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  • in reply to: Volume I Audio Book Release Date #8990


    Tantor has set April 25, 2017 as the release date for the Audio Book of Volume I!

    Not sure how the roll out goes, if it hits audible and iTunes at that point, I suspect linking to the text might take a few days to propagate!


    in reply to: Singkun #8160

    It does seem to work better than throwing over one’s shoulder.

    in reply to: Singkun #8162

    Not sure how good my aim would be in hitting the waiter’s eyes throwing the shoulder over my shoulder.

    Maybe I should through it between my left shoulders?

    in reply to: Singkun #8164

    So let me get this straight…are you saying that the demiurge moved in and usurped Shangdi and his religion?

    That is SO TYPICAL of that guy! He is very notorious for going in, finding a local, canonizing them and then identifying that saint with a regional god, thus usurping the worship of the local god to his saint and thus him.

    I gotta tell you, this has pissed off a lot of gods, an awful lot of gods. To be fair, it’s also been a big boost to Sam. Sam has positioned himself as the default opposition to the demiurge. Thus, I suspect, he’s getting backing from a lot of them.

    in reply to: Grim Dawn Videogame #8968

    Hmm, wonder what gave them the idea for the title.

    That does sound like a cool game…of course, multiplayer interactive gameplay is not great here in the Abyss, that AOL dialup of mine is a bit slow…

    in reply to: Grim Dawn Videogame #8970

    Yeah, pretty sure it would be a very long cable, although, I guess no longer than the phone lines. Of course, those only have to reach AOL’s headquarters in the Courts of Chaos. I’m not exactly sure how AOL gets from the Abyss to the rest of the multiverse. It’s all technology to me!

    in reply to: T-A-G should write a book centered on Dwarves #8982

    They do, and that’s also why there aren’t as many D’Dwarves, proportionally.

    T-A-G has always been interested in doing stories on the Mogradin Association.

    They will start to play a bigger role in DOA as well as battle lines get drawn and we get down to slaughtering elves, which is really a favorite pastime of the D’Orcs.

    Unfortunately, it didn’t go quite as well as we expected last time….eeeshh….

    Dwarves are, after all, jotnar related, somewhat distantly, one group is tall and stocky, the other short and stocky, but they tend to get along better with humans and elves etc than most of the jotnar.

    And of course, by somewhat better, I mean that they get along reasonably well with humans and heartheans, and don’t automatically try to kill every elf on sight. Orcs on the other hand, well, for them, there are only two things worse than an elf. An elven lawyer and an elven diplomat.

    Phaestus forbid they encounter an elven diplomat with a law degree…

    in reply to: T-A-G should write a book centered on Dwarves #8984

    They certainly could pop up…

    Dwarves are pragamatic, as are their gods. It’s more about “who’s pissing me off in this localverse” than hardcore ideology. For one thing, the elves have different gods in different localverses as well.

    But let’s also note that in the Nordic realms, we have Dökkálfar and Ljósálfar (similar to Astlan’s Dok Alfar and Los Alfar) and many scholars on Earth believe that the
    Dökkálfar and/or svartálfar (literally “the black elves) are the dwarves.

    So there is some confusion if the dwarves are actually a type of elf.

    However, to be clear the Dökkálfar and svartálfar are not the same thing, The Dökkálfar are the Astlanian Dok Alfar, and the svartálfar are the dwarves. A name which, btw, really annoys them. (the Æsir are responsible for it, of course)

    Svartálfaheimr is where a large number of dwarves live and where Loki finds the dwarf Andvari, and where the Æsir seek someone to craft Gleipnir to bind the wolf Fenrir.

    Now, as you probably know Loki screwed over Andvari, and I can personally assure you that Phaestus had absolutely nothing to do with that endeavor, even though Andvari and Phaestus never got along. I mean it’s not like Loki and Phaestus ever got stoned and Phaestus accidentally blurted certain details about Andvari or anything at all.

    I am sure I’d have remembered something like that, and I certainly don’t.

    in reply to: T-A-G should write a book centered on Dwarves #8986

    Of course!

    First, for dwarves, crafting, creating, it’s an act of creation. Of birthing. They give their heart, their spirit to it, much like having a child.

    Actually, both Volund and Phaestus have said that the ability to “commit one’s heart, one’s soul to one’s creation” is the mark of Master Craftsmanship. It’s on that basis that the dwarven masters award the status of “Masters”

    non-masters are unable to imbue the essence of their spirit to their crafts, their birthings.

    If it is a birthing then clearly it must have a true name. Yes?

    I will not even deign to answer the implied insult of “mass production”

    You say that phrase near a dwarf and you’re likely to get your head pounded into a diaper! I.e. your head becomes a diaper and you have to eat…well, I’ll leave that to your imagination. Hopefully, you have encountered infants and realized the sensitivity of their digestive tract.

    in reply to: T-A-G should write a book centered on Dwarves #8989

    The question is, however, is the nail to be a part of a larger project or stand on its own?

    That, I think–but do not know–is probably the key. So for example, they may be able to use more generic/temporary “subnames” for parts of a project.

    I.e. all the bones in the body have names, “Distal Phalange 2” So, if the final project was a golem, for example Gurnge the Golem, you might have “Gurnge Distal Phalange 2” as the name.

    So for nails, forged by Urin, Urin’s House Nail #347?

    Obviously, good record keeping is important as is some how identifying each nail…maybe you carve on it?

    in reply to: Singkun #8158

    I don’t think “interesting” is the word, couple puffs on the pipe, and you’ll spend the next decade listening to his stories….

    Once he loosens up, forget that “silent all knowing Zen Master” schtick…

    But we just better hope none of those guys gets involved. Their plots are even more convoluted than the ones going on now.

    Or maybe that’s just how Singkun tells the stories, not sure…

    in reply to: Beta CoA:ITW #8821

    On this topic, of OOoA gets done first, do people signing up here want in that as well?

    T-A-G is not sure which will be done first.

    in reply to: Terrifying Horror Movie #8956

    I’ve had to block it from my mind…trying to remember…

    …a tale as old as time
    frightening as can be!
    a ghastly horrid crime…

    Nasty horrid surprise…
    Sure as the sun will rise!

    in reply to: Terrifying Horror Movie #8957

    OK, now I remember, I think it was called the beastly beauty!

    in reply to: Terrifying Horror Movie #8959

    Terrifying movie!

    I had to go back to my cave and put on some industrial black metal to calm my nerves. Oh, and take several deep breaths through my pipe, of course.

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