Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5971][quote]he and Arg-nargoloth were some of the very first D’Orcs ever incarnated.[/quote]
Aren’t D’Orcs descended/ascended rather than ‘incarnated’?[/quote]Agreed. Fixed.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5972][quote]He had never seen, nor even imagined, a fortress on this scale. It was quite daunting.[/quote]
Isn’t Mt Doom a fortress that is several orders of magnitude bigger and nastier than the Citadel of Light? The Citadel seems like something that would have previously impressed him but not so much anymore. Similar to how he wasn’t feeling the standard level of awe when in the presence of the avatars of his God.[/quote]Good point.
Does this clarification help?
[color=blue]He had never seen, nor even imagined, a man made fortress on this scale. [/color]
The big difference in Talarius’ mind is that the Citadel is a giant carved stone block castle, whereas Doom is a volcano with a labyrinth.
So from his point of view, Doom, while technically a fortress he see it as more of a giant dungeon. Sitting on top of something just indescribably weird in terms of his world view.
The Author Guy
MemberAlso to add clarity appended this to the paragraph
Talarius stood observing the obscenely large army of the dead surrounding the Citadel. He was on a balcony down the hall from the Command Center. He shook his head; this was his first true view of the Citadel as a whole. It certainly lived up to its name. He had never seen, nor even imagined, [color=blue]a man made [/color]fortress on this scale. It was quite daunting. [color=blue]As was the Unlife army arrayed around the mighty fortress.[/color]
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5933]Beragamos remembers reading a report that their outer plane collapsed, but Bess and Sekhmekt have pools. Hephaestus has one as a dwarven god. They still have the souls of their followers, but where are those souls located? Presumably in an outer plane since the animus would not cease to exist (sort of).
Also, they seem to be signatories prior to their outer plane collapsing. That doesn’t abrogate their promise to adhere and they could establish new religions. Imagine if Tiernon had 2 religions going and he only signed it as a member of 1 pantheon. No way the Tribunal would accept that. Otherwise Tiernon could violate it under the guise of the non-signatory pantheon.[/quote]
Yes, that was the interpretation of others. They went under cover.
They are using the giant animus wheel on Uropia (Wheel of Life) and anima jars, Osiris is reincarnating people as fast as he can. Needless to say, there is a lot of sex going on up on that moon.
They may have some other bases as well, we just haven’t peered close enough in to their activities to know for sure.
Yes, they are definitely signatories, however they are running under the radar pretending to be “dead”
Now, the exception would be, or the one they would argue, is if they are “invited” into the Abyss by a resident, then they allowed to be there for short periods “to visit”
This is how Loki could come to visit, as well as Phaestus. Orcus invited them, Orcus was “officially” a member of the Courts—so technically, he would also have been a signatory, hmm, we are getting legal technicalities here.
Anyway, he invited Hephaestus, and I am sure they would argue in court that Orcus had extended an open invitation to them. They’d only been “vacationing” for the last 150 years. That is a very short period of time.
The point being, if it gets to the Tribunal, things get very messy and so numerous people would like to avoid this.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;5937]do the SL know Exador and Ramses are demons?[/quote]
Yes, very much so. The Dark Apostle worked with Exador before around the time he was Vicar General.
That’s also how they knew about plan E.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;5937]When Hilda and Co steel war arrow did she pick up all of Talarius’ stuff? There was that whole first ruiden scene where he destroys the tent, but Talarius still had lots of other magic stuff in there.
Meaning did he also get the mirror?[/quote]
They did, a lot of it had been in his Bags of Safekeeping.
The mirror, however, was turned over to Sir Sorel to continuing scanning, he is still at Freehold
FYI: The Knights Rampant that we have heard of are:
Baxtion (Deceased somehow tied to Talarius)
Etrian (went Vampire, staked by Talarius)
Etrias (Brother of Etrian was not at Freehold)
Gadius (on Inferno)
Gaius (on Inferno)
Kiernon (Deceased somehow tied to Talarius)
Serah (on Inferno)
Sorel (At Freehold with mirror)
Talarius (Apostle of Doom)
Trian (Deceased, father of Etrian and Etrias, somehow tied to Talarius)The deceased knights, tied to Talarius are casualties of Talarius leading people into battle and being the only one to return, with the exception of Etrian who he staked shortly before Book 1.
