Forum Replies Created
MemberThe forums and posts have been silent as Tom’s love-life. We got any updates about book 4? Latest update said something about Q2 2020. Not looking for confirmation that it is coming out, just want to know if TAG is still alive, well and writing!
MemberQuick question. If i find some typos were should i report them?
For example on page 150, when using the epub, it says “Such a bargain was obviously uh-holy….”
1) nothing really to say. It was good
2) I am sorry to say that i felt like this plotline was way to long with to litttle to add to the story. Some parts just did not add anything. As for the budding romance it was ok, maybe even a little more of it would be nice.
3) interesting plotline. Really liked where this was going. Only had 2 small isssues. Tom was too absent in the beginning and there needs to be more interaction between Tom and his D’Orcs, more getting to know eachother with either more conversation and/or action. Also the gathering for the feast could be a little shorter.
MemberTjanks alot for the help TAG
May thine enemies blood be tasty and thy captured maidens slutty!!ziipoo
MemberUmm im sorry to be bothering you like this TAG but there is still no Heavenly Host forum. Only a beta forum but there is no sub forum called Latest there.
MemberTAG the link does not work for me. Just takes me back to the home page of the website.
MemberI would like to see what the demons reaction to Toms usage of Holy mana is. Considering that they already think that he is some old big-shot fourth this will lead to some EPIC miscalculations and assumptions by the Demons watching and The Rod, Sky fleet and wizards. LET THE CRAZY PARANOID CONSPIRACY THEORIES START !!!!!!!!!!
MemberYeah some books are just so re-readable, like Demons of Astlan, the Stormlight archive, Name of the Wind, The (sort of) Dark Mage and some others. Sometimes i find that I enjoy the books more on the second reading oddly enough, not often but it does happen.
Because I’m so picky when it comes to books I spend a lot of times not finding anything I think is interesting. This of course leads to me re-reading ALOT of times. It is something about the way some authors can write which will make you enjoy just the reading of the books even though you already know all that will happen, something about the way its written that’s more then just an interesting story but the writing itself on its on is enjoyable. If that makes any sense…..
Member@ Grant
Aaah a fellow lurker!
@ Tizzy
I wanted to ask about submitting cover ideas for the next book. I’ve already signed a bloody beta request, and i’m curious if the cover will be chosen before the beta or after? If it is after maybe some people, including me, will have some ideas of what it should look like or even submit a cover of their own making for consideration.
Member[color=red]Demon thou shall know that i’m hereby requesting to be part of this beta that thou has spoken of.[/color]
*Wow cant get the blood to stop flowing, maybe a knife to the chest for blood was to much*
[color=red]HURRY FOUL DEMON MY TIME IS FINITE!!!!!!! [/color]
MemberConsidering the fact that TAG posted that the beta will start mid may and that is pretty soon, i wondr how we will know if we are in the beta. Will we find out throu email?
MemberTizzy and/or T-A-G could you perhaps answer this.
Now that Tom could take over the priests through the mana-links from the blessed arrows can he not take control of his accursed master through their link? I started reading the book again, to prepare for the beta(when? soon?) and when he discovered the cord between himself and Lenamare it got me thinking.
MemberOk great. But i still dont know how to get the beta book file. Nothing on email.
MemberTAG/Tizzy, any updates on the books progress or the beta?
Memberok that sounds great when the beta starts I will dust of the old idea creater and see if it still can spit out something good.
Also regarding cover selection I would say the best covers are those that are more than simply intriguing. When you read the book and look at it again it should make you go “aah so thats it/why!”, in my opinion.