Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberThe Etonian thing is something I rather screwed up on. I knew the names would change on other worlds, but I wrote about half of book 3 before remembering what I already knew…I just kept calling them Etonians.
The Author Guy
MemberPDF or epub? or both?
If PDF, I think it’s because I used a different tool. They all suck. I probably need to renew my CC subscription and use acrobat. I just wasn’t using it enough to justify $50/month for the full thing, when all I used was Photoshop and Acrobat.
Even at $10/month for Acrobat, that’s $120/year vs a $50 or $70 program…but if none of those work…
The Author Guy
MemberZombies may be simply animated corpses with magic and not animus based, they are puppets.
Typically zombies that are antimated are botched resurrections, in the case of those under a necromancer’s control, they may be powered by the necromancer.
However, the zombie infection types are Unlife and they act like a ghoul, except they transmit zombie-ism.
The Author Guy
MemberAnd like ghouls, they have no huge sunlight problem.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;6059]So, does that fact they can be seen mean it is a psychic projection?They don’t reflect light or block some light?Otherwise they can physically interact if they can be seen.[/quote]
That is a good question. A psychic project would seem most likely, however, can they be caught on video tape or in a mirroring? That would answer the question.
They could be more like “illusions” or “holograms”
Animages can do either with the right skills. So my argument would be that different ones, do different things based on their skill sets.
The same is true in wizardry when it comes to Enchantment vs Sorcery and illusions. The first creates an optical illusion, the second creates misinformation in the mind of the beholder.
The Author Guy
MemberThat is very odd.
I am looking at the word document from which the epub was made by Calibre. It’s not there, just reading through it.
However, I can see it in the epub, just like you say.
I am wondering if I made it in the same directory as an earlier version and the files got mixed in.
Checked the PDF, it’s OK as well, however the bookmarks are all weird.
I will be publishing another epub/Beta 3 at some point soon. Let’s check that then.
The Author Guy
MemberThe O’s and T’s did talk, That’s how Heron knows the story of Verigas.
So that’s how the O’s came to this conclusion that Lord Edwyrd was likely to be the demon.
And if not, he was a very powerful warlock of the demon’s or something, like that. However, Verigas never saw Lord Edwyrd, he somehow just popped up while Verigas was knocked out and the demon disappeared. So, perhaps, Lord Edwyrd was summoned by the demon to aid the party, but given that the demon could shape change (which they discovered in the battle) it is most likely that Lord Edwyrd and the demon were the same person.
Iskerus was in on that discussion, and he has now seen “Orcus” he had not seen Lord Edwyrd, but he does fit the description, his human form was a young man of about 18 to 20 with long curly black hair and wearing animage robes. The only difference between that and the descriptions they have of Lord Edwyrd is the robes.
Iskerus also knows that the demons belonged to Exador (however, the I’s do not because they left before Exador was exposed), he was negotiating the “move” into Freehold of the T’s for the coming Exador battle. So they would have filled him in on what they know.
And Iskerus may soon find out about Orcus and the Five Siblings.
So I am thinking the first part of this may need some clearing up in their discussions,
2020-06-02 at 15:24 in reply to: Antimus vs. Animus – Why is only unlife affected by the Abyss? #7848The Author Guy
MemberPure antimus beings from the antimus side of the multiverse are unaffected.
It’s the hybrid animus-antimus creatures bound together with Necromancy or infection (which was possibly created with necromancy) that’s affected. It’s the magical bindings that are designed to tie antimus and animus together that get screwed up because suddenly there is no more polarization.
So it’s the bindings that hold the antimus in the animus created bodies is what causes the problems.
This is why ghouls are unaffected. They are alive and have an antimus infection, they go to the Abyss, the infection is neutralized (at least while they are there–not clear what happens when they come back–although we will soon find out)
Vampires? Not clear what happens with them, but they’ll probably be sick. Liches will be severe distress as will zombies and other animated undead.
The Author Guy
MemberI am going to Arizona for Thanksgiving next Tuesday, so Monday night I will release Beta 3.
I’ll be able to respond and take notes/make fixes Tuesday morning and then the rest of the week, only being out on the following Monday.
So what is coming in Beta 3?
0) Small fixes and changes since Beta 2
1) Refresh of the Samwell Heron meeting in the mess.
2) Followup for the Inferno now that they have company. These will be small scenes of a page or two each, I think….
3) I am severely tempted to do one final scene with them, but I think I will hold that for the beginning of the next book. After reading Beta 3, you can judge.Anything else you guys think needs changed? Do the HALOs need more work (or less work). Other places that need punching up?
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Korwin;6051]Beta 2, page 245
[Quote]“And if you know your Etonian history, it was Orcus to whom the Five Siblings turned to deal with their accursed parents.” Arch-Diocate Tierny stated resolutely, as if such a thing was common knowledge.[/Quote]
Should’nt this be super duba top secret?Could be foreshadowing, about the secret comming out. Not shure…[/quote]
Actually the mistake is that he says “if you know your Etonian history.
They don’t use the term Etonian on Nysegard as there is no continent of Eton on that planet.
It is supposed to be a bombshell. The folks on Nysegard have a lot of information that others are lacking.
Remember, this is a world that’s had a lot more avatar interaction than most other worlds. This is a world where this is a lot of historical precedent for avatars fighting side by side with mortals.
Beans get spilled in such processes. And, if you are the mortals, any words or information you can get out of the avatars is stuff that’s going to be written down and remembered, they take any/all pronouncements very seriously, probably more so than the avatar intends…
The Author Guy
MemberSo I am writing up Appendix V, the textier undead/unlife guide and I get a V-8 sort of moment.
In earlier discussions people had been asking about keying an avatar or demon to the material planes and what the problems were with this.
I completely spaced, but this is literally the problem of Specters.
Specters are ghosts/poltergeists that can, for short periods of time, create and maintain anima bodies on the material plane attached to their aethereal plane.
The limit basically comes down to how much mana they have.
One big problem for ghosts in generating mana is that they aren’t in the physical world so “generating mana by interacting with the elements and their animus” doesn’t work so well. They are on the aethereal plane.
Now, if they can get enough mana together they (advanced ones) can in theory create an anima body just like an avatar or demon does when they don’t fully incarnate.
The Author Guy
Beta 3 released. Fixes requested since beta 2. Added 3 more Inferno scenes and Appendix V, which is the Undead vs Unlife appendix.
The Author Guy
All beta demons get their “names” in the front matter (thank yous).
By default, I will use your Display Name (that which shows up in the forum)
However, if you want a different name, e.g. username or email address, or something completely different, let me know.
The Author Guy
MemberIn which case dragging Dis with him to Etterdam (assuming he did) would be an extremely stupid thing to do if he’s your Disaster Recovery Demon (DRD)
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Mikey;6014]Didn’t Scott Adams also go a little off reservation?[/quote]
Yeah, he went from rationally discussing and extolling Trump’s ability to persuade people to full blown/full throttle support for the guy.