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  • in reply to: Sammael’s minions #8009

    Yep, there were once risar residing in Astlan.

    That’s who built all those big buildings on the south east coast of Norelon.

    Nowadays, they just got midget giants, measly 60 foot tall ones, Ok some get as high as eighty, but most are 50 to 70 feet tall. Certainly no 200 foot tall ones.

    Then there are the micro-giants at 20 to 30 feet.

    Ogres and Ettins tend to be only 15 to 30 feet tall.

    I love talking with Ettins as they tend to have conflicting view points and I love to get the two heads into an argument! It’s really fun to watch one konk the other on the head with a club and see them both wince in pain!


    Does that make me naughty?

    in reply to: Sammael’s minions #8011

    >Kind of rambling?

    Did not notice, sounded completely normal to me…

    A god creating a saint would plop them onto one of their own outer planes simply from a security/access point of view. Usually these planes are shielded to prevent intrusion by outsiders. Note that Tom sneaked into Tierhallon riding on an avatar connection.

    That being said, avatars are just immortals, they can change allegiance between gods and even pantheons once they are an avatar (including saints) Or they can “fall” into the Abyss, and not be affiliated with any god. We will see this in book 4.

    This is the story that Sammael uses as his origin and that Hesselforthalous “steals/borrows” when he pretends to be Salvatore. He’s a fallen angel, now living in the Abyss. Also note that Salvatore is Italian and literally means “Savior” as in a reference to Jesus. He’s messing with Sammael (who’s schtick is being “the devil” and the adversary=satan of the Demi Urge, a.k.a. the “God of the Burning Bush” in the old testament)

    in reply to: Holiday in The Abyss! #8030

    You’re welcome.

    Just waiting for T-A-G to get formatting issue fully resolved. Hopefully latest will do it.

    in reply to: Squeeeee! #8040

    There are quite a few wacky issues going on.

    It really is not liking the DOCX file in any format that Word does, e.g. DOC, RTF even HTML

    With DOCX, DOC, RTF the front matter up through prelude repeats and then you can’t page to the first chapter, you have to go to index.

    So went to EPUB, looked good in software viewers, but T-A-G couldn’t get a real one for his KPW until this morning. But got reports. That’s where the text color goes grey. However, the POV change stuff, while gray, does not bleed italic, it bleeds color

    Did an HTML version, but that had a ToC in front, but not on the menubar to quick skip. But it reads fine.

    So back to EPUB, found an option to strip out any color in the fonts. That cleared that up. Found that from a link in Amazon forums from a reader who’d seen it in other books. Apparently the PW has some wacky ideas of how to present text in some cases, trying to make it more readible….NOT.

    But now for some reason the “beginning” point from the menu goes to the page before the “Prelude” the second page of Beta Credits. At least in the preview software.

    He published that and will look at it to see if that’s a software glitch on the viewer.

    Waiting on Amazon staff to get back on ticket, but holiday so….

    in reply to: Holiday in The Abyss! #8022

    Well, down here at Mount Doom, we are preparing to celebrate the only Holy Day in the Abyss–Festivus, of Course.

    We’ve got a great Festivus Pole erected in the main hall in the volcano basin and we are preparing to Air our Grievances.

    Oddly, there will be far fewer this year than most in the last several thousand years. But oh well! It’s Festivus!

    Hope all of you have a Happy and Joyous Festivus–enjoy your kvetching and all the other joys of Festivus!

    in reply to: Holiday in The Abyss! #8026


    Since I don’t celebrate your New Year, although I have to fly T-A-G home from the bar…I will be up and as soon as it’s available for order in the Abyss on Jan 1, I will be gifting them.

    There are a lot of small things that Amazon could do to make things better for authors and readers, but…they don’t. Things like complimentary copies from authors, pre-order gifting for everyone. I actually think that pre-order gifting would be a great idea across the board.

    Imagine being able to send an email to a friend and say “look on your kindle…I dropped a brand new book on it!”

    The snail mail physicals will be strapped to the snail backs around the same time, maybe a day later and then it’s however long it takes the snail to traverse the globe. It’s rather odd, that Abyssal snails are one of the few creatures in the Abyss to not have wings….

    If we could have had the book out by Christmas, my good buddy Krampus could have delivered them. He’s out and about that night. Of course, he may have collected one of your siblings as payment for delivery, but I figure that would be a small price to pay for fine quality reading material.

    in reply to: Beta? #7914

    The problem is, it doesn’t work for me either. I had to do gravatar to make it work.

    I spent four or five hours trying to figure out a work around before giving up.

    I can see about spending some more time on it, but I’m not convinced that I’m even going to stick with the same software. I’m considering a couple of different other platforms to move the entire site to.

    in reply to: Beta? #7918

    My pleasure!

    in reply to: Archdemon Trump #7959

    On the other topic…I just noticed that whatever you did yesterday, your avatar is now completely blank, not even a placeholder.

    I will check out what your setting are.

    Actually, thinking on this….I know I’m crossing topics. If you had a place you could put your image and then enter it’s URL into your profile, that would work. The problem is with locally hosted avatars.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7136


    You are verified. I verified you. You wouldn’t be able to login again if you weren’t. Not unless you are a Russian hacker who has hacked the site!!!! Please don’t steal our emails! That could be very embarrassing!!! [blush]

    So what do you need from it?

    in reply to: Beta? #7908

    At this moment that seems to be the case.

    It is apparently something with the webserver/Forum code and the firewall. Which is weird because I have never seen this happen before. But then this is the only place I use this forum software.

    The one danger of gravatar is that you never know where they use them. I have found that some of my more humorous gravatars have ended up in more serious forums than I’d probably have preferred.

    in reply to: Beta? #7910

    Gravatar is really simple. There isn’t much there other than your list of email addressess and the image you want to use with it.

    I thought it was rather odd/mysterious too some big “in thing” that would absorbe time. It’s not. Very simple and easy to use. It’s like a utility.

    One account tied to one email and a password. You just then go in and add emails and upload images, or select from their library.

    No cost, no ads (when you aren’t there–don’t remember seeing them) It’s just set it and forget it.

    in reply to: Beta? #7912

    Yes, that can be a problem.

    You can change your email address on this account if you want. It does not key on email address.

    in reply to: Archdemon Trump #7951

    Ridiculous hairpiece? [unsure]

    Not sure what you mean. archdemon Trump is bald.

    His familiar, Mr. Fluffy, usually rides on top of his head. You don’t mean him do you?

    in reply to: Archdemon Trump #7953

    Yes? Why? Have you not seen Mr. Fluffy on his own?

    He loves going to the material planes, fresh air makes him dance!

    Mr. Fluffy is actually far more pleasant than the archdemon himself. Which is not surprising.

    I’ve actually had conversations with him, even while he’s sitting on Trump’s head. Trump tunes me out completely unless I am talking about him, so it’s remarkably easy to have a conversation with Mr. Fluffy.

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