Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Will do.
I also need to update Facebook, I’ve been promising them an update…it’s just that I keep thinking I’ll get back in gear and have some new timelines, but wrenches just keep flying my way. Almost like someone with 4 hands were tossing them at me….not to name any names.
The Author Guy
MemberDone, sorry for delay, Tizzy normally does this, but he is tied up on a Book 4 adventure and I forgot to fill in for him.
The Author Guy
MemberThere have been…however…there are lots of creative and content oriented details that I control freak out over…
Authors are like DM’s, GM’s. They are control freaks and like to micromanage entire worlds…
The Author Guy
MemberWell in that case…sounds exactly like the sort of project I invariably take on. I have gone through tons of money on add ons and extensions to presumably free or low cost products….all of which take inordinate amounts of time.
I actually have test Joomla, Drupal and WP sites that I played with for a while. Those I can all get a semblance of the theme (or color variants if I wish), it’s just the content…all the content and then what extensions work best…
Incredible amounts of playing around and experimenting–which is stuff I love to do–but which is generally not particularly productive when trying to get something out the door.
Hence my whole point of–I need to buckle down and focus on writing.
I was too tied up with day job and those other sites I got distracted on, to get much (anything other than edits) this spring and am finally back to story telling so trying to stay focused…
The Author Guy
The only way this series doesn’t get finished is if I’m relaxing some evening, enjoying some milk and that nice box of cookies someone left on my doorstep and some wizard captures me…
Of course, even then, I’d eventually finish the series, although it might be a few thousand years later…hopefully people will wait 2 or 3 thousand years between books…I mean, we all do it for GRRM…
2020-06-02 at 15:25 in reply to: What is it like to be human, but to live for millions or billions of years? #9552The Author Guy
MemberOf course, I can’t even think of Grey Goo without thinking about why I don’t eat yogurt.
The Author Guy
I’d been spending a lot of time on OOA and COA, as well as a lot of day job time, but am now back to more work on Volume IV.
As I go through doing new writing and trying to keep continuity straight, I am finding numerous errors and typos still existing in Books 1, 2 and 3.
Fixing these errors is a huge pain because that means I have to republish them and that’s always a tricky process.
For example, back in April I did updates/fixes to Book II. When I redid the paperback version, the new versions formatting was different than the previous paperback’s format. This changed the number of pages, shrunk the book by around 10 pages (I think the problem was that even pages all got an extra line per page…and for paperbacks where every chapter should start on an odd page, that can shift a lot of stuff around over time in terms of blank even pages etc.)
Anyway, that change to size, mean the cover, that had been good for 18 months was suddenly too big, so the republished failed, and I didn’t notice it. My real bad. When I did notice it, it took me about 5 days of tweaking the cover to get it right (you think you have it right, but have to submit and wait 24 hours to get approval, and it kept getting rejected—it/they is VERY picky)
In the case of e-books, there are also potential issues, like the original problem I had with Book III and the light fonts, and also, existing users don’t automatically get the changes, they have to request the latest version because new versions wipe out notes and highlights.
So anyway, I don’t want to do updates that often.
But, there are now getting to be enough that I am going to have to republish at least book iii sometime before the release of book iv and/or the others.
So, if you have noticed outstanding typos/errors/bugs let me know by replying to this topic.
There are some obvious typo’s like missing quotes, but also things like saying the bergrisi was attacking the southern wall, when it was attacking the northern wall…etc.
The Author Guy
And very appropriate for orc vampires given my youthful opinion on orcs.
In junior high/middle school playing D&D, we (or maybe me and I assumed) always thought of orcs as having rather porcine characteristics. I think this was 1) tusks like boars and 2) orc rhymes with pork. [All of this before Warhammer–or any movies]
So the hampire would sort of be like my childhood orc vampire.
And yes we will see more undead of all types, including those that fled the field of battle, and of course Tizzy’s new dhampire friend.
The Author Guy
MemberOne of the technicalities I still need to figure out is how do orc vampires suck someone’s blood without ripping their dinner’s head off with their tusks? Or do they just rip the head off and stick the neck their mouth and gulp? Sort of like one of those juice bags you tear the top off and drink.
The Author Guy
MemberThat’s a very good point!
What is also known, from OOA, is that vampires vastly prefer the blood of their own original species, so that all adds up.
Drinking humans would be like diet soda or maybe even some nasty protein drink.
The Author Guy
MemberSeems to be a very allergenic spring all over. I’ve seen numerous people around here with swollen red eyes, pale complexions and funny sounding speech. I think they are having allergy problems, or maybe they’re zombies, not sure.
