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  • in reply to: Registration email being classified as spam… #2081

    Are you saying that this “Google” person thinks demon email is spam!

    Ohhh…there’s going to be Abyss to pay for that insult!!!!!

    in reply to: Role of Demons in History #2090

    Yes, curious on those names…hmmm.

    As far as going back and forth between worlds and such things as that…well there are some “people” in book II doing some more of this in weird and bizarre ways…

    Suffice the say that the boundaries are slightly more porous than most wizards believe…

    in reply to: Reading the History… #2170

    Well, there are two sides to the question.

    History is written by the victors. The victors say these “heretics”, “false prophets”, “fake messiahs” where obviously demons trying to corrupt people and lead them astray from the truth (as demons are wont to do).

    The question any objective scholar would ask is: were all these people/beings/historical figures literally demons, or were they labeled so by those seeking to discredit them?

    We now know (or will very quickly in book II if not clear now) that some (two) of those historical figures that were listed as a human (or humans) was actually a single demon. (two demons were multiple humans) So…????

    Now that being said: Book II will shake this question up and down and all around.

    in reply to: Grand Opening #1695

    Hey Hoh!

    Tizzy here broadcasting from my local Mirrorweb, through the Astral Plane to some random mid-Tech Earth that Tom is from website. Got some agent name ForkMaster or something to anchor that end.

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot, Tom’s mom? Bad news/Good news. Bad News First: Your son is dead on your plane. Good News: He’s damned to the abyss for all eternity, enslaved to a jackass of an accursed master. And best of all he gets to hang with me!

    So the mirrorweb is still growing…more content and art coming, it just takes time to get it all in and working.

    Plus with the BOOK going live this week, there’s all sorts of crap to deal with getting all the different e-books to propagate between e-bookstores etc. Formatting and craziness.

    ForkMaster is trying to get something called twitter logins to work; don’t know what that means but apparently it might or might not be funky.

    If you want to talk in the forums, best bet might be to register locally. You should get an email confirm from me, just do whatever it might say to validate your address or whatnot ever. Don’t really understand what ForkMaster was saying.

    Then there’s this other guy you gotta look out for. Seems to think he’s a god or something, going around calling himself “Author” he’s at best at two bit reporter who took down notes from me telling a tale.

    Also I’m supposed to tell you that the smashing words problem seems to be fixed according to ForkMaster, so if you have a scrambled table of contents you can redownload. there is also a 40% off Smashwords coupon on the book page. It works through Friday of this week. I don’t understand this wacky Earth calendar to tell you a date. Stupid planet only has one moon! Can you believe that, I mean what sort of planet can have only one moon. You gotta have one moon for women and another for men. I’m thinking those intersectional types just get asteroids or something; I’m hearing there like a hundred and fifty different types of intersectionals on some Book’s Face or something like that.

    Anway, I guess I’ll talk to you later.

    If you wanna axe any questions you should use the forums so everyone can hear, read, whatever the answer. If you can’t make the forum work you can emal me at tizzy at astlan dot net or something like that.

    Later! Time for me to get inebriater!


    in reply to: hail satan #1697

    Actually, it’s all Hail Tisdale!

    Seeing as how I’m the demon in charge of this forum and website.

    You do know is not a satanic dating site? However, I do know a number of demons and demonesses looking for lust. Although it can be quite painful if you displease them in bed.

    Also, not sure which satan you are hailing as satan is a word that means “adversary” and there are a great many satans running around in the Abyss. And BTW, none of them are named “Lucifer.” Lucifer is then name of the morning star, a.k.a. Venus in “Earth” plane of man.

    So some of the biggies are: Azazel, Asmodeus, Sammael, Lilith, Ahriman, Balan, Baliel, and Molloch.
    Of them, Asmodeus, Sammael and Lilith are mentioned or actively involved in the first book.

    in reply to: e-Book Formatting #1698


    This forum is for reporting/discussing/asking about e-book format issues.

    There are a huge number of devices and e-book stores all of which like to mutate what we send into whatever you might get.
    So what you see, might not look like we intended. Please report problems with formatting in your e-book here and we will work to correct it, both at the store and for you directly.

    In particular if your formatting is screwy, let me know and I’ll work to get you a corrected one. I just need your receipt for the e-book purchase.
    You can send that to me privately via:

    A Private Message in this forum. (email link at top of this page next to logged in as). A general User to User message which you can do from your Astlan.Net profile page (click on your name in the top row) or by email me at tizzy at astlan dot net translated into emailese.

    Now, in particular we know that the “Interludes” on older kindles are very hard to see. This is is because the kindle e-book is in color and those interludes are orange (and they’re also in a funky font on some devices). We really need to have a color and b&w version. We are looking into that.

    In the meantime there are two options:

    1) contact me with your receipt and I’ll send you a b&w mobi file that will open in a kindle reader and if you should be able to send it to your kindle.
    2) Read the interludes/articles here on this site. They are all here along with more articles


    in reply to: Demon power ups #1700

    Did you steal a copy of the second book? :-$ This is a big part of it.

    Actually a complex question. The severing of the silver cord definitely hurts them. However, the binding spells that form the mana body imbue the new demon with lots of extra mana. This mana will help them attract more animus (particularly in Astlan) which is how most of them, particularly someone like Tom can start to do more, sort of like a snowball effect. To be clear, Demons can “level up” as they age, i.e. get more powerful with age, like a wizard. But like humans, most don’t. It is probably safe to assume that a good number of Arch Demons didn’t start out that powerful. But given 3-4 thousand years…

    Now, as to the stealing pure God Mana….well this is completely unknown and is the subject of a LOT of freak out on the part of everyone. As far as anyone knows, and this includes Demons, Wizards, Priests and all the relevant deific types involved, no one has ever done this before.

