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Dirk Flamberge
MemberIn which case i fail to see why Tom couldn’t just go back to Mount Doom, fly outside, make a portal from outside to Where the Risar are, presumably still at the Citadel of light, and then have them through that way and figure out what do to with them in terms of their size with the convenience of having them in a more safe location. Or Portal them at least from the citadel to the Isle of Doom, if nothing else.
And well, if they’re thousands of years old they’ve most likely have to have a solution to that themselves eh? and even if not if nothing else the boundless ingenuity of magic’s capabilities will surely find a way, i mean the library of doom has to have something for that very problem, I’d wager.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberFrequency Modulators? Sounds like something from Star Trek, should we expect freaky sapient parasitic snake creatures too? or Massive Manmade Moonfortresses of Doom? Tribbles? There’s already been a Stargate reference, Galactic empires who dress their soldiers in ridiculous looking White body suits?
Etc Etc.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberI’m not sure how life threatening it would be considering the difficulty of death in the abyss in the first place, but ok.
We probably at some point should decide whether this will be a one time thing or expanded into an entire Theme Park of Doom.
Would certainly be a good way to attract more demon’s that’s for sure.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberI think it might just be best to just keep the private theme park as an addendum to Doom, rather than turning Doom into a theme park, since i doubt the D’Orcs would be pleased by that. I feel certain that the main group that will enjoy such a thing would be regular demons first, and then D’Orcs as long as it continues to be part of the leisure facilities rather than turning Mount Doom into Mount DoomParkâ˘.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberEngaging in some Brainstorming, although most of this has probably been thought of I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Since it’s possible to create snow in the abyss, i wonder if Tom could specifically designate a side of Mount Doom as a winter wonderland for Skiing, Snowboarding, Abyssal snowball fights, and other such Winter time activities.
Going the other direction, since there’s a connection to the plane of water, a Giant aquarium could be kept with the option of capturing giant sea beasts to populate it, and then people could try their luck at a spot of fishing, or if they felt the urge, to engage in underwater combat like some sort of Sea Colosseum.
With the prospect of climate control you could really confuse and flabbergast visiting mortals by having an underground Park or Garden of some kind. You could probably go one step further and make Gardening areas, nothing like being able to make your own food/alcohol, and make it easier to cater to the mortals in question. Plus you have to admit that the phrase “Abyss Grown Vegetables” or “From the Abyss to your Dinner plate” and the resulting Bewilderment of mortals would be worth it’s weight in Gold, and hilarious.
Since Mount doom has Gates and Portals, would it be at all possible to link to a couple of the more friendly Demon settlements in order to have easier access to Abyssal resources and economic centres of trade? Not to mention access to more recruit-able Demons to pad out Doom’s Mana Factory, and this is obviously taking into account security concerns involved with having direct travel to Doom from other locations in the Abyss.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberWell…. Bess is Bastet, of the Nyjyr Ennead that was presumed dead, and she’s pretending to be a demon, so the holders of the treaty aren’t actually aware, Hephaestus is also of the Nyjyr Ennead as well as others, presumably they don’t know he’s there either. I’m actually having difficulty remembering that exact scene….
Dirk Flamberge
MemberActually It is Sammael Co-Factor of the Abyss disguising himself as Sir Samwell the oorsmothian First Knight of High Justice, they actually outright say so a few different times in the book, and as far as i can tell there isn’t a LOTR reference involved there.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberIsn’t she only supposed to grant Tom’s wishes? or am i confusing something up?
Dirk Flamberge
MemberMaybe get one of the wizards to prepare some sort of shrinking spell? I know most people wouldn’t get it but a Honey I shrunk the Kids reference would be hilarious
Dirk Flamberge
MemberSo, is it coincidence that every book so far has ended just after a major battle, or is that purposely done?
Dirk Flamberge
MemberExactly how many religions is the Demiurge actually running on the earths? I mean he’s in nigh constant conflict with Sammaels forces so it would be logical to grab as many as possible right?
Dirk Flamberge
MemberTrue, but Barbarians was usually just used as a term of insult from nobles referring to other cultures’ Dress and Languages, plus i wouldn’t generally call Vikings barbarians, not to their faces, at least. Seafaring Raiders and traders, piratical heathens, intrepid adventurers? all these terms can Describe Vikings, Barbarian, not usually.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberI’m certain there are Legendary vOrckings like the legends/tales of Vikings, It’s sounds right up their alley, and yea, Elves I agree with you there about the major smear campaign. By the by, Jaquesparrow? really?
Dirk Flamberge
MemberBest, New Year. EVER.
Dirk Flamberge
MemberJust Thought of something. [Spoiler] Since Exador was in fact leading the Etonian forces on their conquest of Natoor, and is now working, albeit perhaps unknowingly with the Nyjyr ennead in a war against the Five Siblings, could Exador be theoretically be playing the bigger game here? could he be a piece of this seeming plot to engineer this fight between the gods? this strange parallel between Sentir Fallon, Lilith and Aodh, and Exador, Ramses with Bastet tagging along, just seems strangely related. hope i vocaltexted this correctly, damn machines been on the fritz since it fell off the table. [/spoiler]