Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberYes, this is a good question.
She laughs at Ramses for not recognizing her as a goddess he worshiped as a mortal.
It would be pretty humiliating if she did not know she had teamed up with the guy who ordered her people killed…
The Author Guy
MemberShe’s definitely banging both, planning with each to screw over the other.
However, she’s pulled back due to the Unlife issue, that has put a crimp in her plans as she really wants nothing to do with Unlife.
She’s got them both, planning to pit them against each other and take the book for herself (her team). Once she has the book, and can open it, all bets are off. Or so the plan goes….
Yes, I think that pretty much describes Ramses, he’s the action hero in his own movie. Unfortunately, no one bothered to inform him that he’s the bad guy.
I have no real idea on the date for the next main. That may be realistic, but I am hoping sooner. Ideally, I’d like to get down to 1 main/big book per year (not necessarily DoA–it does end at some point–sorta) and then a smaller book in between.
The problem I have at the moment is that I’m in DoA mode/mindset, and CoA has a very different tone that I need to recapture. Not sure that it’s going to be as easy as I’d hoped working on both back and forth.
The difference in tone is simply from the universes (social circles/power circles) of the characters. I hope as Kristof gets more into the Wilds things will converge. The humor comes from a different place than with Tom. It’s a bit more Jane Austen, without the spouse hunting. Or rather, Kristof is more like one of Jane Austen’s protagonist’s victims/targets. Sort of a young Darcy trying to escape hordes of swooning maidens, who are clearly after him for his money/position (as his looks, to which he is very sensitive, are not up to princely standards)
Also, at the moment, it’s a single POV.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, that does get to the heart of the matter.
Although it took me a few moments to realize you didn’t actually want me to say that it was a street preacher’s version of the inside of a plant stem.
The Author Guy
Now for the hard part. What to call Volume IV?
Gotta tell you, things are a bit up in the air what with Dysnomia showing up. As you know, did not see that coming. But she really adds a kick to the Forces of Chaos.
You guys know what still needs to be resolved, what thoughts do you have for the title of Book IV?
We will do a poll and vote once we have some suggestions.
Going to start by throwing some out there
*) Going to rule out Restoration of Glory, since we aren’t going to get there in book IV, it’s probably book V or VI.
In alphabetical order (with no great preference) and some more tongue-in-cheek than others.
[list][*]Abyssal Providence
[*]All in the Family
[*]Divine Providence
[*]Doom’s Providence (or Providence of Doom)
[*]Exador Strikes Back
[*]Family Business
[*]Lord of Oaths
[*]Orcus Ex Machina
[*]Prisoners of Doom
[*]Quest for Justice
[*]The Apostles’ Pilgrimage
[*]The Demon Lord’s Providence
[*]The Demon Prince
[*]The Prince’s Providence
[*]The Return of the D’Orcs
[*]The Temples of Doom
[*]The Oath Breakers
[*]To Reign in the Abyss[/list]Please comment on what you like or don’t like and definitely suggest others or variations!
The Author Guy
MemberI am trying/hoping to cover both Freehold and the Apostles march, but not sure what will make it in yet.
That’s the real problem with all of these titles in advance and why they are a bit off, and don’t end up meaning what most people think.
For example, the Heavenly Host is supposed to be about the host of angels descending on Freehold, but that’s aborted, and the Heavenly Host ends up being Hilda who has a penchant for hosting parties!
You might think that the Apostles of Doom would be all about their adventures, but instead it’s about defining who they are, most notable Talarius and contrasting them with the Apostles of Tiernon and Torean.
So the idea is we pick a title based on where we think it’s going and that’s what we will shoot for that, but I may get side tracked.
That’s the problem with giving characters free will, they can deviate from their destiny if one is not careful.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Korwin;5989]Orcus ex Machina[/quote]
How about Tizzy ex Machina?
That might be more apropos. :d/
The Author Guy
MemberI’ve bookmarked that one.
I can think of all sorts of uses for Jesus ads.
The Author Guy
Tried to go through and clean up some outstanding issues.
But I am sure I have missed some. Please remind me of issues that you or others have brought up that I have not addressed and that need to be addressed.
Here are a few things I am purposefully not resolving.
