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    How about Aton and Ammon? I suppose you’ve cast Ammon as Ra, though.


    is it really problematic though?

    it doesnt sound like there is anything preventing the association of dis/rupert with the grove,
    as orcus took care of the orcs so too could dis/rupert associate with the grove, hell the whole return to the source of life, the richness of the soil and later rebirth, renewal and recycling of life thing sorta fits with the story, kinda makes it sound like dis was responsible for the rebirth of himself and orcus rather than his father

    it could an interesting point to weave in some grove story.


    I am still thinking about this.

    The principle problem, as I see it is if they worship Dis Pater, how do they not know about the association with Orcus and the D’Orcs? At least someone.

    Given that Ariel and his sister take turns serving as Elders of the Grove, and he was battling D’Orcs 4,000 to 5,000 yeas ago, this gets awkward, perhaps, I just need to come up with a rationale for this.


    [quote=Mikey;5175]How about Aton and Ammon? I suppose you’ve cast Ammon as Ra, though.[/quote]

    It’s quite interesting, last afternoon a friend, who I also do work with called and wanted to get together to catch up and coordinate on work we are doing together and then watch a movie, eat take out and drink vodka….so I didn’t get much writing done but….

    We watched Gods of Egypt, which I had not seen in theaters due to ‘abysmal’ reviews.

    It was a very interesting/different take on the Egyptian gods. I think for me the biggest problem was the editing, it seemed like a lot of transition scenes were missing, so things would jump and you’d be like “what happened? what are they doing now?” Like the movie should be another hour longer.

    Anyway, it was rather campy, snarky and I did rather enjoy it, non-soberly. It also gave me a number of interesting ideas to play with, reminding me very much of how modern views of gods are very different than the ancients view. If you look at historically, the gods were very fallible, very troubled and screwed up all the time. They were really more like super heroes, and as such Marvel’s Cinematic Thor is probably closer to how people used to see their gods.

    They were also the soap operas and telenovela around the fire at night as told by the story tellers. If the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans had had paparazzi (and cameras) they’d have been the main topic of the tabloids.

    I’ve always, of course, known this, at least since my teens, but the movie was actually a good refresher on this.

    Anyway back to your question:

    Atum-Fierd is also known as Amon-Fierd aka Amon-Ra or Aton/Aten, Ammon, Ra. The variances in names are due to both cultures/languages and the Phoenix Cycle, he’s been through it more than most.


    [quote=The Author Guy;5185]Atum-Fierd is also known as Amon-Fierd aka Amon-Ra or Aton/Aten, Ammon, Ra. The variances in names are due to both cultures/languages and the Phoenix Cycle, he’s been through it more than most.

    The first paragraph of the book:

    I, SINUHE, the son of Senmut and of his wife Kipa, write this. I do not write it to the glory of the gods in the land of Kem, for I am weary of gods, nor to the glory of the Pharaohs, for I am weary of their deeds. I write neither from fear nor from any hope of the future but for myself alone. During my life I have seen, known, and lost too much to be the prey of vain dread; and, as for the hope of immortality, I am as weary of that as I am of gods and kings. For my own sake only I write this; and herein I differ from all other writers, past and to come.

    “Minä, Sinuhe, Senmutin ja hänen vaimonsa Kipan poika, kirjoitan tämän. En ylistääkseni Kemin maan jumalia, sillä jumaliin olen kyllästynyt. En ylistääkseni faraoita, sillä heidän tekoihinsa olen kyllästynyt. Vaan itseni tähden minä tämän kirjoitan. En mairitellakseni jumalia, en mairitellakseni kuninkaita, en pelosta enkä tulevaisuuden toivosta. Sillä elämäni aikana olen niin paljon kokenut ja menettänyt, ettei turha pelko minua vaivaa, ja kuolemattomuuden toivoon olen kyllästynyt, niin kuin olen kyllästynyt jumaliin ja kuninkaihin. Vaan itseni tähden minä tämän kirjoitan ja siinä luulen eroavani kaikista kirjoittajista niin menneisyydessä kuin tulevaisuudessa. ”

    The last paragraph of the book:

    “Sillä minä, Sinuhe, olen ihminen ja ihmisenä olen elänyt jokaisessa ihmisessä, joka on ollut ennen minua, ja ihmisenä elän jokaisessa ihmisessä, joka tulee jälkeeni. Elän ihmisen itkussa ja ilossa, hänen surussaan ja pelossaan elän, hyvyydessään ja pahuudessaan, oikeudessa ja vääryydessä, heikkoudessa ja väkevyydessä. Ihmisenä olen elävä ihmisessä ikuisesti enkä sen tähden kaipaa uhreja hautaani ja kuolemattomuutta nimelleni. Tämän kirjoitti Sinuhe, egyptiläinen, hän, joka eli yksinäisenä kaikki elämänsä päivät.”

