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MemberOh, I recently found something so funny it literally had my gasping for breath from laughing so hard.
Drew Hayes writes the Spells, Swords, & Stealth series (NPCs and Split the Party), and runs a Pathfinder game podcast with several other comedy/fantasy/sci-fi authors. Some of the stuff rivals Eric and the Dread Gazebo.
[url=]Authors and Dragons Website/RSS[/url]
I’ve only listened to the first 9 episodes, but it’s hilarious.
MemberI’ve never seen a Cube eat metal before. That’s pretty interesting. That must be some kind of Metal Elemental Gelatinous Cube!
I wonder if they can be summoned?
MemberWell, this was posted before the movie release, but you know we haven’t actually seen Snoke in person, only hologram, and like you said, Palpatine didn’t look so hideous until after his and Yoda’s little spat.
And that says nothing about how Jar Jar could be the power BEHIND the throne…especially now that Palpatine is gone.
Kinda make you think…
I can’t help but think there’s some parallels here. A lot of truly dangerous people want to be seen as harmless non-threats. Yoda, Palpatine until his rise to power, Jar jar, Obi Wan in later years, Sammael, D’Vils, certain flying octapods…it stands to reason that the real power might not want to step into the spotlight and be the target of every hero in the galaxy.
MemberOh, that would be hilarious! Talarius would likely have a stroke, if he believed anyone about Tiernon being the Demon Father. But I really, really doubt it. Why would the Concordenax hate his own demons so much? However, I’m pretty sure the Concordenax can shape shift. Every prince and archdemon we’ve seen so far can shift their shape, so why wouldn’t the Demon Father? That’s one of the main supports for the “Concordenax as Tom and Rupert’s Dad” theory rolling on the forum.
Still, while the Demon Father seems to be “missing”, I’m sure he’s going to play a large role later on.
Tizzy, you keep mentioning the Concordenax, and we know you’re old enough to have met him, so do you have anything to add?
On another note, I’m convinced that Tom needs to start pushing a little into the Outer Planes. He needs a beachhead out there, if nothing else. A place to jump from if things go the way I think they will. He needs to start thinking more strategically, rather than tactically. Granted, there hasn’t been a lot of time for him to do so, but since T-A-G has said AOD will span a greater time span, hopefully he’ll have the time necessary to consolidate and think a little more long term. Whether he wants to actually be a Dark Overlord or not, circumstances are likely going to force his hand. Might as well be a GOOD Dark Overlord, rather than a dead one.
MemberI don’t think the Doomlogue is in Oorstemoth, as amusing as that would be. As a convicted felon, I doubt Tom has any rights under their law. It’s probably in someplace we haven’t seen before, like The Duchy of Tregfeld. Do any of the Chronicles of Astlan end up in Tregfeld?
Something else to wonder…these Doomlogues…did they have permanent gates to Mt. Doom? What’s going to show up when they power up?
MemberYou know, Tizzy, you have a real opportunity here. You’ll need a copy of the balling Anty made. You can sell those (secretly, of course), and there’s the female D’Orc pinup calendar, the Lord Tommus bobble-head dolls, replicas of the Rod of Tommus, not to mention the Snow Park!
MemberSo excited to read COA:ITW. Looks like we’ll finally get an outside (external perspective) look at the events of DOA:ITA and DOA:THH. It’s going to be awesome!
Hmm. I wonder if the Nyjyr Ennead will be poking around The Wilds? Maybe that’s where they’ve been moving to in THH during the big party? Doubtful. Sounds like there’s really not much there of interest to them. Unless that’s where they’ve decided to hide some of their new priests?
I think you’re handling the multiple perspectives in a good way by breaking off ancillary stories into other books. It’ll make keeping the story and timeline straight a little easier. The only problem (minor) I have with that system is the story overlap that usually happens. But that’s more my OCD kicking in than anything else. #-o
If I was breathing, I’d hyperventilate.
