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  • in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5363

    I see you tried a couple times with the accounts, I authorized this latest one “vreas”

    If you prefer one of the earlier ones, just let me know and I’ll authorize one of those.

    Old ones that aren’t ever authorized eventually get expunged.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5367

    Right here.

    Posting in the forum is doing it for now.

    Some point near end of next week there will be an official link, but everyone posting here will be auto added.


    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5369

    You are hereby verificated!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5348

    I have zapped Megalomaniac and MRE!

    Of course, the tech D’Orcs might get confused and try to eat [b]M[/b](eal) [b]R[/b](eady) to [b]E[/b](at) being mostly space marines they eat a lot of MREs.

    Personally, I like Beef Stroganoff.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5350

    Wagon is still loading.

    We even let people hop on after we start rolling.

    However, we claim no responsibility if they slip and fall under the wheels, or the hooves of those pulling and pushing….

    Ooh, speaking of wagons wait until [SPOILER]Phaestus’ big charriot! It’s like Uber to the Outpost![/SPOILER]

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5325

    All posting here shall be spontaneously beta-demonized.

    There will also be a link, as before and this time people should get some confirmation of the acceptance immediately. It will still take a bit of random time (an hour or two) for the forum topics to open, but the beta demon sections of the library and the download will become available up right away.

    The delay is because the forum membership and site membership roles only sync every hour or two. Have not been able to speed that up. By and large it only matters during beta demonization.

    T-A-G is in crazy overdrive trying to get a first draft done. He absolutely needs to start the beta process by the end of the month to have any chance of getting the book out this year.

    Optimistically, if 1 month of beta, then 6 weeks of editor then 2 weeks of prep, that’s like 3 months: Sep, Oct, Nov-> Dec 1 release.

    Last year Beta went for like 2 or 3 months, don’t recall…it was necessary, hopefully not this year, but we will know the amount of screeching and screaming, and general level of agony and torment coming from the beta demon pits.

    You do realize that you will all be tossed into beta demon pits for the duration? You will need to battle each other to get your screams and demands heard, but for those that survive? Glory!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5327


    I can also assure you that in Book III we will be getting down into the weeds…so to speak.

    Of course, part of that is because I discovered these dang varmints in my herb garden and had to deal with them.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5331

    Done and Done.

    Bwah hah hah hah hah hah


    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5334

    I can tell you for a fact that we at Doom have the best communion wafers in the business. Hands down!

    Just ask the Tin Can, who seems rather wobbly and disoriented this morning after last night’s ceremony. Bet his god never had gave such good communion!


    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5336

    Exactly! I actually referenced that at one point in a discussion I was having with Reggie, Antefalken, Boggy and Estrebrius, while were in the kitchen whipping up some ‘mortal stash’ as I call it (for the mortals in the ceremony)

    However, T-A-G bleeped it out in editing. He thought some people might be offended! What? Next thing you know, people will be criticizing the taking of hallucinogenic substances in religious rituals.

    Which was basically my point: What drug do you have to be on to believe that when you put unleavened bread and wine in your mouth, have a priest say a few words and wave his hands in your face and suddenly it transubstantiates into the literal exact flesh and blood of someone who’s been dead for 2,000 years.!

    Ooh. Ick Ick Ick talk about dried out leather and dust!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5315

    Ooh, hellfire!

    That sounds so nice. I am going to put that in the suggestion box at the Doom Spa. Maybe a nice hellfire shower followed by dip in the alkali pool.

    That would be a great addition to the place!

    in reply to: Smuggling #5540


    So, I have smuggled a document out of the Library of Doom. I note, that it was in the pile of manuscripts that T-A-G was compiling for Book 3.

