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Seeing a problem with Discord.
It is obviously named after Orcus’ mother, Eris, a.k.a. Discordia of the Roman Gods.
As you may be aware, Orcus and his mother were not on the best of terms last time they met. And haven’t spoken since. Although that is probably Orcus’ fault since he locked her in Tartarus. But it has caused a lot of family Strife. Which is funny because, Strife is another one of her names.
In any event, I’ve heard rumors that his sister, Dysnomia, is really pissed at him. And she thinks Tom is him.
So, I am wondering if a Discord server would hit a nerve with anyone in that family.
MemberThese authors sound like drug dealers to me….
Always leave the client “needing more”
Tsk Tsk Tsk. Drugs are bad! Don’t do drugs! Just eat cookies! Or smoke a pipe, or a doobie, but don’t do drugs, whatever else you do!
This has been a Public Service Announcement in partial fulfillment of the terms of my parole from Judge Judy!
MemberRemember Populous?
It was like God training for the gods.
Now there is a new Kickstarter out there:
Create your own religion as a tribal god in Godhood: the new PC god game by the creators of Reus.
Of course, I am sure you have no idea why I would be interested in this, and that will just have to be one of mysteries!
MemberThose greedy machinators forced me to really pay up so I could get an Evil Temple Site!
I am sorry, but people of an evil persuasion are horribly persecuted on your world! Actually, on most worlds.
Not to be confused with Unlife who are not so much evil as icky, smelly, putrid, ravenous, rampaging and seriously antisocial!
I mean, sure, demons do sometimes eat people, or more likely, force people to eat themselves and relatives…see Boggy’s Accursed Master.
But Unlife just go around willy-nilly eating others for no good reason–like revenge, torture, sadism–just random eating of people without purpose.
MemberWell, it took a while to find the right ISP for that region, but I’ve got them scheduled, they got me a delivery date with a two thousand year window, so I am going to have to sit here and wait for them to show up.
MemberYeah, I have proposed it, but T-A-G is objecting.
Apparently, tracking his Amazon sales and this website, he has several readers in New Zealand, and Auckland in particular.
He’s concerned that starting up Doom, and in fact, the Doom System there, would cause wide spread destruction. That particular Doom has a LOT of satellite vents/domes. And silly humans built their city right in the middle of the Doom System!
Now of course, I don’t mind, but apparently there is at least one beta-demon there and he’d like me to wait until he’s done with all the books…doesn’t want to risk losing a valuable resource.
I get that, I suppose.
MemberYes, Tom is from this Earth, where the books are published and where T-A-G lives.
We call this localverse Earth-Prime. It’s the one that most of the demons come from. And where Sammael spends a good bit of time, and to which a certain archdemon from the Courts just moved to full time.
There are other Earths (as mentioned in Book 1, a lot of places name their planet “dirt”) for example there’s a whole (very large) set of Amber-Earths that may get a shout out in book 4. They are all mirror’s of a place called Amber and they mostly call themselves Earth, with some exceptions.
MemberAll the same place, it’s a very [size=9]BIG[/size] multiverse.
There is only one multiverse, no such thing as a multi-multiverse.
It’s just so big that most people don’t know all the various parts or think of them differently.
The Knights are basically freelancers and they tend to serve a variety of Lords of Chaos from all over the multiverse.
I first encountered them in the employ of Arioch (not me, they were being employed by him).
Of course, Lilith uses them too, which is interesting, because Arioch and Lilith despise each other, but that’s Chaos for you.
Now, as for Merle etal. You can’t imagine the battles before the Tribunal over the copyright on the phrase “Courts of Chaos”
Lilith and her crew claim to copyright it, as does Merle, and if they believed in copyright law, so would Arioch and friends.
Actually none of them really respect much in terms of the law, other than what they hand down themselves. So over time, it’s been more of a marketing battle than a legal battle, since none of them want to subject themselves to any other jurisdiction.
MemberYeah, it’s a real problem.
Remember, I only have AOL dialup here. (Long distance charges are huge!)
But, if he used a laptop I could pop him back and forth.
Unfortunately, there are really only two places in the Abyss with electricity and a cooling system to keep his computer from overheating and melting down. (OK, a few more, but they have even worse problems–that’s for the sequels to DoA)
Obviously, Mount Doom has electricity, now, it did not when we started with book 1. But then he’s going to want to turn off again for 8 to 9 hours as you say.
So the next place is the Courts, which has a decent grid, but we’re all kind of persona non grata there and to protect him, I’d need to send D’Ork guards and well, that would sort of escalate things.
