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  • in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2717


    I suppose you are correct…I did mention nuclear technology. But then I’ve traveled to a lot of different planes and hung out with Denubians who happen to have warp drive technology.


    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2720

    You are correct sir!

    Pretty much everyone can see better than a human!

    [list][*]Wizards have Wizard Sight (spell)

    Priests typically have a couple different seeing rituals they can do.

    Animages…well depends on what type of animages they are, but Seers see it all…or just enough to be frustrating

    The Alvar and many of the other Sidhe have SidheSight (pronounced SheeSight)—they often like to use their SidheSight to See SeaShells by the SeaShore…over and over again.

    Dwarves and goblins have extremely good low light vision and a few other differences in acuity.

    The Aetos have extremely sharp vision, similar to an eagle/human hybrid. Oddly enough.

    Demons of Demon Sight and can see Animus and in some cases mana and telescopic and microscopic. Plus several other frequencies. Some demons even have Heat Vision like Superman (which really makes no senses as it’s not at all a vision related thing)

    Now, however, to Rosver’s point.

    Certain types of radiation are particles and some are waves. And at the root of reality, particles are also waves but..we won’t go into that here.

    So from a nuclear explosion of various sorts you are going to see Alpha and Beta radiation (particles) and Gamma radiation (waves–e.g. light aka Hulk food)

    His point was they human eye can’t detect particles due to the eyes’ size. The authors point was, correct you can’t actually detect the particle with your eye, but you can detect the particle by the secondary radiation that it emits when traveling faster than the speed of light through the liquid in your eyes, so you could detect it (depending on energy level–how fast it was going), but it wouldn’t look like normal light.

    Similarly, radio waves, tv waves, wifi waves, cordless telphone waves, microwaves are also light. However we can’t really detect them either because the length of the waves (i.e the distance from the start of the wave to where it repeats) is much longer than the size of the eye so we can’t “see” the whole thing at once. You might be able to detect it going through, but you’d need a physically different sort of “antenna” to capture and measure the wave. The rod and cone mechanics wouldn’t work (not as they are in humans)

    Now this doesn’t mean a creature can’t have “radio vision” or Beta Ray vision or something, it might, it just wouldn’t be using the normal rod/cone method for detecting it, it would have to have something else.

    In the case of Wizard Sight and Priest Sight the spell is translating the thing detected into vision or maybe a “feeling” (see truth spell).

    Dwarves, Aetos, etc those are truly enhanced normal sight. Same is true for Infravision (infrared) and (UV light detection)

    Seeing animus and mana like Sidhe and Demons do (and wizards/priests do with a translation spell) may like be something different that’s tied to “vision” since what the “see” is superimposed upon their vision. But I’m not an expert, I’m just an ordinary demon. I’d ask a trained Animage. I suspect whatever it is that the Animages do, that’s what demons are doing. Demons might have ‘rods/cones/towers’ and whatever towers are detects animus, but I know that animages wouldn’t since they are otherwise mortal (human, elf, dwarf etc).

    That being said, Animages have to conciously try and see animus and mana. Demons have it on by default, all the time, it’s just that they may not always be paying attention to it. So again, might not be the same.

    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2722

    That seems to be what he’s implying. I find that very insulting…if he thinks that’s what I’m doing, then I’ll ask him to store it for me!

    I’m thinking though that he just doesn’t have “PipeSight” and so can’t always see my pipe!

    After all we’ve talking about SidheSight, DemonSight, WizardSight so why not PipeSight?

    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2724

    Well, I’m not a wizard so I can only talk from the point of view of what is “common knowledge” You know, as a consumer.

    You’ve actually got a couple truly “popular” technologies for video recording and transmission. Crystal Balls and Mirrors. Crystal balls store 3D moving images within the lattice structure of the crystal itself. Thus, the bigger the crystal, the more footage it can hold, and they hold a lot. Mirrors also have crystals to store stuff in, but they’re smaller gems usually in the handle or the back of the mirror. Being smaller they have less capacity, and mirrors being flat, they can only record 2D video. Crystal balls being spheres they can record in a 360 degree range (Except where the baller’s hands are).

    Apparently the store the data digitally in the crystalline lattice by creating “holes” of some sort. It’s sort of Alchemical in nature and I’m not an alchemist so I can’t explain it very well.