    It’s so much better in the native Finnish. The official English translation is kind of pretentious, while the original text is written with sadness, resignation, the acceptance of reality, pathos.

    Let me try to translate the last paragraph.

    “Because I, Sinuhe, am human, and as a human I have lived in every human who came before me, and as a human I will live in every human who comes after me. I will live in human crying and joy, in his sorrow and fear I live, in his goodness and evil, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human I shall live in the humankind forever, and for that reason I do not yearn for sacrifices in my tomb, and immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the egyptian, he, who lived alone all of the days of his life.”


    [quote=Flakes;5160]Since the undead have been planning this and building up forces for over 1000 years I am picturing a division of undead archers using arrows that are enchanted with the same draining of Excrathadorus Mortis.[/quote]

    Great idea!


    [quote=LCSpartan051;5161]I think that the whole interdiction think should happen much closer to sunset. Perhaps the avatars were planning some sort of massive holy mana blast that required the unlife to be within a certain range, but then they were cut off just when they needed it most. This would allow the fighting to get pretty heavy without allowing too many people to realize the philosophical implications of being cut off. Perhaps this would be when someone from Hilda’s group dies, or comes very close to death before Tom shows up. He could then toss the nearly dead person into the abyss(one of the rooms in the Mortal Suite) and thus save their life and earn Hilda’s goodwill(maybe). The moat would prevent them from being instantly overwhelmed.

    I have an idea about fixing the whole “The inter-planar interdiction shouldn’t affect links between different planets” thing. What if instead of making the spell an “Inter-planar link-breaker”, what if it just exponentially increased the mana required to form a link/gateway from the current location to anywhere outside the spell. A “Local” gate would require significantly less energy than a gate between planets/planes. Perhaps this is also why none of the avatars can use any of their links priests outside of the interdiction to act as an anchor for a gate since they couldn’t muster the mana for creating a gate to them. Also, Tom’s links would go through the gateway, not through the air. The gateway to the Nysegard Doom could act as a “Window” to outside the Interdiction. Creating the gateway in the first place would be very strenuous for Tom, but he has the full resources of Mount Doom to call upon.[/quote]

    Just got back to this.

    I am going to move around the fighting, for one thing, it’s not just that the Unlife are testing during the day, they are still setting up camp and digging in. So they don’t have the resources to devote to full attack.

    However, since they are most vulnerable during the day, and while setting up, I would argue that they would want the interdiction up during the say as they setup camp and assembled their siege engines. They will have brought a lot of prebuilt parts for siege engines, but they would have been too slow and awkward to bring fully assembled.

    As for your link suggestion. That is exactly what I did. The mana requirement for a link to go through interstellar, or inter-galactic distances is far far greater than going through other planes (such as the Astral plane–which is how Shamans on Starships communicate over such distances)

    Because links are interplanar by default, they will take the cheapest, lowest mana route to their destination. Going through real space is too costly. Specifically, I say that if he needed to force an interseller link he’d need to be able to concentrate and expend a lot of mana, hard to do in battle, however, an intergalactic link would require some magical artifacts to act as transmitters/boosters etc.

    Thus Orcus, probably not even knowing where the other worlds were in real space didn’t have time to try and force localverse links.


    [quote=fallen_one_84;5162]jacque sparrow was he from a mana rich world?
    maybe romdan?
    since it says some where in the book that the gods remake their favorite time periods on each of their worlds.
    may be pirates of the Caribbean happened on romdan.

    will the black pearl show up?[/quote]

    My head is still spinning with the plot suggestions. [lol]

    Not clear, I was thinking about this. Technically, he probably should have been the Prophet rather than attending archon. We really don’t know yet where archons come from vs saints. I think they are basically saints after their first phoenix cycle.

    I find it more plausible that jacquesparrow decided to go on vacation and incarnated as the captain of the black pearl. Maybe every thirty thousand years or so he incarnates on a different world and does variants on PoC. Sort of like people who vacation in West World.

    Except the other characters are real people, not androids.


    Who was Orcus supposed to be manipulating during The Lord Of The Rings?

