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  • in reply to: Beta0 – Links from Hilda to Inferno #7148

    That was my original sort of thought some time ago but I had to revise it to flush it out logically.

    Going to address this on the Inferno.

    in reply to: Beta0 – Links from Hilda to Inferno #7149

    Chapter 125 when they are discussing the problem with the assembled priests in the hold:

    “It means that we are cut off from Tiernon and his avatars. As long as we are in the Abyss, we will have to rely on the mana we have with us, and that we can generate and maintain here.” Barabus told them. He noted Diocate Temerlain nodding behind him. Temerlain was the senior member of the Church on this mission. One of Iskerus’ most trusted lieutenants.

    As expected there were a number of mutters and groans at this news.

    [color=blue]“Why can’t we just keep a gateway open so our links work?” One of the priests yelled to them. Barabus blinked, that sounded quite reasonable.

    He looked to the Chancellor.

    “Uhm, yes. Three issues. First, we do not have the mana resources to keep a gate open perpetually. Secondly, we can’t move the gate, so the Inferno would have to stay in one place and finally, our gateway generator creates a hole large enough for this ship to traverse. If we were to leave such a large hole open in reality, eventually demons would find it and pour through to Astlan. As you can imagine, that would not be good.” The Chancellor explained.

    Barabus inhaled deeply, that certainly answered that question.

    “However, do not fear! [/color]Chancellor Alighieri has generously opened the treasury on board the Inferno to provide us with gemstones from which to create Holy Mana Pools. Furthermore, to ensure the success of our mission, Wing Arms Master Heron has asked the crew to, in good faith, join us in worship services so that we may accumulate mana from more sources and store in mana pools for use by our priests.”

    in reply to: Beta – The End of the Fight (Chapter 147) #7370

    Sorry, giant undead in this case means large zombies e.g. dragons and pterosaurs no actual “giants”

    I will change that to be more clear, their Unlife bestiary with them.

    Excellent point!

    Now one other thing to keep in mind. Necromancers are not necessarily Unlife themselves. Yes, the liches are neromancers and Unlife, but most people think of them as Liches First, Necromancers Second.

    So when people say necromancers they typically mean mortal wizards practicing necromancy.

    Of course, “The Necromancer” from ME was a special case, he fooled a lot of people.

    Gunpowder was a pain in the castle door, and walls, cannons were very expensive for castle owners. Kept knocking the crap out of the walls.

    Remember this is Antefalken talking about a very long ballad written by the “winners” so it was all propaganda.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7467

    [quote=Iume;5560]Bk2:Exador shrugged. “I am sure Mephistopheles does. If Orcus hadn’t bit the dust, he wouldn’t be in the Triumvirate today.”

    This implies that Orcus was part of the Courts of Chaos rather than just a separate political group.Now, I admit that he could have easily broken away, but if Meph becomes a member of the Triumvirate after Orcuc’s death then Orcus didn’t leave.

    However, Mt. Doom per book 3 was setup in opposition to Lilith and the Courts.[/quote]

    Good catch, I need to read that to know more about what Exador knew of Orcus there vs what he knew in book 3.

    We don’t know how much Exador really knew about what was going on.

    Now as for the Triumvirate

    It is possible for Orcus to be in the triumvirate and in opposition to the courts. These are demons so backstabbing is part of the job.

    So here’s the thing: Orcus was part of the triumvirate well before Doom, he built Doom as a remote palace, as far as the Courts knew. They didn’t really discover it until putting in the Boom Tunnels and it was later than that that they realized what he was actually doing there.

    That’s when things started to go to “hell”

    I point out that Sammael and Lilith are renowned enemies, yet are the co-factors, membership in the Courts is not due to friendship, but more due to power.

    Take a look at Antefalken’s guide to the Courts in the Library, you have 3 factions, 1 faction is Lilith, the other Sammael and the rest are currently unaligned or indeterminate.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7468

    [quote=Iume;5560]What happened to Trolg, the orc combat pilot aboard the Nimbus?[/quote]

    Still there, just haven’t done any combat this book.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7469

    [quote=Iume;5560]However in book 3 Tiernon states Sentir Fallon said that the dagger was lost since Etterdam.Book 2 implies that Sentir knows exactly where it is and that it had been regularly handed over to member of the church on Astlan.[/quote]

    Narg! Super Flag!

