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MemberOne would think, but if so, how would we know if we were on such a world?
If you are on one, it looks exactly the same except opposite polarized, if we are to believe this necromancer guy.
On the other hand, assuming we come from positive planes, our animus would be positive, does it get depolarized on demonization?
Not sure. What we do know is that non-demons do not go back to their home planes if killed on another one (material plane that is) however, demons are always drawn back to the Abyss, unless blocked. So clearly there is an attachment between demons and the Abyss.
Avatars do get sucked back to their Outer Plane, but that’s the gods doing it. Not sure what happens to a god that dies on the material plane, I assume they get sucked back to an anchor of sorts.
Gotta be honest, I really never paid much attention to the Unlife. I generally did not follow the D’Orcs into battle against the Unlife (and yes, they did battle Unlife quite a bit, but any more would be a spoiler)
MemberMmm Hmmm.
Now you are talking. I had not considered that. The material planes are forged by the interaction of the 5 Elements the fifth being spirit, the basis for animus. If said animus is negatively polarized, i.e. antimus, does that produce antimatter, instead of matter?
Very good question. I don’t know much about this, as far as I am concern such speculation is just so much “science” to me. Meaning rather shady hand waving stuff, unlike good trustworthy magic. But it may be.
I should talk to Volund and Phaestus about this. They understand science. I don’t.
Could be, it seems to make logical sense to me at the gut level. That’s typically a very good sign!
Great thought!
MemberYes, they are still around, we just haven’t heard from them since they got zapped from Book 2.
That does not, however, mean that he’s not doing what he was doing in the Beta Edition of Book 2.
I got wary of them and where they were going in Book 2, so I’ve been keeping an eye on them. Specially that box of theirs. I don’t trust talking boxes.
As you may know, three of the nefarious rogues who stole the book in the first place are with him as they stealthily cruise through Oostermothian infested waters towards Hearth’s Land and then over to a rendezvous with other nefarious types.
Not sure when T-A-G will be releasing them in their own book(s). It might become a single novel within Chronicles of Astlan, possibly Book 2 of that series.
Reminder that Chronicles is a series of individual books, as opposed to DoA which is a single book in multiple volumes. T-A-G says that Book 1: Into the Wilds will be released sometime after Apostles of Doom but before volume IV.
MemberThat would be a good one.
I keep trying to get some lady demons to snuggle with me, but apparently Lady D’s are not that romantic.
And on that point, sure I’ve seen all these romance novels and stuff with the girl pining for the love of her life to snuggle, cuddle and be intimate with; but in my experience those teenage girls (even/especially those from Utah who claim to like vampires) are not at all romantic, even when I cover myself in glitter and try to share my emotions with them…they start screeching and yelling and running away.
It’s so disappointing. So frustrating.
And then, of course, I get depressed and, like so many people, I binge eat…
Fortunately, I am not one to let a comely morsel go to waste….
MemberDifferent infections, different mechanisms.
Vampires only need blood, Ghouls need flesh, very fresh flesh, preferably still living fresh.
[SPOILER]As I recall, in Book 3, Lilith refers to ghouls as having atrocious table manners.[/SPOILER]
As to more powerful, well, they are people after all and various people have different strengths.
Both have different “handicaps” if you will.
Vampires, don’t like sunlight, but their eating habits are relatively straightforward to maintain. They also like the dirt of their grave for some reason. Unless they are a mana wielder, however, they do not turn into bats or wolves or anything like that. They are extremely hard to kill however.
Ghouls can operate whenever they want, but their eating habits are messier and harder to clean up/hide/cover. They are also a bit tricky to kill, not as hard as a vampire, but still difficult, particularly if they are berserk with hunger.
Generally speaking, most people consider vampires to be more sophisticated and of higher social stature than ghouls; but that really could be the eating habit thing.
The thing is, a newbie vampire is a bit easier to hide than a newbie ghoul; again the eating habits.
An outbreak of ghoulism is generally quite nasty. In many cases they can be mistaken for a zombie outbreak.
Vampirism typically doesn’t “break out” because there is the whole formal process of creating new vampires, where as ghoulism transmits very much like a disease.
So, typically, you do not see a lot of very experienced ghouls because they often don’t survive long enough, unless protected by someone more senior (like a senior vampire)
That being said, I know of tales of very senior people becoming inflicted with ghoulism. Typically nobility or very rich persons who can hide their eating habits from the general public. These folks are generally the most dangerous of ghouls because if they feed well, you don’t know they are ghouls, however, their needs create motivations that make them very dangerous.
MemberWell, I wasn’t there, so all I know is what I read in book 1, but it was both.
Vampires create ghouls sometimes on purpose, sometimes by hastiness. Ghouls can also spread the disease if they don’t completely consume/kill their victims. Sort of like a werewolf bite.
Actually, if the ghoul lops off an appendage and eats it, the victim can typically run away and be safe, just missing the appendage. But if the ghoul takes a bite out of you, there is a good chance his/her saliva and particularly their blood (if they are bleeding or have open mouth sores etc which the ones in bad repair typically do) will infect you and you will eventually succumb.
Now, vampires who drain their victims beyond a certain point, but who don’t kill them or turn them (drink the master’s blood and then bury them for a while to suffocate them) will leave a ghoul as a remnant.
So in some sense, ghouls are vampire leftovers. There has not been a lot of “scientific studies” but likely it is “sparked” by the animus drain, and an infection of antimus from the vampire’s saliva, etc that causes this infection.
So anyway, in the case that Talarius was dealing with, Sir Etrian (who is the brother of Sir Etrias another KRoT) fell under the sway of a vampire who turned Sir Etrian into a vampire; who sort of went on a half cocked power trip treating the village Talarius was at in Book 1 as a buffet table.
