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  • in reply to: Singkun #8171

    I will go with the eww…

    Those two are–well–ok–to be fair–there are very few gods or goddesses I like. They are nearly all extreme narcissists who only think about themselves and their own interests. Only a handful of gods are able to step back and consider the things that are really important!

    You know, like me and my interests.

    in reply to: Singkun #8173

    Yes, it might be interesting, I suppose, but really, they don’t even have great personalities, let alone looks.

    Their default forms are pasty, sickly, squishy, human like. Seriously, could anyone even contemplate romantic relations with someone who looked like a human? Ick.


    in reply to: Singkun #8175


    Well, yes, I admit I am the multiverse’s most ideal lover, certainly the most accomplished…but Tom?

    No. [thumbdn]

    He’s like a little brother to me! Not to mention the age difference, he’s 17 and I’m…well a couple years older….


    I understand why you would think that, I mean, I was a Playdemon centerfold a few–ahem–years back, and my charm and personality are second to none.

    But nope. No way! Not going to happen. Practically incest, and since I’m not a god, not going to happen!

    Besides, Bess is much more my type. Female and furry! Purrrrr….

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9388

    The dance that no on knows what it means….



    I’m not sure, but don’t gelatinous cubes spontaneously break up into smaller cubes after the reach a certain mass? Pretty sure that’s how you reproduce…I know that’s how you reproduce–you said so, but I think I read that at some point your size gets so large and massive that have trouble maintaining sufficient viscosity and you split in two–or more.

    All I can say to Mikey is that–wow–sucks to be human. Fortunately, having always been me, I don’t have to worry about such things, I am me, was me and always will be me. I mean, why mess with peak perfection?



    Ok, so rather like I thought.

    You definitely don’t want to keep getting super massive the risk of large chunks breaking off under the force of gravity becomes too great.

    Also, it would seem that for gels, regular, modest weight loss is essential to mental stability, or at least memories.

    So what happens if you break a piece off and forget the contents of volume 2? You remember volume 1 and 3 but have no idea how Tom suddenly ended up ruling a bunch of D’Orcs. Shudder. It’s like a reader fugue state.

    Fugue states sound kind of cool, but I’d really prefer to have a montage super power….

    It would be so cool to just montage one’s way through long tedious tasks that one doesn’t want to do…

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9382

    This was one of his most bizarre movies…ever.

    I like is documentaries better…you know: Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks….

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9386

    Ah, yes, I remember the critics here called it the “Feel good movie of the fall!”

    You only know you have “true love” when you lose it, twice….

    Now, of course, we demons are might possessive and don’t like losing things, that’s why we never love…it opens you up to to much loss potential.

    Although, spurned love is a lot of fun, so…whatya gonna do?

    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9433



    What a fine idea!

    For dinner!

    Right now!

    Bye Bye!

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9358

    [color=red][size=9]Ahem! Excuse me![/size][/color]

    [color=darkred][size=7]That is not how how that song goes![/size][/color]

    [color=brown][size=6]They changed the ending![/size][/color]

    [b][color=blue]I know the devil in that story, George, and he won fair and square and he’s got Johnny scrubbing his toilets to this day![/color][/b]

    [b][color=indigo] Tsk, Tsk, Tsk! [/color][/b]

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9359

    PS: That really looks like George though. Not sure where they found an actor that could pull it off, but he sure did.

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9361

    Sigh. So true, too true!

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9363

    Excellent point!

    You know, I know we have (more than a few) openings in the PR department here at the Forces of Evil HQ. Are you open to new positions? (rack, iron maiden, Catherine Wheel, Judas Cradle–we have the latest in ergonomic office furniture) Sure, it means a small relocation, but wouldn’t it be nice to get out of that chilly climate of yours to something a tad warmer? Like maybe 85C warmer?

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9369


    Have you ever used any of that other ergonomic furniture? I am really not sure I can tell the difference between that stuff and the more traditionalist stuff we use here.

    But perhaps you are right, but we can probably help with their thinking. My buddy, Pinhead, has these little puzzles to teach mortals the subtleties of pain and pleasure. Maybe if I get a couple hundred thousands of his puzzles and started giving them out, people could use them, learn and grow?

    Might be a great marketing tool!

    Yea! I like this idea, some mighty find swag! :d/

    in reply to: COA Blurb #9373

    Hmm, well they say that practice makes perfect…

    However, I don’t know if that’s true since I, obviously, have no need to practice anything! :d/

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