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  • in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7675

    It should be fixed in the new release I just put out. It’s so small I didn’t flag it in the ToC though.

    Will look.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – The AARCs #7436








    That last one makes a lot of sense. I like that.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – The AARCs #7437

    One really good reason for using HALO is so that Tizzy can explain that:

    “If an avatar wants to come down to the Abyss they need to check their HALO at the door!”

    in reply to: Beta 1 – The AARCs #7439

    Those are good too.

    I’ve updated things to use HALO, what it stands for is only in the conversation between Stevos and Teragdor so it’s easy to change it to whatever everyone thinks best.

    I’m now describing it as a magical daemon construct, or a Holy Daemon Construct actually.

    Well, my first thought was: Who in their right mind would let these boys fly an airplane?

    My question became justified when they left the cockpit to party in the hold and then went wing walking while the plane was on autopilot.

    I am not sure how they walked away from the crash, but being able to shapeshift into Freddy Kruger probably had something to do with it.

    Wonder how many people died on the ground?

    So, three more fallen maia I am guessing…looks like they are Earth living in a hotel and drawing comic books…

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7490

    [quote=Mikey;5761]If he were to mention a potential decapitation incident to someone, it wouldn’t be too long until all kinds of people would be conducting experiments in that category on the school’s young pupils.[/quote]

    [lol] I shudder to think what Lenamare might try? Is he going to Bind all of his students and see if it takes?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7491

    [quote=LCSpartan051;5763]Has this been addressed yet? If not then I suggest that we up the power level of EM and say that Tiernon did examine the blade, but wasn’t able to detect anything wrong with it. Maybe the Dark Apostle obtained it from a coalition of Unlife/Chaos Gods who designed it as a way of sowing discord between the various pantheons of Law.

    Alternatively we could say that Tiernon never obviously looked for it since that would raise suspicions in his lower level avatars. Maybe he passively examined it in secret, but couldn’t find anything wrong with it and thus allowed Sentif Fallon to do whatever with it.

    Either way we would have to say that Tiernon doesn’t know that the blade was “Reversed”, only that it was altered by his power being used by Tom.[/quote]

    No, not been resolved, I am sort of going slow this weekend, getting easy changes done to give us all time to come up with the best fixes for the more complicated problems.

    And this is something that needs to be threaded carefully. I think something along that line, or perhaps, Beragamos or some other supreme archon examined it, this would give Tiernon plausible deniability and still leave reason for him to steal it from Iskerus for his own examination.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7493

    One would hope he knew that, but then, this guy is not known for worrying about the consequences his actions have on others.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7494

    So the big problem I am having with Sentir Fallon, Beragamos and Tiernon recognizing Orcus is that I don’t want to give away the library scene where Tom realizes he looks just like Orcus.

    I do allude to it with Torean and Tiernon, but don’t push it.

    I admit it should have come up in Book 2, but I wasn’t ready for the revelation and didn’t even think about them recognizing him at the time.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7495

    So I’ve fixed up the Torean and Tiernon discussion of the lost EM, are there other discussions of it being lost that I am forgetting?

    in reply to: Beta 1 Chapter 137 #7583

    Odd on the 1a cut and paste, I tested it before, sorry, will be releasing a new update beta 1.5 tonight or tomorrow.

    Not sure how I managed to say Hilda there, maybe I was on demon weed….

    These were new, lower lying clouds, but will work to make things clearer.

    in reply to: Beta 1 Chapter 137 #7584

    OK, Found the hilda thing in PDF, I thought I’d fixed that before beta 1, but I have fixed in current one. that was a cut and paste error.


    in reply to: Beta – The End of the Fight (Chapter 147) #7375

    [quote=LCSpartan051;5738]What if a ghoul isn’t really “cured” when it enters the abyss, it may simply stop needing animus to sustain itself while there since animus and antimus are functionally identical in the abyss, or since mortals don’t need sustenance in the Abyss.

    The harmful effects on the Unlife don’t have to be due to the animus/antimus problems, instead it could simply be due to the literal fiery heat of the abyss. Exador could perhaps have prepared an Abyssal swap that would land the Unlife in the middle of a lake of lava, or conversely summoned a lake of lava above the Unlife.

    For the escape plan(Plan E), Exador could transport them inside an area with pre-prepared cooling spells in place, or perhaps the wards the SL were drawing were to keep the hot air out of their swapped Nysegardian “real-estate”.[/quote]

    That’s basically what I’m thinking. If he was going to toast them as a defensive measure, he wouldn’t tell them first and go somewhere nasty.

    The air is the big problem for them, my assumption is that Plan E involves liches doing massive cooling spells, which they can easily do. I point out the Ice Dragons are NOT going to like the Abyss, so they have to do something like that.

    Given cooling, I think that ghouls, vampires, vampyrs and dhampyrs will all be fine. As will liches. Skeletons are mainly just animated by magic, and a bit of antimus/antimus, so will be fine.

    [color=blue]It’s really the zombies that will be the most problematic. Do they suddenly become correctly resurrected, but due to decay are horribly wounded? Would they regenerate in the Abyss and end up as living people?[/color]

    in reply to: Beta – The End of the Fight (Chapter 147) #7376

    [quote=Burien;5742]New meaning to Go To Hell plan, it usually isnt meant literally.[/quote]

    Gotta love it!

    in reply to: Beta – The End of the Fight (Chapter 147) #7378

    I am thinking they are going to work to minimize the time, and that’s the sort of information I am going to squeeze into this book before we find out what did happen in book 4

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