Word reached Arch-Vicar General Barabus who dispatched Talarius to deal with Sir Etrian and clean up the mess. Talarius is introduced as he finishes cleaning up the mess.
The situation, in Talarius’ mind at least, was similar to what he believes happened to his love, the High Priestess Melissance a few years prior.
Of course, no idea what Talarius will do if he actually gets a gander at the fellow who took her and has been holding her. Eesh. Known the guy for a long time; do not like him. He really creeps me out!
[SPOILER]He’s a Denubian based demon, so you can only imagine what something the Denubians find frightening must look like. 8-[ [/SPOILER]
MemberThis is weird, I wrote a response to this, swore I posted, but it is not here.
Argh. Must have been eaten by one of the hydra puppies I snuggle with at bed time when I am at Mount Doom.
So, going to be briefer this time:
From my personal experience, hydra creatures seem to have a distributed brain/nervous system. I say this because if they were different individuals, then newly generated heads/brains in battle would be confused, scared, unable to properly control/adjust. Like a hydra puppy, or any newborn. Given that new heads seem to grow ready to go…I think memory/brain function is distributed.
Obviously there are some problems that this doesn’t explain. Chop off both heads, 4 new regrow, ready to go. Crush both heads, without breaking spinal cords and they are dead, or at least dead enough that you can get away from them. Haven’t actually sat around to see if the heads regenerate.
On the other hand, I’ve known some jotunn with multiple heads. They are always two people, often one is much smarter than the other, but not always.
On my third hand, demons with multiple heads—not clear–I would think they would be a single person as it’s a “form” but many of them act like separate, or semi-separate people. I suspect that they are mostly one person trying to psych out/disconcert/distract those they are dealing with.
On the same hand, there are also plenty of demons with multiple personalities, so you could have a case where different personalities inhabit different heads.
On my fourth hand, there are two headed living dragons. I have seen both there. I think if they are hydra-dragons, they are basically like hydra’s. If their heads don’t grow back, then they could be two people. I do not know enough of those to say.
Demons, at least us lesser ones, regenerate continuously, but if we sleep we regenerate faster because it’s a function of how much mana can we collect and dedicate (subconsciously) to regenerating. [SPOILER]This was seen in Book II Beta and will be seen in Book 3[/SPOILER]
Bigger demons, with large reserves can just reform, like Tom does. However, most of us do not have the reserves, or would be very heavily drained if we did that.
MemberWell, I think that would be pretty obvious! :d/
It is the product of three absolutely critical prime numbers, 7 * 31 * 151
Sheesh! Must I explain everything? ](*,)
Everyone knows that everything in the multiiverse can be explained by sufficiently complex Numerology!
[color=red][b]Do not believe any of those lunatics that try to tell you that:[/b][/color]
2^16 = 65,536 and that if you have 2 byte characters (Unicode to include most all Earth characters) you can only have 32,768 characters, one of which is the null string terminator leaving 32,767 usable characters.
That is complete and utter hokum made up by revisionist tech historians trying to explain something they clearly do not understand.
MemberI am whipping T-A-G as fast I can but he keeps whining about money money money and wanting to eat, and have a “constructed” roof over his head (with walls even) and having to pay for Internet.
Pay for Internet? That’s just something in your head. Why would you have to pay for it? I don’t pay for it! Plus I love that freaky noise as I’m connecting to AOL.
I also love it when they tell me I’ve got male. Now truth be told, I’d probably rather have female, but company is company on a cold and stormy night. Any port in a storm and such.
I’ve told him to stop the eating thing, he’s got enough reserves for a winter or two, and I have pointed out several very nice caves he could live in, but no, he’s just whiny whiny whiny.
MemberThank you both for recognizing my altruism and my kind and supportive nature.
So few beings ever recognize or acknowledge my good deeds; thus it means a great deal to me when they do!
MemberWell…the expectation thing really only applies to the initial conjuring. Once a demon’s form is set, it’s pretty much set without a lot of undo influence.
On the other hand, not sure why one needs a lantern jaw, demons can see perfectly well in the dark, no need to have a lantern hanging from the bottom of one’s head.
Look a bit weird I’d think.
MemberWe at Doom prefer the term UnLife.
Which will be explained in Book 3.
[SPOILER]Ghouls are technically living, but infected with antimus (negatively polarized animus), they crave living flesh and fresh animus to replace animus consumed by the antimus.[/SPOILER]
MemberIf he doesn’t want to, I suppose then, as his closest and bestest friend in the multiverse, it falls to me to fulfill his obligations as a djinni master.
As his friend, if it falls to me to bear this burden, assisting Tamarin in exploring physicality, then bear I shall. As many times as it takes for her to understand all there is to know.
You all know me, the most selfless and honorable demon in the Abyss, he who can always be counted upon when the chips are down. It’s just what I do.
Member[quote=Korwin;3642][quote=Tizzy;3641]Final death?
Don’t believe that it exists…
Have you never seen a soap opera or read a comic book?
Where there is a writer there is a way!
Just ask my friend Kenny!
[/quote]Well, it depends, are you the Main Char. or an supporting Red Shirt?
Thread carefully… :-kBut let’s drop this part, not really confortable discussing losing Tizzy to enraged Readers… :-$
Clearly we see who has NOT been reading the books! #-o
If you had been reading the books, you would certainly know that I AM THE PROTAGONIST! The entire series revolves around me!
Seriously, your were asleep at the kindle, it’s pretty obvious that I am the star of the books, everyone else is just there to amuse me in my adventures!