    It’s a bit trippy but…

    Appendix III: Introduction to Animus and Mana Polarization
    Excerpt from Principia Haatelis by Eibon of Cykranosh
    Library of Doom Catalog Number: ßéÅçþ-69454-AD-¥ç-CXXXIVCLXIX

    Perhaps one of the first principles taught to me by my first master, Zylac, was that of polarization. Now, of course, most of my learned readers will assume I mean ferromagnetic polarization; however, that is but an analogue to that of which I speak. I speak here, to the central concept of life, animus.
    Animus, as we all know, is the manifestation of the elemental plane of Spirit upon the physical planes of existence. It is that which when assembled according to the rules of Law produces the Soul. That which we consider our primary life force, the true essence of who we are, and that which allows us to transcend the limitations of the physical world and return to the Outer Realms upon death, or to be reincarnated in new flesh depending on our contracts with the deities of the multiverse under the covenant established Adam and Eve from whom mortalkind is derived.
    In the realms in which the majority of us ‘live’ animus is a positive force, it is life and living and is the key to immortality. However, what most will not tell you is that the multiverse is bounded by more realms than those we think of. In addition to the standardly taught multitude of physical planes, elemental planes, outer planes, the singular Astral Plane and the truly hellish Abyss there are four other quasi-planes.
    I refer to them as quasi planes because no one or thing may dwell upon them. No animus may ever reach them. Rather they are more like ‘forces’ that shape and bend the other planes. In particular, the physical planes and outer planes. So while many conveniently refer to them as planes, this is simply because of how people on many worlds confuse the notion of 4 Dimensional Intersections of Quantum Strings as “Planes” or “Multiversal Energy States.”
    These four ‘planes’ or ‘forces’ or whatever you call them are what I prefer to think of as ‘meta-forces’ in that they work to shape the topology of the 4D Quantum Strings and their Intersections (e.g. the planes), particularly with respect to animus and mana. However, they do so in different ways. I will, eventually, get to some of the details, as I understand them in my limited manner, later in this tome; however, a full discussion is beyond a single volume.
    These four meta-forces, I think that is probably the best word to describe them in simple mortal language, consist of Law, Chaos, Positive and Negative; for want of better words. These words are not at all accurate, they are but poor mortal substitutes for what the Gods know intrinsically. Now actually, Law and Chaos are a pair and Positive and Negative are a pair. So in truth, what I just told you were four meta-forces, are actually but two. Each anti-posed aspects of the other. Law/Chaos and Positive/Negative as one would expect due to the Laws of Bifurcation; but I digress.
    Law/Chaos work on mana; it works to bind/unbind mana. Briefly, for this is not what I want to speak of in this text, the relative balance or proportion of Law/Chaos in a region of the multiverse determines the balance magic or technology available to planes within that realm. Where there is more Law, there is less magic and one must use technology to unleash the equivalent effects that one gets from magic. Where there is more Chaos, mana is less bound, more available for use by individuals. With such chaos, the repeatability of science and technology degrades and randomness and uncertainty creep in. Clearly, things become quite untenable at either end of this spectrum.
    Similarly, in life forms, and this is what is important and why I discuss Law/Chaos in this text, is that for mortal creatures, the balance of Law/Chaos determines how tightly mana is bound to flesh. What we call the elder races, such as the Sidhe are less tightly bound to flesh and thus reflect a higher degree of Chaos. Younger races, such as humans and dwarves tend to be more tightly bound and reflect a higher degree of Law. Incidentally, the lifespan of a race tends to be, but is not exclusively, represented by how tightly they are bound to flesh. Meaning that the more tightly bound races tend to have shorter life spans than the less tightly bound. However, those lives tend to be more stable and in some ways, harder to terminate.
    There are many reasons for this, and we will go into this in later tomes; but for now, as you might imagine, those that are the least tightly bound can live a very long time. However, even they are subject to the Phoenix cycle.
    So after this long digression I come to Positive/Negative and we use these words emotionally, not so much scholarly. Animus is subject to Positive and Negative polarization. In this part of the multiverse, we mainly see positively charged animus. In other regions there is much more negative polarization.
    Now, because both negative and positive polarizations are animus, on the physical planes, both can support ‘life’ however, within a polarized section of the multiverse, they are very different sorts of life, and in the later course on Necromancy we shall cover this. The short answer is that on this side of the multiverse, where organic life is grown with positive animus, the binding between flesh and spirit is much more integrated and thus has a higher degree of Law, and thus lower Chaos. Negative life on the positive side of the multiverse will be bound at a higher Chaotic state, than positive life. Meaning positively charged animus is more tightly bound to matter (over here) than negatively charged animus.
    The key here, the crux of our discussion, is that positively charged animus, or ‘animus’ and negatively charged animus or ‘antimus’ as it is colloquially called, attract each other, even as Chaos and Law are attracted. Chaos seeks to unbind Law, and Law seeks to bind Chaos. So life based on ‘antimus’ which I will call ‘Unlife’ seeks out and tries to cancel out life based on ‘animus’ or ‘Life.’ Although of course, this is far too simplistic.
    Realizing that these designations are arbitrary, I seek only to cast that which is least familiar within the most familiar of terms.
    That all being said, because antimus binds to flesh, but on this ‘side’ of the multiverse it must be much more loosely bound, when attempting to reattach animus to flesh, it is generally far easier to first polarize the animus into antimus and then attach it to the flesh. Of course, this is a very loose binding as discussed, and the flesh itself was grown using animus and not antimus and…well quite frankly the Unlife inhabiting the body needs to replenish the body with positively charged animus, or the body will eventually fall apart. However, if one can acquire fresh animus to repair the body, being a Chaotic binding, one could live for a very long time.
    I will also take this opportunity to note that on the other side of the multiverse (or wherever it is) flesh that is grown naturally with Unlife is perfectly stable, and over there, positively charged animus animating a body requires infusions of antimus to keep it functional. I think this is important to note. Despite popular misconception, there is nothing intrinsically ‘Evil’ with antimus or ‘Good’ with animus. Such terms are completely relative to where one resides in the multiverse. Over here, antimus is seen as evil, on the Negative ‘side’ of the multiverse, animus is seen as evil.
    Where the questions of good and evil come into play is the methods needed for sustaining a decaying body. Such methods are typically seen as unethical; and thus referred to as evil. A concept, of which, I am sure we can agree, is quite amusing and useless.


