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2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2849
MemberHe’ll probably just point them to corrupt or “evil” places first. He’ll probably think “I can do a better job than those bad people”. That’s the slippery slope Dark Overlords slide down face first on.
2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2851Gelcube
MemberBah, it’s just a punishment detail, then. If they were serious about it, they’d just get a couple of slime molds or Gelatinous Cubes to do it. Our slime doesn’t hinder us too much, and our slime is just about as slippery. Our promotion council would have been all over that.
2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2853Gelcube
MemberWell, you can’t expect them to do it for FREE, can you? I’m sure MOST of the damned would make it down.
MemberOooo, yeah. Seems whenever Tom tries something strong in the Abyss, he gets stronger. Remember when he tried Denubian ChocoCoffee™ the first time? It allowed him to see and manipulate binding links for the first time. Wonder what your cookies would allow him to do? Maybe he’d get the munchies and eat a soul, or see into Astlan without a link! Farseeing cookies! Ooo, then he could just fade out to Astlan anytime and anywhere he wanted.
You know, I’m pretty sure he could break Lenamare’s link if he really tried. It’s only a fourth order binding. Of course, with it he can find out exactly where Lenamare is. He could also use it to pop in when Lenamare is sleeping and off him.
He’s not using his resources to their fullest!
MemberHmm. While it might be interesting to see Hilda “switch sides”, so to speak, I really doubt that will happen. She sounds as if she truly believes in Tiernon, so betraying his trust in her would be abhorrent to her.
Still, that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be on Tom’s side for something. I mean, the Nyjyr Ennead came to play, and don’t seem to be actively hostile. Doesn’t seem to be any prohibition against fraternizing with other teams.
MemberBahaha!!! That would be hilarious, as I think it’d probably throw the Nyjyr Ennead’s plans way out of whack. Still, it’ll never happen. It would be waaaay too weird. We don’t know how incubus “receive” animus, now do we? Sounds vaguely disturbing when you remember that not only is Tom a virgin, but Reggie is also a friend of his. So don’t think that little wrinkle will happen. Though if it does…heheheh.
Reread THH again, and got to thinking about that balling that Antefalken did of the final battle. Just wondering what kind of publicity that’s going to get. I can see bootleg copies floating around the Courts, pissing off Lilith, Sam, and…well, everyone. Not to mention when copies get out to Lenamare, the CoW, and the alvar. Good times, good times.
In fact, I hope that’s one of the first scenes in Apostles of [b]DOOOOOOM[/b]™.
MemberI wonder if Rupert even knows his true name?
I’m sure if he does, and that was on the application, he would put down a false true name. He’s been pretty smart about things most of the time.
Apostles of [b]DOOOOOM[/b]™ promises to start the Church of Tommus, Dark God of the Abyss, Emperor of Evil, and All-Around Badass Demon Dude. Imagine what Tom will have to say about THAT!
MemberHmm, re-re-re-reading Into the Abyss, and I’ve noticed a couple of things.
Trisfelt and Elrose meet at a pub called “The Raunchy Orc”, which even though it isn’t explicitly stated, sounds like it’s close to the Mandetor…Mandetroy…Murgatroy (can’t remember) area. I can see several ways Trisfelt could end up there at the same time as the D’Orcs and/or Tom…and Hilda. Oooooh, that would be…interesting.
Also, I don’t think we’ve seen enough of Master Hortwell. While he does seem to hold a lot of the Astlanian prejudices, he also is apparently very fair-minded, as his little stint with Zargoffelstan proves. I wonder what reward he had in mind for Zargy? I kind of liked that little scene. I would have liked to see a little more from both their perspectives. Maybe we can get a little more of them in Apostles of [b]DOOOOOOM[/b]!!!
Even though he’s only a class one, Zargy stood up to Tom to protect Hortwell. That actually says a lot about him. True, it’s unlikely that Tom could have easily destroyed Zargy permanently, but being eviscerated still hurts, even if it doesn’t kill you. And Zargy really didn’t know what Tom was/wasn’t capable of.
