Forum Replies Created
MemberSo do you want to be a merged Cat Demon?
I’m thinking Bess would be happy with you doing that.
However, you need to know she’s mine, all mine, as soon as I can acid proof my tender regions.
MemberWell, I’m pretty sure Lenamare won’t be summoning Tom anytime soon. My suspicion is that once he sees one of the ballings of the fight he might not feel like eating for a while and will have to do a “liquid lunch” (meaning booze).
I am betting Tom really doesn’t want to have the “talk” with Rupert. And I am betting that he’s worried the some crazed loose lipped demon will spill the beans during a rant.
Fortunately for Tom, he doesn’t have any demons like that hanging out with him–those types are a real pain to be around…
MemberWell, if he’s not, he’d better!
The shit is really about to hit the storm.
Things were pretty straightforward and simple in book 1. In book 2, things start to get complicated and people begin to get a tad bit paranoid.
However, I can assure you that said paranoia is completely justified.
MemberWell, I know I don’t like them…
Talarius seems to have a strange obsession with vampires…maybe someday we’ll hear a short story about him slaying the vermin.
That is assuming he lives through his captivity to tell the tales…
I’ve got a bad case of the munchies and could go for a mid-Knight snack!
MemberWell, there isn’t much originality when it comes to this author. he’s literally just transcribing what I tell him.
However, he actually does have a very different take on werewolves, but that book is no where near done, he’s only written about 400 pages so far.
But again no originality, he’s employing a seer to scry into the future and recite the story to him….sheesh…
MemberHmm, Ok, I may have to reveal some more info about myself and my travels…
You see, it’s not quite as simple as “booms” the part of “booms” that make things move, including the pistons in a car engine are changes in air pressure. That and some spells created by the ArchDemon Newton.
For example the little explosions in a piston create extremely high pressure inside the cylinder which pushed the cylinder down. The pistion is on a funky rod connected to other pistons, so when one goes down, another goes up, and then the explosions are timed sort of like foot action on a bike peddle, so they explode alternatively and this drives the car, so it’s high pressure plus low pressure repeated over and over.
To really get super powered carpets you would need someone really good with both pyromancy and aeromancy (Encanter)
Basically pyromancer creating the boom, Enchanter funneling/channeling the force. Clearly this would have to be a device as it would be very tricky to do adhoc as a set of spells.
But to get to the point of aerodynamics, the Enchanter can guide the airflow over the top of the carpet, and in fact, they have to or it would get really windy for the occupants. Enchanters tend to be very good with “air shields” or air force walls if you will. So in reality there is also a focewall bubble that you can’t see on the top of the carpet, protecting the passengers. For slow carpets it’s not that strong, but for racing carpets they put a lot of power into it, and create an aerodynamic roof.
Gunpowder is alchemy, a very iffy science at best. Typically you want a Thaumaturge working with you to keep from blowing yourself up.
And not to defend pyromancers, being evil wizards after all….but not all pyromancers go boom. There are electromancers which are a specialization of pyromancy focusing on electricity…a lot of these guys do work with sending electricity down wires and making devices that use it. But again, this works best with help from a thaumaturge who can find these weird rocks that interact with electricity and attract metal to themselves.
MemberI’m not an electromancer so I don’t know.
However, they claim that they need the lodestones to translate the electricity into motion. Apparently lodestones produce magicnet fields or something like that, which interacts somehow with electricity to produce motion.
See you admit your boom is really all about changing air pressure, like I said earlier…Enchanters can change air pressure without needing a boom. That’s what the air shields are, concentrated high pressure regions. Or so I am told. The best method depends on which uses less mana: changing air pressure directly or indirectly via booms. I’m guessing it can vary.
There are multiple ways to skin a human as the saying goes. (Bess does not approve of alternate versions of this saying.)
I am also told one can pedal a bicycle with one leg, although it’s a bit herky jerky.
MemberI would doubt that would be particularly useful…
It just seems very old school annoying of Amazon. This whole regionalization in a global market makes little sense.
Yes, I get tax collection problems, but that would be for small guys…if Amazon is already planning to drop books on people from the sky using drones…I think they can figure out how to collect and distribute taxes in a global manner.
MemberOoh cool! Demon Dawgz!
Those guys will be real Hot Dogs!
Hmm, although if you all sign up under the same email address the three of you may end up as a single demon. Sort of a three headed anthro canine demon.
Could be interesting. Quite interesting in fact.
MemberThe author is taking forever…he’s been writing since before the last book came out (he never actually stopped once he opened the hole).
And he’s still only about about 2 days later! (Admittedly he’s not been doing this full time 24×7, lazy scoundrel. If he were a demon he wouldn’t need to sleep).
So many people all running around crazy, I’m getting dizzy with the scene edits….
It’s a wonder he hasn’t shifted to two columns to write multiple simultaneous story lines side by side…
It looks like this is going to be another “stop when you can’t squeeze any more pages into the dead tree and still read the text with a magnifying glass” books.
MemberWell, you understand that is a very common fantasy for most demons.
I think every demon would love to be in that situation.
My friend Boggy just got to live out that fantasy a while back, but rather than zap the guy, that would have been too merciful, he tore him a new one, or two or three, and dismembered him and his family and well…you’ve probably heard him tell the story, he’s starting to sound like a one track record.
If you are experiencing these fantasies like this, perhaps you are a closet demon? Or maybe a half demon?
Half demons do show up on Earth. I explain it all to Tom in Book II when I have to sit him down and teach him about the Incubae and the Succubae.
Amazing no one every told him that, and here it’s almost time for him to have the ‘talk’ with Rupert….
MemberYes, clearly you think like a demon. Good material to work with.
Naturally, Lenamare is pretty menial, but he did make Exaturd sweat, which quite frankly, not a lot of demons can do.
So, I do appreciate the thorn he is being in Exi’s side.
Caltrops aren’t very big, but if you get enough of them, you can bring down a knight on a horse.
Oh, and I think you have a spelling mistake:
I don’t [i][b]H[/b][/i]ate my accursed master I [b]ATE[/b] my accursed master. Just a difference of one letter, but it is a significant character.
Actually, I haven’t eaten all accursed masters. For some strange reason, most of them end up going insane and blowing themselves up.
Usually it’s when I ask them if I can move in and live with them so I can be of service around the clock and calendar.
That books sounds pretty much like that book Lenamare is trying to open.
Given that you are a lawyer, you are probably of Oorstemothian descent. Have you checked all your treasure vaults? Lenamare’s minions stole this book from a dungeon in Ooorstemoth. Maybe it was one of your dungeons?
Just saying you might want to check.
Sounds like a good idea…but I need to do some research. If that Staff of Ecstasy will get me what I want without any more acid burns to my privates, then it would be purrfect!
On the bright side, no need for a second volume now that we know what is in [u][i][b]The Book[/b][/i][/u]!
I’ll let the author know that the game is up and he can start writing about sparkly vampires or something else that’s infuriatingly inane.
MemberTotal Bingo on the army…but not usually a first priority…
Yes, reprocessed souls are much more likely to continue in the faith than “new souls” thus you send them back, when they are ready and they are more reliable and more useful worshippers. ‘Old Souls’ tend to advance more quickly than ‘new souls’ and thus start raking in more mana sooner.
However, there are also a couple other reasons that tie out to another discussion in these forums….but I’m not at liberty to disclose that yet.
You know, I’ve got this contract with the author and if I “leak” information I have to pay a penalty.