cleaning up very nicely.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5185

    This is a very popular line of thought in the Abyss.

    You know, how when you are sitting in your torturer’s office waiting for your appointment? and the torturer is running late with earlier sessions and you just sit there anticipating all the dreadful, horrible, painful things he, she or it is going to inflict upon your person.

    Ahh, I am getting shivers just thinking about it…

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5187

    Pretty sure he had a shitty view. He seemed to be in the dark about what was happening.


    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4832

    What? Are you saying Lenamare has my book? ](*,)

    Books all look the same to me; same is apparently true for Jenn, Lenamare and Jehenna. Hmm, I am not in good company. Need to up my game!

    Hmm, too bad it’s stuck in the city under those wards. I wonder if I can convince Tom to smash Lenamare’s wards so I can get in get my book.

    “Say Tom, the folks on my Internet Forums told me that Lenamare has my book and is holding it hostage in Freehold, can you please smash the wards so I can get my book back?”

    Hmm, not sure he’s going to buy that.

    Hmm, Gastrope’ has student debt does? I could offer to buy his soul in exchange for paying off his debt! Of course, I’d have to ‘borrow’ the money from Mount Doom, actually, I’ve got my sack of gems!”

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4835

    Ah, Arch Demon Don Cornelius. You know where the Soul Train went right?

    Everything those preachers told you about rock and roll and selling your soul? True!

    We used to call it the dining car, every week a new train full of dancers would roll into the Abyss!

    Yeah, but I want Gastrope’ to owe me! I like making him blanche and holding his debt…hey, there I go, I’ll go visit his old school and buy his debt!

    Oh, yes, I like this idea!

    My book, btw, has no potato soup recipes! Just various brownie, cookie, cake, and candy recipes.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4837

    Blanche, ahh, such a great lay!

    I’d love to tell you she was a succubus, but alas, no. Only an amazingly slutty ingenue. Ok, that makes no sense, but I am sure she would appreciate it.

    I have to admit, in the Abyss, we only have Time Warner cable. Comcast was too efficient to get the bid.

    How is that someone from Finland is so Earth-US culturally aware? Obviously we know that Finland (as known on Earth) is only a micro-manifestation of Finlandia, the plane from which all vodka flows…but…still…

    I am starting to think you are some sort of video daemon, ala Videodrome…one of the craziest/bestest movies of all time. Really need to rewatch that. Obviously non-sequetarian but oh well…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4827

    Hmm…be careful, you don’t splatter do you?

    I just shampooed my carpet.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4829

    Ooh, what a horrible afterlife!

    Now I am feeling all depressed thinking about dead cubes…

    Someone should contact Sally Struthers to start a Feed the Jello! campaign.

    I know, she’s got all those kids, maybe they can deliver food to the starving cubes, and by deliver I mean, they just need to bring themselves and stand really still, or better send two of them and let them wrestle in the jello, i am sure they’d enjoy that, and once they tire out and collapse, so would the jello!

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