Forum Replies Created
MemberExactly. They are very entertaining, and tasty, sometimes a bit dry and cardboard like; sort of like a saltine cracker.
However, you douse them in some Sriracha and they go down well.
Winter, so glad you finally got here! It seems like it’s been years now; people kept telling me you were coming, “Winter is Coming! Winter is Coming” but then it seemed like you’d never show up. Just so thrilled you finally got here!
MemberAhh, didn’t quite catch that you were a succubus, had been going to make the same jokes but didn’t want to accidentally offend you; however, now I realize it would have been a compliment.
I wonder if Tom can hire incubus’ and succubus’ for his PR team, you know, sort of like the pharmaceutical reps do.
Hmm, in terms of marketing people, Lilith has an entire dungeon full of lost souls condemned to make power points that are never approved and always need correction for all of eternity. He could probably lure a few of those folks away, especially if he promised to approve at least one presentation per hundred years; it’s a far better deal than they get now.
Also, they are using PowerPoint 1.0 on Windows 3.0; so if he promised to upgrade them to PowerPoint ’97, he’d get a lot of people.
It’s not a pleasant dungeon; although better than where she keeps her accountants; they’re using Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS; and Lilith’s Tech Team keeps upgrading their DOS version, which, naturally, breaks Lotus 1-2-3. As they used to say at Microsoft: “DOS isn’t done until Lotus won’t run!”
MemberOK, that is gonzo weird!
How do you manage to have a video for everything?
Do like live in the YouTube Data Center basement or something? Where all the weird videos slowly drip down from the servers above?
MemberYes, the Noseless One!
MemberMostly done.
What will happen is that there will be a link to click and that will start the transformation. When it’s complete, and it takes a random amount of time from like 15 minutes to a few hours (it’s actually on an update scheduler on the website so depends when you click) you will be transformed and below your name you will AoD Beta Demons.
Actually, that will be for people who sign up once announced, people on this thread will just autotransform.
Now, I may activate the transformation at a time when you are asleep; so you might want to warn anyone you sleep with, and clear the sheets so that 1) you don’t freak the person out when you transform and 2) you don’t accidentally shred your sheets with your Beta Demon talons.
Remember only use your talons to shred the book, not your sheets or your friends; although if you have confidential papers you need to shred, you can use your talons for that.
MemberAhhhh, they are tasty.
You need to eat a few to cleanse the palate after eating one of those nasty priest types….
Of course, my D’Orc friends prefer the taste of lawyers; but then there is no accounting for taste.
MemberGot your email, waived my magic tail at the screen and you should be authorized.
Can you repost this in Countdown Beta; trying to keep everyone’s “pre signup” in one place.
I could just create the Beta Group this week, but that would give people false hope.
T-A-G has been very lazy so far this month, he’s doing something called “working for money” don’t know what that means, everyone knows that money grows in caves under Mount Doom.
MemberWell, not quite that simple.
One group of heavens are going to Murgatroid, other groups are going elsewhere.
There are demons, D’Orcs, orcs, humans, avatars and gods running around all over the multiverse in book 3. I almost need a journal to keep track of it all.
Member[SPOILER]No comment. [-( [/SPOILER]
MemberHmm, her comments make me think she’s a dark priestess.
Those are my favorite kind of course, you know support the Dark Forces and all.
Although some times there are priestesses of the Light, of Fire, who are pretty dark, Take my good friend Melisandre over in Westeros; theoretically a priestess of the light, she has one seriously dark soul.
That being said, she’s a hoot to debate philosophy with. Don’t much like her kid though. Kid is too much into the whole smoke and mirrors sort of thing. Well, mostly smoke….
MemberOn the GOT issue.
Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) killed his father, “the hand of the king”/regent while his dad was on the castle crapper. Epic scene. Crossbow bolt through the heart. And it was well deserved.
A code is very important, D’Orcs (orcs) like codes.
They are a bit different than what we usually think of, but they are codes. For example, everyone knows that Superman has a code against killing (until last movie); where as D’Orcs (and orcs) have a Code in Favor of Killing. “The best enemy is a dead enemy.” etc. I am sure we all know that standard orc words of wisdom.
MemberDon’t think Damien balled it; he wouldn’t have brought a recording ball with him.
You think a member of the Council of Wizardry, a renowned Conjurer (among other accomplishments) is going to want a video and audio record of him partying in the Abyss?
Antefalken on the other hand was watching and taking notes, he actually spends most of Book 3 busy scribbling away and interviewing participants for his next epic ballad. Of course, the problem is, he makes his money playing these ballads for the archdemons and princes, pretty sure none of those on Lilith’s side of the courts are going to want to hire him to play this ballad. In fact they might want to torture him horribly for a few thousand years.
However, there will be plenty of that sort of jaw dropping for Team Tiernon in book 3. Just over other events.
MemberAntefalken balled it?
Dang bard, I didn’t know he’d done that. But he’s been squirrelled away lately scribbling his song.
And I’ve just been so busy, what with discovering a crack in the basement and all.
I wonder if he also has a copy of the battle with Talarius? after all the work I’ve been doing, I’d like to settle down with my pipe, relax and binge watch a good action series balling.
So what does it mean to live tens of hundreds of millenia in the Abyss?[/quote]10s of Hundreds of thousands of years->millions of years.
Well, I think the biggest thing is that you eventually figure out where all the bathrooms are located.
And where all the skeletons are buried, hoping of course, that they stay buried and don’t come marching on you sword and shield in hand.You get really good at whist.
You also pretty much piss everybody else off sharing your accumulated wisdom.
I fear T-A-G won’t let me say too much on this issue because book 3 starts going there….
MemberThanks that makes me feel younger.