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7470

    [quote=Iume;5560]What happened to FOE? This was a big thing in book 2.Not just with the D’Orcs but others used the terms Forces of Evil and Forces of Good.[/quote]

    That’s an elf thing not applicable to Nysegard.

    In Nysegard it’s the FOL (Forces of Light) and FOD (Forces of Darkness) which is confusing with FOD being Forces of Doom as well

    Probably should be FOL and FON: Forces of Light, Forces of Night

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7471

    [quote=Iume;5560]Trisfelt never shared his suspicions about Rupert being a demon with Jenn?It is implied they have been communicating thought it was never explicitly stated.Or did I misread?[/quote]

    Can you refresh me on these suspicions. I don’t think it was stated that strongly in book 1. He was puzzled by the horses fearing him, but did not, I think, suspect he was a demon.

    Or are you thinking of something in Book 2?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7472

    [quote=Iume;5560]Given the conversations in book 2 involving Beragamos it doesn’t seem to fit that he knew Orcus.I can’t point to any one passage, but his knowledge of demons, the Abyss, and the “true” nature of things does not fit for someone that is 300,000 years old since his last phoenix cycle.

    Hilda’s bk3 thought about why he said nothing regarding Orcus in bk2 helps, but it still doesn’t mesh when you read them back-to-back.[/quote]

    Will take a look at what Beragamos said or didn’t say in book 2.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7473

    [quote=Iume;5609]Beragamos say the same balling that the Tiernon and Torean saw.Why didn’t Beragamos recognize Tom as being familar?In book 2 the suspicion of Orcus is brought up and Beragamos [u][b]still[/b][/u] didn’t recall / recognize.[/quote]

    The key is not in what he said to the lower levels, the key is what he would say with Tiernon.

    Not saying anything to Hilda and Stevos is just keeping confidence with Tiernon, particularly since Sentir Fallon is sitting right there.

    The question is, why did Sentir Fallon not recognize him?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7476

    [quote=Iume;5681]Book 2.Hilda and Trisfelt saw the recording, Danyel said the greater demon was named Rupert, Trisfelt recalled the problem with the horses, some more discussion, Trisfelt seemed fairly certain but still willing to doubt.[/quote]

    Very true. However, they only had a very short time together after that (I think) he was puzzled, but not certain. He thought on it, then suddenly she’s leaving. Given the situation, would you want to have THAT conversation with Jenn right before she’s about to leave for who knows how longs. [b]Particularly if you aren’t sure.[/b]

    This is Jenn we are talking about. Such a theory would be met with massive push-back and drama. Would it be worth it?

    in reply to: Beta – The End of the Fight (Chapter 147) #7368

    [quote=Iume;5602]But the giants?They took those that weren’t freed with them.And then there are the undead “dragons”.If any immortal is still bound when they go the Abyss then wouldn’t they be freed and ready to rampage?[/quote]

    They didn’t take any giants with them, Tom cured all they brought through the Tomb Gate.

    What’s not clear is the other bindings on the giants.

    1) We have true animus inside
    2) We have it surrounded by antimus, they aren’t exploding together, they are different entities or something
    3) There is black magic crap wrapping and shielding it all.

    I would say all bets would be off as to what happens if you take them to the Abyss.

    I am thinking that it’s going to be a pain for them, however, remember what Exador was doing with the Switch in book one.

    He was bringing people to the Abyss, moving them to another patch of ground, releasing the first switch, and then switching again to another place in Astlan.

    Here, he would switch them into the Abyss and then either move them, or switch the same ground to somewhere else, at the moment, I am thinking he will use one of his prepared locations near Exador’s school.

    Depending on how much prep time he had for all of this earlier.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 145 #7391

    [quote=Iume;5537]Why doesn’t he need their interference? Perhaps why he is frustrated can be worked into the sentence to make it flow smoother?Or just put a period after “So Orcus had involved the Tribunal.” and then rework the rest of the text following that.[/quote]

    How about:

    [i]A Knight Magus of the El Ohîm?[/i] Tiernon closed his eyes, wearily. So Orcus had involved the Tribunal, they had tried so hard to keep them out of all of this.

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