    As far as Flying Carpets, those are made by Enchanters who are experts in manipulating the element of Air. But basically they create a higher pressure region below the carpet than is above the carpet and this pushes it up. They can then sort of “tilt” those pressure zones below the carpet, or for finer control, versus curled up parts of the carpet, to push it along in the direction they want to go.

    You can see this more clearly if you follow carpet racing. You know how when you are watching a carpet race and they are booking along at break neck speed and all the carpets are tilted with their back end much higher then the front end and sometimes the carpet is sort of shaped like:

    where the + is the driver, that’s to give the air behind the carpet something to push against.

    Again, not an Enchanter, or an Aerial Engineer, I fly the old fashioned way on my wings.

    in reply to: Kindle Countdown to Vacation! #2774


    During the summer, the Abyss gets even hotter than usual. We demons therefore, like everyone else, like to go on vacation.

    Unfortunately, to leave the Abyss we need to be summoned!

    So, if you know someone: friend, family, colleague who is going on vacation, or just wants a great break, ask them to summon some demons to take with them!

    In order to make this easy, next week the Kindle version of [u]Volume I of Demons of Astlan: Into the Abyss[/u] will be on sale at

    Yes, we will be doing our first [url=]Kindle Countdown Sale[/url] on the book!

    So if you know someone who might enjoy the e-book spread the word!

    The sale will last the week and will [u][i][b]start on Monday June 30th 2014 [/b][/i][/u]at it’s lowest price ever (unless you bought the Dead Tree Edition) it will then increase by $1 every so many hours. There will be a clock telling you how long you have until the price goes up. (It does not come back down…only goes up).

    So grab it when you see it! Or rather have your friends grab it since you’ve probably already seen it.

    The sale is only at the US based (currently countdown deals only happen in the US and UK stores). However, anyone can buy from the store, even if they have a local Amazon. store, you just have to force your browser to the .COM site.

    Usernames and passwords work across Amazons (or do between US/UK).

    Also there will be a sale in the UK store corresponding to summer school break in the UK later in the month. (however there are fewer break points given the relative price/VAT etc.)


    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2195

    Yes, Oorstemoth was balling it, as were people on the walls of the city. (OK, some/most were mirroring it….which is 2D vs 3D but…)

    And there were a LOT of demon witnesses who will retell the story once they are back in the Abyss.

    The aftershocks are enormous….

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2613

    Vulgar creature? Says the guy who spent 3 Centuries being a lawyer?

    That level of kettle calling the pot black is almost worthy of my good friend the Demon Prince Darth Cheney. Heartless fiend he is. (Literally–he treats them like batteries: keeps draining them dry and then needing to go out and steal another one). Haven’t seen him recently, although I’ve heard he was promoting wars in some far off plane of existence. Some tidal backwater or other.

    All I can say is that vampires really suck.

    Although of course, I’ll still be bittorrenting the final season of True Blood down to my mirror. Now, I do have to admit, if I were to work with a vampire, it would have to be Pam. She’s a class act. Too bad about her maker getting toasted. While I do love me a bit of Fried Swede now and then, he was probably overcooked.

    When I was alive? I’m about as alive as I ever get, afraid. Although some mornings I feel more dead than others. Those Damned Denubians, you sometimes get a spiked batch. Although admittedly, you have to drink a lot to find the spiked batches.

    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2710

    ARRGHH Extremely good plot point! ](*,)

    Exador, Ramses and Bess would be really ticked off!

    They lost a huge humanoid (humans, dok sidhe, orcs, etc) army due to Lenamare’s big boom for nothing!

    I have to be honest, having never seen one of the “Nuke You Leer” bombs in action that Tom describes…I’m not sure it wouldn’t be about as good as a C.o.D. for permanently killing people. Which would also make the deities of all the soldiers ticked off!

    Not good….

    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2712

    I could tell people where I stash my pipe, but I won’t tell ANYONE where my pipe stash is!


    in reply to: Jenn’s Diary #2715

    As to what people know…it’s really hard to say, because information is not democratized at all in Astlan.

    A lot of demons know a lot of stuff, scientifically speaking since many are from an “Earth” and many are from advanced space going races and universes. The Denubians being one well mentioned example.