    in reply to: Smuggling #5544

    Very interesting thought on the Courts of Chaos. Now that I think of it, that’s quite interesting indeed.

    Officially, most of us thought it was called that because of all the infighting and bickering among the demon princes and archdemons; and the fact that it was different every time you came to visit, but now that Lilith has revealed herself to be allied with the Lords of Chaos, there may have been more to that name. Hmm….

    Hmm…indeed….this is quite a bit of cause for concern…now you have me feeling paranoider! 8-[

    Correct, as far as I can tell everything has been positively charged.

    Of course, demons are positively charged, so are there negatively charged demons somewhere and anti-Abyss?

    in reply to: Smuggling #5547

    I better go to Costco and get a tub (not a tube) of chapstick!

    I think I might need it.

    in reply to: Smuggling #5550

    Well, on the negatively charged part of the multiverse, according to this guy, it works exactly the same.

    So over there, Unlife would have positively charged animus, but of course, they would think it is negatively charged.

    So in fact, they would reverse the names. So if you could somehow get there everything would look the same, except for you.

    I don’t know what would happen if someone from our side (or theirs) somehow bodily traveled to the other side, bringing a physical body that was constructed with reverse polarity. I suspect it would begin to decay very quickly.

    My suspicion is that the Abyss is neutrally charged somehow. Given that animus can exist on its own here (that’s another document in the Library for Book 3) which we’ve discussed, my guess is that both positive and negative animus can exist here

    But I don’t know and have no way to test…it…

    Hmm, just thinking about a comment Lilith made in Book 3….or rather Asmodeus did and she agreed…undead, in this case-ghouls-do not hunger in the Abyss. [SPOILER]Melissance has not been running around munching on people around her or at least Asmodeus did not bring it up[/SPOILER] That would imply that the reverse polarization effects (rotting etc) do not happen here. That would seem like evidence that the Abyss is sort of neutral.

    As to digging deep into the Abyss…yes, we’ve dug very deep in the Abyss. [SPOILER]That’s why Tom has been whining about having a crack in his basement. You know, new house troubles that weren’t discovered in the inspection.[/SPOILER]

    That being said, Stranger Things has happened and we now all now know about going upside down. I binged last night, I had to wait because I had to order the DVD from NetFlix mail because as I’ve said really can’t stream over my AOL dial-up connection. This place is hell!

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