    Also didn’t catch it on my first read through lol.


    [quote=Mikey;5191]”Because I, Sinuhe, am human, and as a human I have lived in every human who came before me, and as a human I will live in every human who comes after me. I will live in human crying and joy, in his sorrow and fear I live, in his goodness and evil, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human I shall live in the humankind forever, and for that reason I do not yearn for sacrifices in my tomb, and immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the egyptian, he, who lived alone all of the days of his life.”[/quote]

    Ooh, all very Zen. I like this a lot.

    Going to check local used bookstores…actually going to check my own shelves, I swear I have seen this book, and may have even bought it at some point (I used to buy a lot of books I never managed to get too)


    [quote=EyeDeKay;5206]Who was Orcus supposed to be manipulating during The Lord Of The Rings?

    Also didn’t catch it on my first read through lol. [/quote]

    The Fellowship of the Ring, of course!



    [quote=The Author Guy;5204]
    As for your link suggestion. That is exactly what I did. The mana requirement for a link to go through interstellar, or inter-galactic distances is far far greater than going through other planes (such as the Astral plane–which is how Shamans on Starships communicate over such distances)

    Because links are interplanar by default, they will take the cheapest, lowest mana route to their destination. Going through real space is too costly. Specifically, I say that if he needed to force an interseller link he’d need to be able to concentrate and expend a lot of mana, hard to do in battle, however, an intergalactic link would require some magical artifacts to act as transmitters/boosters etc.

    Thus Orcus, probably not even knowing where the other worlds were in real space didn’t have time to try and force localverse links.

    What would happen if another localverse link was the lowest cost alternative, but the lowest cost exceeded what would be automatically handled by the fail over protocols? Would Orcus just lose his link period until manually reestablished? Seems like a design flaw.


    [quote=The Author Guy;5208][quote=Burien;5166]I was thinking that when Tiernon heres from Beragamos and sends in reinforcements, that this battle would be an excellent field test of the reversed Excrathadorus Mortis. He wanted to find out its capabilities, i cant imagine a situation that calls for an unlife slaying dagger more. Plus the potential for awkward moments this would cause could be so much fun[/quote]

    I know. I thought the same.

    Unfortunately, Iskerus somehow managed to ‘lose it’

    Tiernon stole it from Iskerus.[/quote]

    Thats why I was thinking just send it with the reinforcements. Iskerus losing it and then seeing an avatar waving it around would be just one of the awkward moments i thought of.


    [quote=The Author Guy;5218]The link is between Orcus and a Doomalogue. The link follows the lowest energy path by default (I.e. shortest possible line/path).The link will try to find a different path if the normal shortest is broken, but there is a limit to how much mana the link has in it to follow a path.At some point, the originator of the link would need to add more power to the link to get it to try higher cost paths.Like cranking up the wattage on a radio station.[/quote]

    I want to clarify this:

    1: Orcus/the wand had links to all the Doomalogues.
    2: Orcus had a link to Mount Doom
    3: Upon Interdiction, all the links, except the one to Etterdam’s were severed.
    4: It’s possible that his Doom link did fail over to route through Etterdam’s Doom, but then that one went offline, it’s link cut.
    5: At that point, there was no other link/path for him and the wand to reconnect to Doom following other links he had.
    6: Given time, he might have been able to force a link (by concentrating and boosting the power) to another Doomalogue in the same galaxy, or galactic neighborhood.
    7: We don’t know that he didn’t try, all we know is, he was unable to do anything to save himself.
    8: Sentir Fallon was gunning for him with EM so he didn’t have time to work something out like sending one of his D’Orcs out of the Interdiction and then using his link to the D’Orc as a relay to get off plane and back to Doom
    9: In hindsight, now, Tom knows to do this. Orcus did not think of it in time, he was under stress. Learning experience.
    10: As you will see in the next release, Beragamos berates himself for not seeing the same thing, even as Orcus did not.


    Since Lenamare recreated Stoivenychas’s work, and there are no coincidences…?

    Wouldn’t too strong wards cut their area off from the universe and potentially start the collapse of its false vacuum towards a stabler state now suddenly possible? Wouldn’t this be something the inhabitants of the universe would like to discourage? Perhaps Stainsberry even take an interest?

    About the missing D’Orcs… could they still be inside the Doomalogues, but in suspended animation to generate mana for the force fields that keep Net’s people out? Maybe Dis as well, and he was recently killed by a power surge?

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