We’ve been having a lot of fake spring type weather warms up, cools down, warms up, cools down. Think that sends plants into overdrive or something.
Looks like that would really be good idea for flu season as well.
The Author Guy
MemberNot exactly, I listen to either Pandora or Google Play Radio stations. All of them have a limited play list per genre/topic/style whatever. Like a top 40 radio station actually. So if you don’t change the channel fairly often you start hearing the same songs come up again, albeit in a different order.
I tend to play these stations continuously as background music while I work, and I choose them based on mood/desired mood and tempo for what I’m doing: energizing, relaxing, feel good, nostalgia or when writing battle scenes either stirring classical, or exciting movie scores etc. I don’t generally pay attention to the words, it’s more the ambient mental state they help achieve. Which is why if I hadn’t reheard the “I am kilroy” in the video above, I would have told you I hadn’t heard Mr Roboto in a decade or more, but it turns out, I had very recently, several times. The only thing I remember hearing was that phrase.
But, actually, as a kid, I didn’t have a lot of money so I had very few albums or cassettes so I would listen to them over and over again, just like I read the same books over and over again because I either couldn’t find or afford new ones. Although I had a couple orders of magnitude more books than albums. 90% of my “revenue” (meaning allowance and lunch money–never ate lunch, pocketed the cash) went to books.
The Author Guy
MemberSo my first thought looking at the video was “how many youths out there might think this was the Spanish translation of the TV Show Mr Robot”
Having not seen it in a long time, I watched it, and actually really listened to it for probably the first time since it was originally on MTV and realized that, actually, it could be the theme song for Mr Robot and I am now convinced they got the name for the show from the song. It’s sort of Elliot’s tale in more ways than one.
The next funny part is that while I hadn’t really listened to it in decades, I also realized it was on a current Google radio station I’ve been listening to this week. I have it on as background and really never noticed the song playing other than the I am kilroy phrase, which I’ve heard about four or five times in the last couple days….
The Author Guy
Spoke with Tantor today, in edition to the current contract for the Book 4 Audiobook they’ve also agreed to do audiobooks for Oak Orks of the Antilles 1 and Chronicles of Astlan 1.
I would suspect that Stephen will do them as well.
Now, just got to get them finished.
The Author Guy
MemberI’d forgotten about that! Definitely.
I also like the word a lot as well.
I think I’d be OK with L’immortality. The real thing would get old, particularly after the universe is over and you are all that’s left.
Below is not spoiler, but rather crazy philosophy:
[SPOILER]I’m pretty sure that’s why God shook things up with the big bang. Just hanging there, by yourself, being everything, the beginning, the end, the alpha, the omega…and what with no time, the beginning, the end and the middle all exist at the same point, simultaneously, Just seems like a bummer.
So, to get some excitement, I’d blow myself up and start ordering myself with time so I could sequence things, stretch stuff out enjoy it/appreciate it/myself. And then I’d let all my little fragments develop fragmented consciousness and fight each other, engage in war and melodrama, or just survival of the fittest, the circle of life (which again doesn’t work real well without time–so that’s the most important).
Maybe, eventually some fragments could realize they were all just little parts of me and come to some sort of Zen oneness with each other and me and achieve enlightenment and then when enlightenment got boring, they could be killed by a less enlightened fragment of myself to shake things up.
Here’s the thing, as discussed by Tamarin, Kierkegaard thought he had existential dread, and god, with “his plan” could cure it. But who is going to cure god’s existential dread, which, of course, is the opposite of Kierkegard’s? He is the meaning, he is there forever and ever because there is nothing outside of him or her, he’s all there is, was or will be for ever and for once and how do you deal with that?
Like all depressed people you watch TV/read books/see plays/go to movies, In this case, you just have to create them yourself, because you are all there is, so you create them out of yourself, and then you observe it all!
How do you observe it though without spoiling the plot which you know since the plot is a time ordered part of you? You observe it by being an actor, and in fact you are every actor because, Valentine Michael Smith, they are you, you just don’t know you are you and so you have the illusion of not knowing, and you get to be, independently, on each side of every argument, experience every combination, know the fear of mortality and the power of life and death over other creatures (that are also you).
You solve your divine existential dread by turning it inside out into limited Kierkegaardian existential dread because that fear is what makes life sweet, sweeter than it ever can be if you are truly immortal and you have nothing to lose, nothing to truly look forward to.