Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Yes, I did that originally.
I was at Smashwords and published to various of their subsites and several others on my own. Google Play, Apple, etc.
However, what I quickly discovered is that none of them could come even remotely close to the volume on Amazon.
Mainly because it was very hard to find the book on some of those platforms. BN and Apple are too focused on the big publishers. Smashwords has a lot of lower end stuff (and lots of porn).
Smashwords probably sold the most after amazon, then google play, then BN. Apple sold none.
Amazon did nearly 100x as much business as the others in the first months. Literally.
In the first month on Amazon, I sold 1,161 copies. I sold 10 at Smashwords, 2 at Play, 1 at BN.
And then comes Kindle Unlimited. It’s optional, but exclusive. To be on Kindle Unlimited you cannot have the same book at any other e-bookstore. You could have, say an illustrated version on Apple, or compendium of 3 books etc, but not the same book.
Now, at first the payment wasn’t so great since they treated all books the same and this ended up being advantages to people that wrote lots of short books. They changed that in the summer of 2015. Now they pay per “virtual” page read. I make pretty much the same amount of money whether it is KU or purchased. (although if they don’t finish the book–I only get paid for how much they read with KU. However, that is not noticeable)
So I signed up, and at first it boosted my income by 50%, even after dumping the other sites.
Once they changed the payment scheme last year?
I make 2x as much money (on average) from Kindle Unlimited readers as from sales of the e-book. That is simply volume, since the royalty is about the same.
And this has been consistent. Sales of Books 1 and 2 are being boosted by my ads for the preorder of Book 3.
I.e. people see Book 3 and go and check out books 1 and 2.
At the moment, people reading it via KU have brought in almost exactly 2x as much as people buying books 1 and 2.
So….long story short, for most indie authors, KU is a very profitable drug. Quitting it to put your book on other sites can be very expensive and not worth it.
The Author Guy
MemberProssibly not…
Obviously, they will be squirming a lot, but there won’t be a full resolution. That requires the end of DoA and the “happily ever after or not”
The Author Guy
MemberYes, that is what I meant.
There are other tunnels that they all came out of, i.e. how the D’Orcs got out through the gates on the side of the mountain.
The Author Guy
It was glossed over between the first one that he zapped and the last of the smaller 3.
“Okay,” Tom said out loud, “now all we have to do is keep the normal Unlife away from our recovering friends.”“That’s not going to be a problem!” Darg-Krallnom shouted. Tom looked towards the commander, who gestured to the Unlife that had been surrounding them.
“They are in retreat, I suspect to reorganize. Surround the leadership, protect them at all costs. A very good thing for us!”
Tom grinned and turned back to Inethya.“Incredible!” Inethya said, shaking her head. “That dagger was able to do what my rituals could not.”
“This was a very strange situation. The Storm Lord’s spells were guarding the antimus tightly, but more importantly, the core souls of the risar were locked inside as animus. They were imprisoned within their own incarnated forms,” Tom said.
“I’ve never heard of anything like that,” Inethya said.
“Nor have I,” a new voice said behind Tom. He turned to see that Beragamos had returned now that the interdiction had been shut down.
“I note that someone has once again been stealing mana from heaven,” the archon said sternly.
“You try to re-turn three risar controlled by thirty-nine very powerful liches, now permanently slain, without using every drop of mana you can get your hands on,” Tom said somewhat sarcastically. “I also admit that Tiernon’s mana is very pure and most efficient.”
A tremendous crashing sound from the other side of the Citadel brought their attention back to the fact that there was still a fourth risi attacking the Citadel.
This is before they go to the Northern Courtyard to battle the bergrisi.
Thanks for double checking. These are the sorts of things that can easily be overlooked. Particularly when I can’t even remember what was done.
That’s the trouble with later stuff.
Early stuff, I (and the beta demons) have gone over many more times. Stuff near the end gets far fewer readings.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, this is all true.
Different religions have different after-life’s.
Some have paradise, and punishment outer planes, some regenerate. It depends a lot on the religion.
