Forum Replies Created
I think the ARC and beta reader ideas are actually pretty good ideas. That can help a lot. Objective readers who haven’t lost sight of the story due to all the letters on the page. At some point in the editing process, my mind went numb.
[/quote]For the record, I’m voluntering. =p~
Not an native speaker, so anything I would find would be obvious* or an case of conflicting information.*for someone who did not write it. Miss my own typos constantly…
It show shape changing, [/quote]It did? Or are you talking about Pyromastery? Him changing into fire.
MemberDescription sucked me in!
Was perfect.Korwin
MemberHad no problem with an Demon being on the Front page,
but the foot (it is a foot, right?) is confusing me every time I look at the picture.Korwin
Member[quote=Tizzy;99]He put the link on an existing “Holy Artifact of Tiernon” that was the key (shhhhhh don’t tell anyone). It’s what allowed him to penetrate the mana stream, in a manner similar to how those arrows could affect Talarius’ armor.
[/quote]Yes, the big question will be, will he be able to copy the workings of the Arrows.
And if not, will the Arrows work on priests/god connections of other faiths.Korwin
Member[quote=Tizzy;67]I wouldn’t mention that to Tom. I’m not sure that’s fully crossed his mind. It might freak him out.
But yes, if the dragon had been able to keep enough damage coming faster than Tom could regenerate, and exhaust his mana, he’d have died for good.[/quote]
But the dragon is comming back in a few centuries?
If yes, why is the dragon able to do that?And how do you perma-kill an Dragon?
MemberSo Dragons are harder to perma kill than demons.
Are Dragons made the same way, demons are?
Are they summonable/bindable?Korwin
Member[quote=xenofixus;57][quote=Korwin;55]Want to post my theory of the possibility of an Wizard doing an ascending/transformation into an 6+ Demon on himself.
Once it’s known that Demons are made out of human souls.[/quote]Would this be possible? I thought it was described in part as the lack of knowledge of the true ‘soul’ as being part of the reason why the demon is created in the first place. If a wizard tried summoning themselves they would know they are themselves and thus nothing would happen. I am sure Tizzy could speak more on this but that is how I figured. Another example of something similar is how they were able to bind Tom without even using his real name, not because it is his real name but because they completely believe it is his real name and (at the time) had more power than him. A large portion of the magic in the universe seems to be based on conviction rather than fact.[/quote]
The Wizards (now) know that they are binding an Demon.
Later they would know that they are creating an Demon from an (often human) soul.As to the name, (as far as I understood it) they do know his true name. They simply wrote is wrong.
The follow up question is: Has it an literate Demon easier than an iliterate? The iliterate beliving that those scibbles are his real name…Korwin
You can’t actually cast the spells on yourself. The “spirit” has to be dis-corporeal on the astral plane and the caster has to be in Astlan using/manipulating material components, vocalizations and somatic gestures (to borrow from AD&D terminology) so someone else would have to do it.
[/quote]Well you would need to redesign the spell(s). A simple time trigger sounds workable.
1. spell: Bind the Soul into Demon body (activates in 5 minutes)
2. spell: Sever the silver cord (activates in 4 minutes)
3. spell: Go to the astral planeObviously you would want to test those spells before trying them on yourself…
MemberIs it a Class/Level system, or a Point/buy?
I would think a Point/buy would work better (so you can have an Cleric who is also an Animagus)…Korwin
MemberEnd of the Year is the ETA for book 2, right?
btw. do you know about the existence of Advanced Reader Copies 😉
[quote]An eARC is an electronic Advance Reader Copy. This is an unproofed manuscript and is guaranteed to be full of typos and error. It is pretty much raw from the authors word processor. But you get the entire eARC well in advance of even the Monthly Baen Bundle release.
MemberUps, thanks.
Found em.Korwin
But what we do know is, Tom did get a huge supercharging out of if and repaired his mana body on Astlan and had enough power to reverse a Holy Artifact of Tiernon (which will also be a subject of much consternation). Again, because this is IMPOSSIBLE to do. Yes, Tiernon or one of his Avatars could in theory do it, but no Demon should even be able to touch the thing.
[/quote]Another question:
Did it permanently change him somewhat? Like he registers more on an non demon spectrum?Korwin
MemberSo in the fight against the Dragon, Tom would have perma-died if he had lost?
But the Dragon is not perma-dead?Korwin
MemberWant to post my theory of the possibility of an Wizard doing an ascending/transformation into an 6+ Demon on himself.
Once it’s known that Demons are made out of human souls. -