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  • in reply to: Beta CoA:ITW #8873


    I mean really. How dare that mortal have the audacity of having to partake of food to remain alive to write these exquisite books.[/quote]

    Exactly, the nerve!

    And, the worst part, “write” is too strong a term, it’s more like transcribe my notes, anecdotes and recollections. He’s at best a ghost-writer for me! And I’ve told him all this stuff that happened and he can’t seem to get it organized and written down in any reasonable period of time.

    Of course, my biggest gripe is that, even from early on, he somehow decided to focus more on Tom as the principle protagonist, rather than the one true protagonist: ME!

    Sheesh, I’m telling the story to T-A-G, why am I relegated to some sort of third person narrator? It should all be first (and ok, maybe fourth) person from my point of view!

    in reply to: Book 4 #9160

    Well, technically, neither has he….(tWoW) summer is lasting remarkably long, even for Westeros….anything to put off winter…

    That’s the nice thing about the Abyss, no Winter, no White Walkers. Although, that’s more for the benefit of the White Walkers, those pale pansies would get their butts melted against even Lilith’s forces, let alone the Army of Doom! Although, we really do need to stock up on some more D’Orcs…

    in reply to: Book 4 #9164

    I’ve heard the Demons of Work are a pretty nasty lot.

    Apparently this “Work” place is not the ideal Utopia that the Abyss is.

    Apparently, it’s the only place in the multiverse where people long to be in the Abyss.

    in reply to: Book 4 #9166

    [quote=Centurion0507;7501]This is a very true point indeed, except for those rare instances where work is in fact a good place to be. At least mine is on certain days, where I get to go out and play with incredibly destructive devices.[/quote]

    IDD’s? Now that sounds like a great perk! What demon doesn’t love destroying things? I bet you’d have no trouble hiring in the Abyss.

    The D’Orcs certainly love IDD’s. As do orcs…

    Although, to be honest, D’Orcs are sort IDD’s themselves, Incredibly Destructive D’Orcs!

    in reply to: Book 4 #9168

    Super! well, should ever decide to move to the Abyss, you can definitely get a job a Doom.

    They are very busy repairing a lot of their tech devices, they’ve been without electricity for about 4,000 years, things have gotten dusty…although at least not rusty, not in the Abyss….

    You don’t by any chance have experience with gravitational land mines? You know, you step on it and get sucked into a miniature black hole?

    Those things are damn hard to get out of. Last time, it took me a very long time to get out, so I’m looking for some better ideas in case it happens again.

    in reply to: Dooms Day #9562

    [thumbup] Those are very useful posters!

    We should mandate them hung up in every break room in the Abyss, or at least Mount Doom!

    in reply to: Singkun #8178

    [quote=Nheller718;7461]Maybe Morrigan, Diana, or Baba Yaga? Not sure what they are up to these days.[/quote]

    Baba Yaga! Yeah, now she’s a lotta fun! Gotta say when her hut is on the move, the motion really adds to the experience. :d/

    Also, great for privacy, you know the saying:

    If the hut’s a walkin, don’t come a knockin!

    in reply to: Singkun #8179

    Besides, Bess is much more my type. Female and furry! Purrrrr….


    Hey, Bess is EVERYone’s type. Hell, I’d take her on, and I’m a cube of jello!


    She is purr-fect!

    in reply to: Singkun #8181


    Thought about you yesterday and some of our recent discussions, when I saw trailer for Hotel Transylvania 3. In the trailer [blink] even, they showed live-on-screen gelatinous birthing!

    Their resident slime/jello blob gave birth on board the cruise ship! What a miracle! It was more like vomiting than simply splitting, but still quite a sight!


    in reply to: Singkun #8183

    Gastrope’ is pretty nice for a wizard. Which of course, is not saying much. However, he does turn all these lovely different shades of gray and white. I think I’ve counted about 32 distinct shades. It’s sort of an odd form of communication, but it seems to work–I think–I still haven’t learned all of them.

    in reply to: Singkun #8185

    You know, I’ve often thought if those Earth Hollywood guys would just be a bit more flexible on filming locations, they could save a ton of money on special effects.

    So, I get that the whole LOTR thing happened a long time ago (I was there, remember) so the movies are historical re-enactments, much like Shakespeare’s history plays….but that being said, Middle Earth is still there (elf free now, fortunately) just think how much money they could have save filming there, on location, use real hobbit holes and such. Real hobbits and dwarves too!

    But, I think the problem is that without proper trade agreements between the localverses, the studios can’t get applicable tax credits…of course, also not sure if their camera’s would work there…hmm…maybe it’s a bit more complicated.

    But they could still do “science fiction” movies on location. I am pretty sure I have directions to the Xenomorph homeworld, somewhere….

    in reply to: Singkun #8187

    That’s what Tom seems to be saying…whine whine whine

    Well, I am not sure if Loki is even still alive, he was presumed lost when Asbru was destroyed…any of his daughters would be pretty old by now—which is a big part of the problem with the dating pool Tom has @doom. Unless he lived and made some more, where ever he ended up.

    Singkun has never mentioned any kids, but he was pretty adventurous, both on his journeys and in bed, so I would not be surprised if he had a daughter or thousand.

    in reply to: Singkun #8189

    Actually, thinking about the gods I’ve known…most spend considerable time trying to keep their daughters away from other gods…

    Gods, particularly male ones, tend to be on the lascivious side. Now normally, it’s the mortal maids you hear about that, but I suspect that’s because various god-daddys are very protective of their daughters….

    Although, pretty much all the Olympians, male and female tend to sleep around quite a bit…actually considering how long gods live, and how much they like to procreate, it’s amazing the multiverse hasn’t been completely over run by immortal or semi-immortal god-babies.

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8646

    And if you want to write propaganda, can’t you at least not insult my intelligence and perception, do you have to be so crude and unsophisticated about it?[/quote]

    If one feels compelled to write/distribute/regurgitate blatant propaganda, does that not mean, by the very act of doing so, that said individual is unable to espouse an elegant, sophisticated and intelligent argument for their position?

    Now of course, by definition, said argument, would still technically be a form of propaganda, but we wouldn’t call it that, rather it would be called “a reasoned logical argument.” Which sounds MUCH better than “propaganda.” [/quote]

    Now admittedly, neither the first nor the second works with wizards, so for most demons, such discussion is moot.


    I am not so sure how good an idea it would be to hug and squeeze your George.


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