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MemberAlso you are forgetting the *-nargoloth’s. :-”
Of course, since they’ve already “hooked up” I guess you don’t need to list them.
MemberBlow her cover, probably.
As far as god pools on the material planes, well, to be honest, Singkun and I were pretty wasted when the rest were talking about godpools yada yada. There’s something rather tricky about them being on the material planes, but I don’t remember what it is. I mean, I think you can have them, but they are less stable or something like that…like I said, we really were not paying attention to that stuff when they were discussing it.
MemberWhat if it’s like a water bed and suddenly springs a leak?
Nearby mortals would be soaked in mana, and nothing brings “monsters” (a pejorative term if I ever heard one) faster than that!
MemberAgreed, he’s got enough on his plate that he won’t be making a move.
What he needs is a [url=]Crazy Ex-Girlfriend[/url] soft of person.
OR—what about one of Orcus’s ex’s? [scared]
MemberShouldn’t that be “Honey, I shrunk the giants?”
MemberLet’s see…
Mirror is with Sir what’s his name the PALADIN left at Freehold. They needed it at Freehold to make sure no demons came back and it would likely be overwhelmed in the Abyss (or so they would have thought–remember they didn’t know how big and empty the place actually is)
Yes, I got the honey I shrunk the kids part…but these guys are like thousands of years old so…they aren’t kids anymore! 🙂
Feet first…well the problem is that the main portal to the Isle of Doom is in this little chapel under the citadel. I think the ceilings are only like 20 or 30 feet high for D’Orcs.
After Tom got Beragamos outside, she had the godpool as did the others, and the pantheon pool. It’s very hard to accurately compare demons and avatars due to this rather overwhelming power source they have. This is why exorcisms work so well. However, a demon that can hold it’s own against a saint? Such a demon will be more powerful than the saint.
Beragamos is definitely at demon prince level, I would guess Sentir Fallon would be archdemon based on what we know as of book iii—but again access to that GP? Killer.
MemberYes, although a lot of the digesting problem was that he was stuffed. I.e. he was stretching his mana capacity. He’d consumed too much mana, very rich mana.
So it’s basically like he’d been to a mana buffet and gorged himself and was feeling very bloated and sick with too much mana.
All holy artifacts are made with purified mana, and then the priests seal it/dedicate with the god’s signature/nature/etc. For this purpose think of the mana as being the paper. Purified mana would be like really good parchment that takes the ink well without bleeding, seeping and is easy to read. Raw mana would be rough, uneven and the signature would come out a bit sloppy, uneven etc.
Note that these are “feelings” that an aniimage would probably use to describe the mana. Wizards generally don’t notice such things much.
This is also basically why using Tiernon’s refined mana was so nice against the Unlife. It was very pure and designed to use against Unlife and for healing. When using it, he was basically acting as a cleric of Tiernon. Now that being said, if he were taught, he could learn to purify mana for himself. Phaestus obviously knows how it’s done and could build purification devices.
However, after much discussion, we decided it wasn’t a high priority project because it wouldn’t make that much of a difference for what we did, and because Doom uses a lot more “live” recently created mana than the gods do, you’d have to do a lot of the filtering in real time, which could slow things down.
MemberWow. Don’t know, it’s all science to me!
Yes, I think that is pretty close to what they are doing. We also know they transmit it encrypted streams to protect it from being hijacked.
Although for wizards, it might be a bit more complicated….although it could be, I’m not a wizard. Let me think.
As a layman, my understanding is that the mana is relatively neutral, and it’s the element and its astrological associations, along with the caster’s that makes the difference.
But I suppose that would work as the underlyer.
For example a person with a water sign is a bit better with water magic than say fire magic, and someone with a water sign doing a water spell during a water period of time has the best chances of getting it right.
So, yes, it could be the harmonics adding up, if the elements had associated frequencies as well. Mathematically it would make the most sense.
MemberFirst things first, in regards to the water/lava park.
Opening such a park would put Tom in competition with Moloch. Remember, Moloch owns Hellsprings Eternal.
Mologh is currently neutral with respect to Lilith and Sammael. [url=]See this.[/url] It would probably not be a good idea to alienate him by opening a better/competing playground.
But it does sound fun. Reminds me of discussions with GelCube about the slippery road to hell…which would be a funny ride as well.
Next, if you do build a great theme park, people are going to want to build hotels. If you are building a hotel, there is a certain archdemon who would try to muscle in and put his name on the hotel. Don’t know about you, but I’d like to keep him and his horse riding bare chested (nearly) bald buddy as far away from Doom as possible! True it would be a YUGE! hotel, but also a YUGE pain in the tail!
