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  • in reply to: Oorstemothian law #9756

    Yeah, I am sure that is problematic, it would basically require a declaration of war.

    You know, start with unconditional surrender of your empire, turn yourself in for crimes against Oorstemoth or face a brutal, unwinnable (for you) war.

    in reply to: Book 4 #9233

    Hmm, good point, there certainly could be.

    However, I don’t seem to recall seeing any when I’ve gone swimming…

    Hmm, odd, I definitely remember wanting to go swimming there, but don’t actually remember ever doing so…I am sure I must have at some point…that’s weird.

    in reply to: OOA Blurb #9421


    I wonder if the patrons would be extra tasty splashed in D’Buttah?

    You are making me hungry.

    in reply to: The Music of Doooooom! #9249


    Very good, such a musical language too!

    I’m going to see if they have any tour dates coming up in the Abyss. Maybe we can book them at Doom!

    in reply to: So. Many. Questions. #9729

    a) Actually, that is a good question re: Tal Gor. However, typically a totem is a bit more of a spiritual reflection of the shaman’s true nature, and typically not another distinct individual…although being a D’Warg, Schwarzenfruze could possibly account, but it would raise quite a few questions in others heads…but as Tom is learning just about any crazy thing can be true.

    b) It’s very tightly shielded by the DoomNet and it’s defenses, as are its elemental portals. They don’t want to attract attention, or want leaky links to start passing through there and reveal the location.

    And, finally, there are proximity issues, if the path out of the Abyss is present, but far away, the priest would generally have to track it down and force the connection through it. Hence the need for shielding, but even so unless the opening is very direct or near, you won’t automatically notice it.

    otherwise every time someone did an Abyssal Gateway, said links would reactivate.

    in reply to: Book 4 #9203

    Is that a cookie in your fourth arm?

    in reply to: Saints #9942


    So just popped over to Nysegard and asked around.

    For some reason, as soon as I showed up, everyone ran off to try and find an answer, before I finished speaking even, had to wait a very long time until Vicar General Grob Darkness Slayer showed up and apologized for the long delay.

    Not sure why he came running at me with that glowing sword before stopping and finally recognizing me.

    So, I asked him and he said there definitely were several. He himself was pledged to Gahkt Mogdashk, Saint of the Bloody Mace. He also said that lots of his people were partial to Saint Ras-aghoul the Soulless Slayer.

    But that’s about all I got out of him before he decided to escort me back to the portal to the Isle of Doom.

    He was nice, but I really wanted to stick around and get more information, but he said they were all very busy right now and could not give me the special attention I deserved.

    Fair enough, I guess, maybe I’ll stop by his quarters while he’s in bed and talk then.


    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9474

    By posting here, you will get an email link to a page on this site with a “beta-nizing” button that will turn you into a beta demon when the time is right.

    I will be going through all the beta forums and collecting emails (and souls) of people who posted in the 3 current beta topic forums and email them when we are about ready to go.

    Once you click the magic button, you will be able to see “Beta Demon Eyes Only” forums on this site where we discuss the beta versions of the book (there are of course, also links to the beta editions of the book(s))

    in reply to: Apostles of Doom Beta Demon Sign Up #5569




    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but T-A-G is still very slow. It’s still going to be a bit. These topics have been here for a while and T-A-G just generally avoids them like he avoids my dictation of recent events “a.k.a. the story”

    Last end of summer/fall were really bad for his writing, he had a crap load of excuses for his laziness, “father has cancer and in hospital spent weeks with him, work servers got ransomwared and lost 6 months of work for that client and had to have it reconstructed by Jan 1…” Yada yada yada….

    So he’s only now getting back to writing.

    He is hoping to have OOA beta this spring, it is likely that Book 4 beta won’t happen until fall, assuming he doesn’t come up with more excuses like “father got worse”

    This guy is so lazy, did you know he just sort of “turns off” for like 8 to 9 hours [u][i][b]every[/b][/i][/u] night for no obvious reason? This has been an ongoing complaint of mine from the beginning.