However, it would give him plenty of material for yet another spin-off series!
So, I’m stuck with him there. I pop by now and then, generally about an hour after he falls asleep so I can wake him up and tell him more of what’s happened for the next 6 or 7 hours. I like to leave him with maybe another hour to sleep before he has to get up to go to work.
MemberActually, the popping back and forth isn’t that easy since like Rede, he doesn’t have wings and it’s a pretty long flight from the World Gate on Earth to his house. So I’d have to carry him the entire way.
MemberVery very nice of you!
We could do stitch jobs, I suppose. Probably have to, we are going to want to publish quite a few copies, so it’s going to take a lot of “leather”
MemberI really like that idea!
Beragamos is already starting to think that kidnapping people to the Abyss is a “thing” with demons.
It was problematic early on in his last two Unlife battles since both were Interdicted. The first one, he didn’t get out of, the second one we got it lifted, but none of us thought to do that after it was lifted.
I’m thinking we need you to come on board as a military consultant!
MemberYes, T-A-G has been doing that himself!
Actually, he found that filling in details for really minor characters for X-Ray led him to sections he’d nearly forgotten about, so there was quite a bit of random acts of rereading going on.
Of course the problem with that, is then he finds still more errors. In particular horrible misspellings of lesser characters that show up a few times, but aren’t famous enough to remember proper spelling all the time.
Correcting errors is a fraught proposition because there are two mainline versions Dead Tree and Kindle and both and both are formatted quite differently and if not done properly the book gets hung up and doesn’t show up properly. So you basically have to fix them twice per book.
Of course, if you fix them too much then they get out of sync with the audio…
MemberThe first problem is the name, you have to know the true name.
The ring didn’t work for Jenn because they had gotten Tom’s true/full name wrong on the engraving.
Exador is the name that Exador goes by, but it would not be his true name. That was lost a few thousand years back after he slew the last of his masters.
So, that would not work for the Council.
However, something like that is what the council wants to do. They can’t summon him, but if he shows up of his own free will, they are going to try and trap him somehow. This is what Randalf has been working most of his life on. He now has Lenamare’s help.
The second problem is then the power. And for wizards, it’s not shear power of the wizard, it’s how much power is packed in the spells and rune magic etc that are used to bind the demons. There are different spells (and runes/pentacles) for different levels of demons, both to summon them/compel them and keep them from killing you. The more powerful the demon, the more powerful the spell, the more mana it takes, the more complicated it is, the harder to do correctly. Hence you have to be really good/experienced for big demons.
This is a key difference between Wizard Conjurors and Animage Summoners. The wizards use spells, which are recipes, along with pentacles and runes imbued with mana as tools to control demons. You need strong enough tools, magical steel bars the demon can’t break, etc. Animage Summoners however are more dynamic and create chains/bars/containment out of their imagination/will/practice/skill. There, it basically comes down to pure skill and raw power, whereas for wizards, the skill is in correctly executing the spell/creating the runes, not so much the actual summoning or binding.
Wizards have their spells and tools, they don’t have to be as powerful as the demon they summon, just skilled and powerful enough to cast the spells/enchant the runes. An animage needs to be at least as strong and skilled as whoever they are summoning.
This is why very few animage summoners summon demons (they mainly summon animals and spirits and such). If they do summon demons, they usually don’t do much more than fiends. It’s very dangerous.
Now as far as avatars:
Yes, you can summon them, and there are actual rituals that can be used by some priests in some religions to do exactly that. They are generally, however, not demanding, but supplicating. This in a sense what Teragdor did.
However, it is possible to do more compelling summonings. In theory if you know the true name of an avatar (and that may not be their Saint name) you could use an appropriate demon summoning/binding on them.
The trick here, as you identified, and what makes it dangerous is that unlike a demon of the same “level” avatars have direct access to their deity’s god pool.
A demon only has their own mana, avatars can (usually and to various amounts based on role/deity/rules) use their god’s power and blow the crap out of whoever has such temerity as to summon them.
So, in general, even with a compelling binding of an avatar, you probably want to be friendly with the god and doing it for the god’s purposes or you are going to be toast. And even then, the avatar might help you do the god’s work, and then take vengeance or cause problems.
MemberGood point! They aren’t very masculine.
I have to admit, I’ve really had trouble finding a suitable lover that I could love completely at one time. Generally, my best luck has been with Denubian chicks. But they can be a lot of work to satisfy, because two is never enough for them, since they can have as many lady parts as they want.
Of course, I have yet to figure out the difference between Denubian males and females, in fact I’ve been surprised on a couple occasions, things just suddenly “pop up”