MemberSecond in regards to Lenamare’s wards, from Book 1 (seeing a typo or two but):
Jehenna thought for a moment and then said, “But how? Demons are both magical and material. Thus, he’s blocked no matter how we balance the shield. That’s why pentagrams work so well on demons… remember?”“Yes, I realize that,” Lenamare said testily. “We can, however, play a few tricks with the oscillation frequency of the balance and sneak him in.” Lenamare motioned to one of his students standing nearby acting as a page. “Tell Hortwell and Elrose to meet Jehenna and myself in the primary ward chamber in five minutes.” The child ran off immediately to follow his orders. “Follow me,” Lenamare told Jehenna, and they set off to the catacombs.
The children were gathered around the woodpile getting their third loads of wood. They couldn’t take much at one time; actually Rex was doing most of the carrying. He didn’t mind however; the primary point of having the children carry the wood was to keep their minds off the situation. Besides, the hard physical work also kept his mind off the situation.As he bent to pick up another chopped log of wood, he felt a change in the air. Reaching out with his mind, he could feel that the pentacles were oscillating. He could only guess that Lenamare must be trying something to let the demon in. The shields couldn’t be shut down temporarily without having to start from scratch to put them back up, but they had to do something to get the demon in before it seriously weakened the force field. Rex’s quick mind saw what Lenamare was trying to do.
The best bet would be to set the field on magic mode and set it to oscillate at a frequency resonant with the demon’s spirit’s energy frequency. The demon’s physical body would pose no problem, since the field would be keeping out only magical energy. They’d have to risk only a short time of physical attack in case Exador got clever and sent energy into the field at the same frequency. That would be a forcing of the system, and if he sent enough energy in, it could overbalance the system and lead to a stochastic field, meaning the field would disintegrate into a bunch of isolated stability points and collapse.
MemberWell, I suppose that could work.
It would be an incentive to get people to emigrate from other places to Doom.
So if we turn Doom into a giant theme park, perhaps we can then capture the Inferno, paint it red call the Big Red Flying Boat and offer cruises kind of like that mouse did.
Heh heh Snow Black and the 7 Phaestuses can wonder around amusing guests! He would definitely be Grumpy!
MemberHow about a D’Orcball stadium?
It’s basically a hard hitting, more dangerous and deadly version of American Football. No helmets or padding, everyone wearing loincloths/bikinis.
MemberI don’t know, I think the Snow Park would need too much mana to be worthwhile at Doom, plus you don’t want to make the Kraken chilly I’d build a Boom Gate to the top of an existing mountain with snow/ice and have it as an associated theme park.
As far as a water park? Well, we’ve already got a big tank with a Kraken in it. If people like to pet dolphins, what about petting the Kraken?
I’m not sure if we could get enough insurance for the park to let them pet some of our other underwater guests. Old squid head & crew would be nearly impossible to get insurance for, I can guarantee that getting Lloyds to cover them would literally be an “Eldritch Horror” One guest accidentally (ahem) sacrificed and they escape!
Tentacle-chin’s got one buddy who is very hard to put an APB out on because his name is quite literally ‘unspeakable’ How do you communicate that over the radio?
MemberTamarin has heard your request!
Your wish is her command!
MemberYes, the D’Orcs are mostly greater demon or greater. I believe in fact, it was me that said that while we were in the tunnels.
Historically, all “made” D’Orcs always showed up as greater demons. The later generations of D’Orcs, those born in the Abyss as D’Orcs could be lower. But with thousands of years to train, even the second generation can rise up.
Note that we have Ramses who came over in 1213 BC is only 3230 years old (aproximately) and he’s an archdemon. He probably came over as a greater demon.
Now, the big thing is that D’Orcs born after Orcus died didn’t have as much real experience, only training and sorties from Doom’s Watch. So their advancement might have been limited, but as per Antefalken’s discussion of demon babies, if both parents were Greater Demons, their children, when mature would also be greater demons.
Given that Darg-Krallnom and Arg-nargoloth are 70,000 plus years old, one would have to assume they are either princes or close to being princes. And arguably be are. Particularly if you look at my earlier arguments in other topics on power levels. There are lots of things, including social status that go into these ranks, it’s not all sheer mana wielding power.
This true for a great number. If I were an enemy, I would assume that all the commanders, at the least, are arch-demons. There are also likely to be some archdemon D’Orcs who are not commanders, being more solitary fighters.
The biggest difference is that most of the D’Orc demons are not trained mana users, so their “power” will most likely manifest as intrinsic attributes, such as size changing, turning into flames, shape changing, lightning bolts. Think of those abilities that Tom had from the start of book 1. Also, being great warriors, it’s likely that they can and do channel mana through their weapons, or that their weapons are actually part of their body (like Tom’s robes) which is why they can change size with the D’Orcs.