2020-06-02 at 15:24 in reply to: Beta 2 – Murgatroy: DOA + 3, Late Third Period is now too infodumpy #7647The Author Guy
The Author Guy
MemberThe myth that Sammael and Lilith tend to go with is that all four of them were in the garden of Eden, the pairings were Lilith and Adam, Sammael and Eve.
However, Adam and Eve got tired of immortal paradise and decided to become mortal and simply reincarnate endlessly. Sammaell and Lilith were thus left as an unlikely pairing. Which is why they don’t so much get along.
Of course, this story does not take into account the Phoenix Cycle, which most demons don’t know about (or it is not widely known, the Princes would know)
As to the other theories, it is very much something like that. Demon Weed only grows in very peculiar places.
[quote]CoA:ITW will cover this.[/quote]
The Author Guy
MemberHere is the current blurb as per cover (slightly modified)
[u]The Restoration of Glory [/u]After 4,000 years of waiting, Prophecy has been fulfilled!
The Dark Lord Tommus, heir to the Throne of Orcus, has relit Mount Doom in the Abyss! It is time for the Orcs to reclaim their rightful place upon the Planes of Orc!
As the orcs rejoice and race to rebuild the connections between their worlds and the Abyss and the alvar gird for war, Tom discovers his new home comes with some unexpected guests–guests who may provide him with leverage in his conflict with the god Tiernon.
Hilda and crew work to establish a new base of operations upon the plains of Murgatroy to launch a rescue mission for Talarius.
Meanwhile, aboard Dante’s Inferno, Oorstemoth and the Rod invade the Abyss on their joint mission to rescue Talarius and arrest Lord Edwyrd.
Exador needs the assistance of the Storm Lords to destroy Lenamare and the Council of Wizardry and size The Book once and for all. In return he mus first recreate the lost works of the Dark Apostle.
Meanwhile, Lilith is preoccupied by a Baron of Chaos who wants to kno where their Maelstrom went.
First question? Should the lead be “The Restoration of Glory” yes it starts here, but perhaps not use that as that might be a good choice for the name of the next book?
Other questions:
What do you think, do you like? Hate? Meh?
What would you change?
Would you do something completely different? Some of the focus has changed.
Completely different suggestions?
The Author Guy
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;5955]When did Lord edwyrd get confirmed to be in the abyss?[/quote]
I thought about that too as I retyped this from the back cover.
The Oorstemothians are looking for Lord Edwyrd who sunk their ship. He was thought to be leading the demon contingent, after the Talarius thing they decided either Lord Edwyrd and the greater demon were the same or working together.
I’m not sure that became clear enough in book 2 though.
Perhaps I should have them discuss it in book 3. I’m going to go back to book 2 though and recheck what was said.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, we are going to get back to Freehold in Book IV,
There are Oorstemothians left there, Lenamare is going to have to deal with them, particularly if they move inside the walls with the Rod.
No one has told them where Jenn & Gastrope’ went, only that they left.
The Author Guy
Lots of people dislike and were turned off by the Book 1 blurb. Some people who finally gave in and bought the book despite the blurb and loved the books said the Book 1 blurb was off putting.
Having trouble finding out what was off putting, other than it seems very clunky, even to me.
I know some people were put off by the “drug” thing. So I’ve tried to finesse that with alternatives I’ve never used, and not been real thrilled.
However, as the reader eventually learns, “Demon Weed” is not marijuana, it’s a play on the old timey “the demon weed” drug scares and the fact that it’s the stuff that makes demons possible.
So I’d really like to leave that phrase in the blurb somewhere because I think it’s important as distinct from regular pot, which is what Tom thinks he is smoking.
So suggestions for cleaning it up? The long form version too on Amazon.
Open to alternative blurbs if people want to try something.
Same is true for the Heavenly Host blurb (but use a different Topic, e.g. Book 2 Blurb)
The Author Guy
MemberExcellent point!
The Author Guy
MemberSo the time thing is a screw up as I rearranged stuff in time in the alpha’s that’s a mistake.
In the current version, after testing whether he can summon Targh, he says he’s going to re-open the runic gateway and others will come through to start setting up.
The command center is a bit later in time after the RG is settled, and Dargh-Krallnom came through.
I have updated the last sentence in the temple to have tom say:
“I just want to open the runic gateway and update everyone there, we’ll have a few more people come through to start preparations.” Tom told the battle priestess. [color=blue] “I am also going to have Darg-Krallnom join us.”[/color]
The Author Guy
MemberIt was missed in the pile.
Fixed now.
Word is changed, did you think the rest of the sentence was too redundant?