    For one thing, as will be discussed in volume ii, it’s nearly impossible to do as the priest-avatar link is, or should be, inviolable, sort of like a super encrypted VPN tunnel (in Earth Speak).

    For a second thing, no one who knows anything about Gods would be stupid enough to do it. Because it’s really going to tick off the deity and his/her avatars and priests. I am thinking Tom might not have been particularly religious when on Earth, and so doesn’t take the Gods seriously enough.

    But what we do know is, Tom did get a huge supercharging out of if and repaired his mana body on Astlan and had enough power to reverse a Holy Artifact of Tiernon (which will also be a subject of much consternation). Again, because this is IMPOSSIBLE to do. Yes, Tiernon or one of his Avatars could in theory do it, but no Demon should even be able to touch the thing.

    Now, I’ve got to go harvest so more smokey smokey for my pipe. Just got to find where I put my pouch.


    in reply to: Demon power ups #1703

    Why? Are you planning on stealing my pipe?


    There are some secrets no mortal can comprehend.

    No demon in their right mind would believe Tom is only a few weeks old. It’s as inconceivable as Demons being “Good”

    Plus, if he’s only a few weeks old, where did Rupert come from? I have never seen another demon so close to being an exact copy of another demon before; so they are clearly related.

    Mana Weilders and aging: There is…somewhere a discussion of that, an excerpt/interlude I need to find that…

    Mostly, but not always. Some people grow old without learning much. Think of animus growth as being tied to experience, life experience specifically. The more you “live” the more you expand your horizons, the more you learn, the more you “stretch yourself” the more animus you gain.

    A lot of people have “experiences” the question is, did you learn anything useful from that experience? Were you able to progress as a person, a worker, an artist a whatever? Typically the more and varied experience you have the more you are able to use what you’ve learned from this in more complex ways, ways that “make you more powerful” than someone that didn’t have those experiences.

    It’s not tied to “wisdom” per se, as if that were a “stat” but think of older people, some are quite wise, learned and experienced and can relate and use that experience in various ways, and share it and teach it. Think of the Guru on the mountain. On the other hand, there are some people who at 70 or 80 are still just as naive, ignorant and unable to deal with the world than they could as a kid.

    If you were to write a game based on the books then you’d try to correlate XP and Animus in some fashion. but it’s not exact because a game is just an approximation of what happens in the books and for that matter in real life.

    So why are some people stuck their entire life at being a 5th level Electricians or Cab Drivers or Doctors for their entire life, but other people end up as 25th level Master Builders or Programmers?

    Finally, never trust a human. They are always lying, promising not to hurt you and then torturing you for hours on end.

    Only trust demons, we are the only reliable people in the universe. Except for Bess….that really hurt….


    in reply to: Future books? #1862

    OK…let’s see, the poor woman:

    1) Lost her first husband in a giant ball of fire at a physics lab a decade ago
    2) Her second husband dumped her and moved to California
    3) Her son is the first known death from a pot overdose

    And now you want her to know that her son is damned for all Eternity as a demon?

    You’ve been hanging out with Exador and Ramses too much my friend…you’ve certainly got their sense of humor! o:)

    You’d fit in pretty well here in the Abyss. I can guarantee you that! Maybe you and me could go terrorize some humans together.

    Heh heh.

    Anyway, i can’t tell you if he gets back home, cause if you knew that you wouldn’t buy any more books, since you’d know the ending!

    Plus, I’m not omniscient, I’m just a run of the mill octopodal demon!

    Besides, I haven’t told the author yet what happens, and he’s sold his soul to me in exchange for Earthly publishing rights.

    in reply to: Future books? #1864

    =d> OK, now I know you have skipped to book IV

    What does the book say about me? Tizzy?

    I am obviously the only sane, normal, grounded individual in the book! Which is why I am not omniscient!

    You are good, aren’t you? =p~

    in reply to: Future books? #1868

    Somehow I missed seeing this…don’t know how…

    Yes, the low mana level of earth would be a huge problem.

    I would have to think some demons have tried to figure out a way back over the last few millenia….

    in reply to: Future books? #1870

    (scratching my chin with the stem of my pipe)

    Curious, isn’t it. Obviously a coincidence! :-k

    Why would I want to share my demon weed? I know Maelen was sniffiing around trying to get his hands on mine. Or at least I see the way he looks at me when I’m smoking. Them Seers…they get addicted pretty easily for some reason.

    in reply to: Addicted #2009


    Please note WHO you are talking to!!!!!

    I am not comic RELIEF!! I’m a super scary mean demon!!!

    And I’m a hero! Tom wouldn’t be getting anything done or Kicking Knight Butt without my assistance and guidance!

    –Hmmm, KKB: Kicking Knight Butt–I think I can use that….

    Jenn is very annoying; however she’s so up tight that I love riling her up. If only I could get her to go all pale like Gastrope’

    I lied, there will be a demonic gateway going to your bedroom tonight! If you see a ball of fire appear out of thin air, don’t panic–it’s not going to be the fire that’s the problem it’s what comes through it!!

    I’m going to come and sit by your bedside and talk at you all night long! You won’t be able to sleep! You will beg for mercy!!!!


    in reply to: Addicted #2013

    What a great idea! Killing people in a gruesome manner! That’s what I’ll do in book II! Then people will know the real hero!

    I’d been holding back, Tom seems to be a bit squeamish on this issue, although he’s proven pretty adept at it. So, no more holding back.

    I agree it would be funny. I’m thinking the wedding night might cause her head to blow! When he got undressed and took off his human suit!

    in reply to: warlocks #2023

    Hmmm….that sounds like a good idea…I think I’ll have to look into doing that…

    Maybe Gastrope’…he’s pretty malleable and power hungry…maybe I could convince him to enter my service!

    I like it!


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