Because so many religions interact, there is often overlap and confusion. Astlanian’s know of the Abyss and the torments that supposedly await those sent there. So many assume (incorrectly) that is where the bad people go.
Doing spoiler to continue because this topic is in a forum outside of beta and don’t want to provide too much information about Book 3 to people who haven’t read it.
[SPOILER]And yes, many religions threaten to toss the truly bad people there, but very few do. The reason for this is because if they toss souls that “belong to them” into the Abyss, they no longer have access to them. It’s like throwing them away. So very few gods actually do that.
Instead they make use of Purgatory and Limbo and other Outer Planes of their own. They typically shelve people in these regions for either punishment or reward for a few decades or centuries before recycling them via reincarnation, and of course when they do this, they want to place the reincarnated souls in places where they can be kept in the religion.
This is all part of “The God Game” so to speak, maybe that will be a title, that Orcus was against, and why he built Mount Doom so he didn’t need to mana-farm worshipers. [/SPOILER]
The Author Guy
MemberYes, I’ve seen that, I thought it was a me thing, but now that I see the URL outside the box I see the problem.
Will check to see about fixing it.
The Author Guy
MemberFinal reminder I’ve only heard from one person.
The Author Guy
MemberI have released what I think should be the final Beta.
It is post editor. It turned out to be a lot harder to merge back than I thought.
Can you all check your biggest hot button issues to make sure they are included.
I do have a new Stainsberry scene indicated in red in the PDF ToC. It’s a Field of Zombies/Stainsberry section.
I called the Beta, Beta 5—I think it should have been beta 4 but I got off on my numbers.
I’ve also included the Appendix links in what I think are good spots. But feel free to suggest moving them to better locations.
The Author Guy
MemberBeta 4/5 still has some gender swaps for War Arrow.
Fixed those post beta.
The Author Guy
MemberI have no clue how to do that. There is no setting that I’ve seen on the publishing pages. Maybe there is formatting code?
I will look into it though.
A lot of these features are sort of random/they turn them on, or are very obscure. The don’t document them at all.
The Author Guy
MemberWas showering after the gym tonight thinking about the title and came up with one that works on quite a few levels and is pretty weird to attract attention.
How about “The Atheist God”
As you recall, Orcus is suspected of being an Atheist (with cap A)
Anyway posting this as new topic to get the title some more visibility. It’s in the poll now. Or comment here or in the poll topic if you like it.
Otherwise were are leaning towards The Divine Demon or The Doomed God.
The Author Guy
MemberYeah I was sort of thinking the same. Same reason I don’t want to do another “of Doom”
However, I’m not sold on The Divine Demon, which I think is tied with it.
Of course, Atheist God might be better for book V as more of that stuff comes to fruition, or not….
The Author Guy
I’m just feeling sort of at a loss, nothing is quite as perfect as Apostles of Doom was for where I intended to go. Although part of that might be hindsight. It was not certain that that would be the title, there was a vote before and it won…so 13 months later I may have just internalized it as a “fact”
Part of it may be due to have too many possibilities for the next book, so many more things that have to be unwrapped that I’m not as sure as to what will get the most emphasis and what gets pushed back later.
The Author Guy
MemberYeah, was searching the other day for more from mythology but wasn’t coming up with one.
Could go with one of the Nysegard titles.
In Nysegard he is a Lord of Light, but everywhere else he is a Dark Lord.
“The Dark Lord of Light”
“The Lord of Light and Dark”
“The Light in the Darkness”
“The Darkness of the Light”
we already have the The Oath Maker
We could go with
“The God’s Oath”
“The Oath of Gods”
The Author Guy
MemberYeah, it’s supposed to be a bit surreal, may need to clean this up…there was a huge impact squashing stuff and clearing the immediate field.
They are talking while Thrinarv is healing–>note that Mufasa is standing guard while Stainsberry is having this conversation.
Mufasa twists and turns to look over his (Mufasa’s shoulder) will clean this up a bit more to be more believable.
Will change the non-animus stuff to simply “non-living”