1) I am going to punch through with Dis Pater for Rupert
2) Orcus was a member of the Courts of Chaos and also a rival to them, so leaving that, but maybe I need to be a bit more clear about this in this book?
3) I have dealt a little with the problems for Unlife going to the Abyss, it’s going to be dealt with explicitly in the next book as they reemerge, just think “Puking Zombies” which is actually something that many video game zombies do. In particular, in City of Heroes.
5) I’ve put Tamarin in as discussed, still need to wedge a mention of Vaselle in, however, not obvious where.I have not dealt with Lenamare and the Oorstemothians, they are still at Freehold and this, I think will be dealt with in the next book, unless I should deal with it now.
At the moment I have Jenn’s putting together Tom + Edwyrd for the next book. I will deal with it in Book IV, either by starting before the end of book III or by just delaying it. I am thinking it would be too distracting in the lead up to the battle. However, I am open to hearing counter arguments.
I know I need to clean up the Unlife/Undead table to a real appendix. Now the question is? Should it be a treatise style or more of a reference style?
How is the first half of the book for tension/action. Do I need to pep things up sooner? If so, ideas?
How are we with the HALO’s (given adjustments I have noted) is it too much of a info dump? Should I make it more vague? Should I move it to an appendix?
So what else?
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5968]The Orstemoothians talked with the Rod and now want to arrest this demon lord because his minions destroyed one of their ships. They don’t know that it was actually Tom who did the deed.[/quote]
Great on first one, that was over-orcing, and multiverse is much clearer.
So you are saying (and I don’t remember) that Ooorstemoth is looking for the demon lord Tom who is in charge of the people who torched their ship? I just don’t quite remember how I had that sorted out in Book 2, I am going to go back and look, but I think what you are saying is correct.
The Author Guy
MemberA gateway to hell! Literally. Not a metaphor. Now, technically, the place was called “The Abyss” but it was, unequivocally, a street preacher’s vision of damnation
A gateway to hell! Literally. Not a metaphor. Now, technically, the place was called “The Abyss;” but with the scorching heat, exploding balls of flame, insane geography and tormented residents it was downright biblical.
A gateway to hell! Literally. Not a metaphor. It wasn’t called that, the demons there called it “The Abyss;” however, with the scorching heat, exploding balls of flame, insane geography and tormented residents, the place was downright biblical.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5969]M)What was the point of being held hostage by a paranoid demon lord if you could not provoke their paranoia?
*)What was the upside of being held hostage by a demon lord if they could not even provoke a bit of paranoia?[/quote]I think this may be a more idiomatic thing in terms of how people talk in different regions. How about:
[color=blue]Where was the advantage in being held hostage by a paranoid demon lord if you could not provoke their paranoia?[/color]
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5969]M)the largest two studios
*)the two largest studios[/quote]Reworking the paragraphs
[color=blue]The smithy was actually quite large and apparently at some point Völund had quite a number of smith apprentices working for him. There was the main smithy and then a good number of studio or workshop smithies. Currently there were only three D’Orc smiths working for him in the main smithy, and Phaestus’ team had taken over the two largest studios, however there had been a number of mid-sized and smaller studios available and after considerable amounts of—uhm—begging, he and Tamarin had managed to get the Smith of Doom, to agree to him using one.
The funny thing was that a small studio for a D’Orc was still larger than his entire shop in Freehold. That reminded him, he was going to need to get some tools from his shop. In fact, perhaps he would need to buy a second set of tools, there was a lot of good stuff here, but it was generally D’Orc sized. In the morning he would take some gems with him through his portal beacon outside Freehold. It would be his first attempt to actually use his master’s power to open a portal on his own.[/color]
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5969]M)She shook his head.
*)She shook his hand.[/quote]Nope, she walked up to him put her hands on the side of his face and shook his head back and forth!
The Author Guy
MemberFixed all!
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;5970][quote]Are you saying that D’Orcs and orcs fought alongside elves? Their mortal enemies?”[/quote]
Elves are immortal thus not “mortal enemies”[/quote]Actually, they aren’t truly immortal, like the immortals, they just live a very very long time, and you can kill them without needing to use special methods.
However, I changed it to legendary as that really sounds better.