Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberGot the quote mark.
The no cut, no paste comes from Word replacing fonts as bitmaps. It tries to do that by default, I thought I’d turned that off, but I had to regenerate it several times so must have missed the last one.
Will recreate PDF and post.
The Author Guy
MemberI have done another version without bitmapping.
For some reason, Word will not map the fonts correctly. There are only a couple fonts, and they are all the same, so why some lines look like crap, I don’t know.
My main PDF program was having trouble with bookmark links, which I think are very useful to have down the side. It however produces something more readable.
Posting the new version shortly as *_1a.pdf
Calibre also had the book mark problems, I could probably fix that if I adjusted the detection logic, it’s just time…
The Author Guy
I’ve created new sub-forums under Beta Reading
One is editing issues the other is complex issues or questions.
Editing issues are the “error, fix this.” sorts of things with the editing or confusion over what is said.
Complex Issues is everything else, i.e. thinks I have to “think” about.
I am going to move topics around, at least the editing ones.
The Author Guy
MemberThat was my original name for a saint’s black box. But on earth a reliquary is a container for relics so I’m not sure that’s going to connect to it being her operator service.
But I take your point, it sounds to SF not sufficiently Fantasy.
Technically it would be a box with a Daemon running, handling things for her but….
The Author Guy
Ok, need to work on that. I actually caught myself the other day with another head spinning session.
I need knew words to describe “head shaking puzzlement”
Just browsing for moment. Will start working on the posts this afternoon. my day job caught up with me this morning, I’d been ignoring it for a couple weeks now.
Also, feeling a bit woozy, may have celebrated the Cubs win a bit too much last night. The good news is that my neighborhood didn’t burn to the ground as many of us feared it would should such an unprecedented event happen.
Didn’t hear so much as a fire cracker or a bullet! Woo Hoo! Not much for sirens either! Fans were amazingly well behaved compared to other Chicago victory celebrations.
The Author Guy
MemberI never watched SGA, but I have to say the SGU, Earth/Alien situation is much better than SG1 early seasons (I only got through season 1). That universe, I would also be willing to know more about. (i.e. stuff happening before they go through stargate)
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;5505]Does it have scenes as good as this?[/quote]
Do you really think it is fair to put stuff up against the Wire?
Do you do Netflix?
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;5511]Not even for the chance to score with whomever had scorned his advances previously, or been out of his reach?[/quote]
OK, in that case, but he probably wouldn’t face his parents…
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;5511]and subsequently made the conscious (note the correct usage of the word “conscious”) decision to disrespect me as a member of their audience.[/quote]
That would be true for the vast majority of television, however, I do believe that premium cable, Netflix and Amazon have raised the bar in recent years have raised the bar considerably.
Stranger Things was the example this summer.
Westworld is the current exampleActually the Netflix super hero stuff is quite good. Jessica Jones was actually rather painful to watch (in a good way)
The Author Guy
MemberWill adjust that thanks.
The entire scene is really to tell you a bit more about them, but most importantly reveal there is no aether in the Abyss.
The Author Guy
MemberAnd thus no ghosts.
The Author Guy
MemberHmm, yes this would be tricky to correct vs delete/wholesale change.
Going to need to ruminate.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;5493]Sure, Reggie is in heaven, but kids of seventeen would still want to reach out to their parents, so they won’t grieve for decades.[/quote]
That’s actually a very good point.
Of course, the World Gate requires either another World Gate or a Star Gate on the other side.
We know that there was a Star Gate in Egypt, but what if the US military has confiscated it and using it for secret space travel missions etc.
Also, there is the problem that on Earth, he might not have enough mana to look like himself. And even if he did, it would really freak people out, they saw him buried, and then he’s got lots of explaining to do.
But, problems aside, it is definitely something he should consider/discuss.
Reggie, on the other hand would probably be too embarrassed to go back.
Of course, imagine the shock, for Tom, if Tom works up a huge story to explain his death to his mom, all nervous, goes back, walks in the door and his mom said
“Oh, Hi Tom! Back from the Abyss so soon? I figured you be there at least a decade before coming back. You father (the scientist) said you’d be very busy fighting gods and such.”
[color=red][b][i]–NOT going to happen though…[/i][/b][/color]
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;5496]Hand the government a kilogram of gold for a couple of agents to go see their parents, pass on a couple of letters, and explain that they’re definitely not dead, just involved in something top secret – sorry for those funeras, but they had to “die” to stay safe, it’ll be safe to come back to meet you in a few years…[/quote]
That sounds like what they did on Star Gate: Universe
The Author Guy
MemberYou should try the SGU series.
I was the same way. Really never liked the other two series.
SGU is completely different.
A very cranky, brilliant and ultimately hurting/haunting genius, working for the government on translating star gate runes and technology needs help to decode a new set of extra runes found on a stargate found a distant world.
So the government setups a video game that requires one to solve one of the runes to completely win.
The winner is this young,overweight young nerd, living at home with his dying mother.
They tell him about the SG program (and the fact that space travel is real and there are lots of aliens) and recruit him to help decode the new stuff.
They drag him to the distant Star Gate, which is a huge project with all sorts of bigwigs and dignitaries.
Star Gate uses the planet’s core to operate because it requires incredibly massive energy. They get gate open. Alien enemies attack, everyone is forced to jump through the gate to who knows where before the planet blows up.
Long story short (first episode) the gate leads to a seeding starship in a distant galaxy, the unmanned ship is depositing star gates on distant worlds, and waiting for the ancients to show up and take over the expedition. They never showed, ship is hundreds of thousands of years old and decrepit barely has life support.
Now these people, divided into different factions: scientists, military, dignataries are trapped millions of light years from home with no way back. But they do have these stones that they can use to astral project back home. (Brought them with them)
So the entire story takes place on this dying ship which is mostly in hyperspace, but periodically drops out, and the people use local gates to try to find a habitable planet to live on, or just get basic supplies to live on.
Tensions builds, intrigue builds, it’s a very tense drama.
I actually think it’s one of the best space travel dramas out there.