Yes, I hate it when an author has several storylines set in the same universe, and there’s no guide to what order they fall in. Makes it feel like you’re just lost.
MemberWell, he could leap long distances and great heights (like a Jedi). While to seemingly bumble around the battlefield, everything he did managed to destroy every battle droid around him.
The best explanation I’ve found was here:
MemberSo I was trying to determine who exactly is left in the glade with Gastropé after Tom vacates to destroy the Chaon Maelstrom.
I’ve got Damien, Vaselle, Ragala-nargoloth, Tal-Gor, Farsooth, and Beya. Not sure about those last two, but I think so. So we have all of them in Murgatroy with Jenn, Hilda, Beragamos, Stevos, the Nimbus, and a bunch of alvar bent on destroying Tom.
…no, this won’t be a problem. Nossiree.
MemberMay the Schwarzenfürze be with you!
Remember, Muhchandising, muhchandising, muhchandising.
Demons of Astlan: The Deadly Miasma of Doom from Schwarzenfürze
Demons of Astlan: The Toilet PaperYes, I can see Jenn popping Schwarzenfürze in the muzzle, and she looks at Jenn kind of crossed-eyed…then eats her face.
Yes, that’s going to be quite entertaining…for someone.
MemberThat’s funny. Yes, I’m thinking she’s going to be VERY helpful once everyone sees the crew in Murgatroy. I’m thinking that’s the most immediate confrontation. After all, the crew is just hanging out there with Gastropé. They can’t stay there forever. Well, I suppose Schwarzenfürze could, but the rest of the puny mortals are going to have to eat. And there WILL be some kind of confrontation.
It will be interesting to see what Meat Maker and the other orcs do when Tal-Gor and Schwarzenfürze show up. Schwarzenfürze will probably see Hilda and “Gamos” for who they really are, but will she attack if they don’t attack first? She’s vicious, nasty, and stinky around the rear end, but she’s not stupid, by any means.
Not to mention, how are they going to explain Damien to Jenn?
ThAT’LL be an interesting conversation. Of course, they could just tell the truth…but Gastropé…I don’t think he’ll have the courage to do that. Damien doesn’t really have a reason to lie to her, though. Just not sure about that. It could go either way. Gelcube
MemberI’m kind of afraid it’ll be the opposite, where there’s troops literally dropping into the Abyss on top of Mount Doom. Tiernon isn’t happy with what Tom did, and with the avatars and Lilith collaborating, I think it’ll happen sooner rather than later.
I think we will be seeing some FOE vs FOE battle it out in the Abyss, sort of like a primary to determine the final candidate to be FOE. Of course there will be that FOG ship from Oorstemoth taking the battle to the FOE’s home field. And then there will be some FOE vs FOL (Forces of Lenamare–I refuse to call him Good) in Freehold.I think over the longer haul we are going to see lots of crazy confusing alliances and battles.
[/quote]FOL, or FOOL (FOrces Of Lenamare)?
Ooo, maybe Hilda, Bess, and Thor (or his analog in Astlan) will join with the FOD (Forces Of Doom), against The Inferno, the Queen of Hearts, and Cthulu in an all-out cage match for the Championship title as Masters of Grayskull.
Member[quote=Tizzy;3100]What abilities? Other than my ability to converse with so called “imaginary people” in other dimensions.
You know the others in the cave crew gave me lots of crap for talking to you people in the forums. They don’t believe you exist.
[/quote]You mean we’re the voices in your head??? Oh, I’ve always wanted to the voice in someone’s head. ….OoOoooooooOoOOOOo, Tizzy, you must kill and rape your way across AstlaaaaAAaaaAAaan! Not necessarily in that oooOOooOOOoooOoOOOoorder! And cookie up TooOOOooooOOOOooom!
Ok, cheesy ghost voices aside, getting someone to try to taste me I think would take too much logistics at the moment. I think I’ll table that for later. Though I’m hoping I’m lime flavored. Always been partial to that.