    Of course, when he turns off, you know he’s turned off because there’s this weird buzzing and sputtering noise that comes from his nose, I’ve spent countless hours staring at him lying there on his water bubble making these buzzing noises. Very very strange.

    in reply to: The Music of Doooooom! #9251

    I am sure many would enjoy it, however, thinking of their teeth and tusks, it might be a bit tongue twisting for them

    Their mouths aren’t quite as dexterous as a humans.

    But it’s worth a shot. I will see if I can’t get a balling of some for them to listen to and try out.

    in reply to: Oorstemothian law #9754

    Yeah….they still have to figure out how to extradite him…

    So that’s a bit of a problem.

    The gravity canons were a bit of a bump in the extradition road…


    in reply to: Knights of Astlan #9715

    Well, given that they smell like Brie when they arrive, I think they are still coming. Although about 2 months ago, there seemed to be a lot of Camembert in the air, that’s probably related to the Brie…

    Not sure who is doing the summoning. Don’t think it’s anyone in Astlan. I’d imagine it’s someone of their own mortal race or someone similar.

    As you may recall from Tom’s encounter, they aren’t that talkative. Eat you first, ask questions later types.

    in reply to: Bat Guano Sniffing Crazy #9768


    So, naturally, when really bored and short on cookies, who hasn’t (I mean everyone right?) resorted to sniffing bat guano?

    And by sniffing I mean seriously heavy line snorting, of course…

    So if you want to do that without the risk of those pesky diseases that unfortunately (for mortals) come along with sniffing bat dung, I recommend “The Order” on Netflix.

    This thing is so insanely fun, you’d think I was dictating it to the writing team, instead of just doing craft services, which, of course, I am….


    The later parts of trailer start to give you clue…but no…it’s doesn’t, not really, you really don’t know how crazy messed up/convoluted this thing is.

    I mean, sure, who doesn’t dream of eating their Ethics Professor, but how many of us do it? Although it does help if your grandpapa is Max Headroom and your ethics professor is Sam Merlotte. (True Blood) I mean, I’d eat him any day! So chewy delicious, like wolf jerky!

    So, it’s a cute boy (with ominous revenge plot motivation) meets girl (member of super secret society of sociopathic wizards—but come on!–are there any other kind?) and is caught in a love-vengeance/justice/salvation–four way? With a Holy Order of Werewolves?

    OK, so yes, it does sound pretty been there done that, but…it’s still really worth the binge. I just watched the entire VHS collection from Netflix Extra Classic.


    in reply to: Beta sign ups?? #9468

    Yes, but we need your blood because we can use it to track you down if you renege. Right?

    As it is, the hell hounds will just end up with a big hamburger instead of a Heeiman-burger.

    They really want a Heeiman-burger!

    in reply to: Canonization #9746

    The Doom Engine was very explicitly built to avoid the need for “the god trap”

    At the end of the day, the biggest difference between a Demon Prince and a god is the worshipers and god pools. Demon Princes, like gods (and very senior Avatars), Phoenix Cycle. That is what makes a demon prince a “prince” they’ve figured out and successfully Phoenixed Cycled.

    [SPOILER]We find out in Book 4 that both Beragamos and Sentir Fallon have cycled[/SPOILER]

    Orcus wanted to have his cake and eat it too, which seemed quite reasonable to the rest of us. He’d done the god game in previous cycles and wasn’t thrilled with it.

    During the Doompire, getting recruits for D’Orcing was not a problem. Basically any orcs that were ‘sworn to Orcus’ (which, yes sounds like a religious thing–but with no mana commitment–more like a reverence thing) were on the list to get D’Orced if they were found worthy.

    So, in some ways, it was like the advance sign up for Beta Demons. They put their name down to be on the list to be recruited when the positions opened up. Although, Beta Demons are open to everyone, whereas D’Orcing was only the best.

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