Well, here’s hoping Hortwell and Zargy make their return. Really looking forward to it.
I see I really need to read those maps a little closer. I was waaaaay off. Still, it’s not inconceivable that Tom or Rupert could show up someplace with orcs. Or at least a story of “Lord Tommus”?
Also, reading ITA again, I see where Rupert’s mom DID give a description of Tom. Even if there was “a few small differences” in the description, that just adds to the mystery. I REALLY hope there’s a more thorough account of that whole situation in AOD.
MemberI have serious doubt that Tom would actually agree to such an invitation. Though just imagining the resulting chaos and destruction is making me jiggle.
On a side note, listening to the “Stargate Overture” while reading the scene where Phaestus opens the World Gate is awesome.
…on a side, side note, the next song in that playlist is the Main Titles from “Superman Returns”, which coincided with me getting to the final battle.
…which made me imagine Tom in blue tights, a red cape, and red underwear.
Have you ever seen a 10×10 foot Gelatinous Cube jiggle the doors off their hinges?
MemberNo, I’m old school. I have lots of mp3s on my hard drive that I listen to. I’ve…eclectic…tastes in music. Dub step, movie scores, power metal, classical, even a jazz tune or two.
As for oozing through doors. Well, after a certain size, oozing doesn’t work too well. That’s why I just use pseudopods to open the doors like any other civilized monster. Of course, being acidic makes home repairs difficult, but we all do what we can.
I’d like to visit the Abyss, as it sounds like an interesting place. But I’m afraid the low humidity and high temperature would do me in even faster than a human.
MemberThat just means he should get on more often!
Oh, oh. Quick thought. Jenn in Mount Doom! The D’Orcs will love her! One way, or the other, or the other.
Member[quote=Tizzy;2904]Are the adventurers mighty tasty or do they think gelatinous cubes are tasty?
Actually, thinking of that you might enjoy the movie [url=]The Stuff,[/url] it’s not a gelatinous cube, it’s more like sentient yogurt. You eat it, then it eats you.
[/quote]Oh, that’s my cousin George. He’s the actor of the family. He’s got that knack of eating prey from the inside. I always thought it was cool.
Member[quote=Tizzy;2884]Do you have any idea how much effort it is to transport butter? You have to keep it much cooler than the ambient temperature of the Abyss. Chocolate chips can also be a problem…but not like butter.
[/quote]Ooo, I didn’t think of that!
Of course, getting melted butter for any recipe would be no problem. Heh.
Why ruin whats a good thing with something horribly complicated and terrible. T_T[/quote]Oooo…kay. <_< Granted, as a Gelatinous Cube, my only "action" is digesting my current prey, but it's still pretty nice. =p~ [quote=Tizzy;2888] Tom does have a voluptuous blond in a revealing pink harem costume that calls him master! And who wants to grant him wishes. (and I have to say in my experience, one of the main reasons a djinni agrees to be bound is so the djinni can explore 'earthly pleasures' with their master--see Crispin--Djinnistan is a very odd place dedicated to pure intellect and isn't particularly material in the traditional sense, the djinn incarnate on the worlds of orc/men to experience physical sensations.) Of course, that might make Zelda jealous. Zelda isn't that much older than Tom or Tamarin, all three are very young for their species. Although both Zelda and Tamarin think Tom is a lot older than he really is. [/quote] I'm sure that most demon princes wouldn't think that "dipping the pen in the company well" was an issue, or even a thing, but I doubt Tom will think that way. Should be quite amusing if Tamarin and/or Zelda decide to take things into their own hands. Heheheh. You know, I just realized that we know NOTHING about Rupert's mother. Not her name, what she looked like, where she and Rupert lived, what she told Rupert about his father...nothing. I mean, Rupert said he was at Lenamare's school to learn to summon his father. How was going to do that with no name or description? Another mystery to be revealed in AoD! :d/ And I am SO looking forward to Jenn learning about Edwyrd/Tom. Heheheheh.