    Wizards also know a lot, based on their model of the universe. It’s not safe to assume that the Astlanian model of how the universe works is the same as the “Earth” one. And this applies to reality as well. Some things are true both places, but not all.

    The actual laws of physics are different in different worlds. Yes, at some level there is a Grand Mulit-Universe Theory of how things work, a consistent supermodel of the Universe, but what is observable on various planes of man can vary greatly.

    For example, when a nuclear explosion goes off, perhaps people on Earth are unable to witness all the effects because the overall mana levels are too low. Meaning maybe there are other types of radiation and reactions that occur during atomic division, but they aren’t observed on Earth because mana levels are too low, or more specifically “not all quantum states are reachable on Earth” Similarly, the same may be true for Astlan.

    I.e. Tom assumes there is radiation sickness (admittedly likely) and certain things based on what you have on Earth. But everything that occurs during fission or fusion on Earth, may not happen in Astlan, and things that might happen in Astlan, may not happen on Earth.

    Also, we don’t know for sure that Exador didn’t see blue glow. Tom was there at night, and yes using demon sight. The recorded periods of Exador being there were mostly during the day. Or maybe he didn’t think anything about it.

    And the blue glow could also be “something else” maybe as mundane as a secondary reaction to the explosion, or tied to some other magic….

    Now: Why is everyone so freaked out by my pipe? The answer is actually quite simple, when you think about it. Tom eventually figures it out. But it’s not “conjuration” as in it was someplace else and then teleports to my hand. Nope.

    in reply to: Theory Crafting #2754


    Clearly, the only idea here that could remotely/possibly be true is the last one.

    The others are just too far fetched!

    But the last one, the pre-concordenax things, that’s got a serious ring of plausibility to it.

    After all, isn’t every SF/Fantasy story better with Time Travel?

    I mean think how boring Dr Who would be without time travel? It would just be a nutter living in a police box!

    in reply to: Theory Crafting #2758

    Now, this theory is starting to sound like one of the author’s D&D campaigns…one that went on for about 6-7 years..

    By the end, this sort of stuff was getting rather common. There was one wizard Mooo where the player came late to the campaign so just showed up at level 7 with a very vague back story

    Several years later, he was like 23rd level, and had an apprentice, Looo, who coincidentally was 7th level when he failed his saving throws and was sucked down a wormhole.

    Oddly enough he emerged from it in the past, and needed to take a ship, and found a (flying) ship with the other campaign members on it back when they were 7th level, so he just called himself “Mooo” and thus looped himself.

    Which is why when he became Archimage of the local Guild, he would refer to himself as Mooo the Mobius Magi of Might based on the idea of a Mobius strip.

    But that was pretty much par for the course for this wizard, who was at some point turned into an intelligent crown and so had his apprentice wear him and thus “possessed” the apprentice. Which was fine up until a Mind Flayer accidentally teleported inside the central crystal that was Mooo…

    So anyway, my point (me, Tizzy) is that you shouldn’t give the author guy ideas like this.

    He’s all too likely to be tempted.

    But he’s already heard from a lot of readers who’ve threatened to throw rotten e-apples at him if he tries to do something like that.

    in reply to: Next Book Time Frame? #2545


    Chocolate is pretty lame once you’ve had Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) that stuff leaves everything else in the dust….

    I was just having Tea with Nick. He’s one of my best customers for “herbal remedies” It’s going to be complex, but we’ll probably be able to come to an agreement. It may take a few centuries, so we may have to put you on “ice” or in Limbo for a while.

    Here, have a cup of DCC(TM)…

    Drink it while it’s hot!

    And btw, since I’m a demon already, I can’t fork over my soul, because my immortal soul is me….I’m just a soul with a mana shield with some “dirt” stuck to it.

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2605

    Excellent point!

    See, signing in blood is a completely normal business activity. Nothing untoward about it!

    in reply to: Need continuous updates and spoilers Please #2607


    I don’t know, [b]I[/b] have never had any irate fury over any blood contracts. Of course, that’s because I write all the contracts myself…

    Remember, one of the problems with being a “Certified” Demon is that every few decades you have to go [b]back[/b] to law school for both refreshers and new theories in contract law, litigation, and now days, patent and IP laws…

    It’s a lot like teacher re-certification, only much more expensive.

    And if you doubt that I am a certified demon, just ask anyone who has every met me, they will all attest that I am “certifiable.”

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