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MemberI am thinking he would cause a lot of heart burn. And a lot of gas! Considering how full of hot air he is.
Do you gelatinous cubes ever get indigestion? Given that you guys sort of act like the cleaning crew of the dungeon, sucking up the organic byproducts of various battles (corpses) you probably have a pretty high tolerance, but maybe somethings upset your digestion?
MemberWell that last bit brings up an interesting question. Hitting on Hilda. (which is what Trisfelt is doing, but that’s another topic)
They were still regularly scanning the city after the truce, to ensure things were safe.
Now, the question is, where does the mirror come from, it’s a Holy Mirror, so presumably it is a religious artifact of Tiernon (or another Etonian)
However, we do know that not all of Talarius’ magic items were Etonian Holy Artifacts; in particular Ruidan was in fact, an Artifact of Doom…ooh there’s a great book title Artifacts of Doom! Made by Völund, aka Wayland the Smith. He’s like some sort of jotunn or something. Used to sleep around Valhalla, bedding valkyries and such. He also hung out all over the Celtic and Germanic regions of Earth. Remember, he’s also the guy that forged Excalibur (aka Caliburn) for King Arthur, which would link him to Avalon and the Grove. Guy really gets around.
Anyway, assuming that the Holy Mirror of Erastimus is a Tiernonic Artifact, do his avatars have a backdoor key that lets them escape detection? Does it only work on Evil? Although, as you know, I don’t like that word, I find it tediously imprecise.
MemberOr just steal it and use it to measure his enemies.
I like that idea better.
BTW, for all you crazies out there with your conspiracy theories about me. I point out that I was there during the mirroring and was lost in the haze of lower class demons. Which is strange because I have a lot of class!
I Yam what I Yam, and that is one Sweet Potato of a Demon! :d/
MemberWhat abilities? Other than my ability to converse with so called “imaginary people” in other dimensions.
You know the others in the cave crew gave me lots of crap for talking to you people in the forums. They don’t believe you exist.
Just the other day, Antefalken asked me what flavor was my imaginary closet of jello friend. He was hoping for Black Cherry but I am rooting for Fruit Punch.
MemberThey used to take them very seriously (so to speak–party hard), but I am pretty sure the last 4000 years was a bust on that front.
They lost most of their offworld access overtime. From what I’ve overheard, they had some shamans that might have been able to go off world for a while but after those guys gave up and died, they were stuck in the abyss.
Now, they could have traded with other groups in the Abyss, they said they did; using the mineral wealth of doom, but not sure what the other groups might have had for booze. Plus, I suspect they were fairly sad parties since they were all suffering from massive depression and despair…so I can only imagine all their parties were pity parties.
That might be interesting, I am pretty sure Antefalken could do some interviews to get stories from the interregnum and, of course, I could tell some stories of the Orcus days…at least those that I remember. After a while, I mainly showed up for the parties, and I don’t completely remember many of those…as I said they were very good parties.
MemberHmm, I like this idea just on general principle. Demonic slavery is an abomination, a stain upon the souls of mortals.
Pretty sure every church teaches this: summoning, binding and controlling demons, and other agents of darkness is a SIN; it is Evil!
That is one of the few things I can agree with them on.
Of course on the other hand, demons binding wizards as warlocks is a Public Service. Someone has to control these insane wizards who go around randomly summoning very dangerous demons. Bystanders often get dismembered! Very irresponsible of these wizards.
AND! Since we demons already live in the Abyss, and are “by definition” damned to eternal torment and agony, any sin or evil attached to stealing the free will and soul of a wizard is pretty negligible compared to our over all evil levels; which, by definition are all at 100% or higher.
MemberI will leave that question for Lillith.
She’s the best judge of evil.
Although by her normal metric, the most evil is probably her “husband” Sammael. Although I suspect that is more just vitriol.
In fact, I am sure, if he claimed to be the Supreme Evil (and he often does) she would object and call him a goody-two-shoes pansy.
Love, it’s a splendiferous thing.
MemberSorry for the delay in responding.
I was off helping my friend Krampus get ready for tonight!
He’s got a lot of work to do this year. So many bad boys and girls (and men and women).
He says this year he has one of his biggest naughty lists in years.
The good news is that I get to go along with him tonight!
Our first stop is for some guy named Donald…
Glad you like ItA and HH. T-A-G is working away on AoD and CoA:ItW at the moment, sort of going back and forth…
He’s so busy he’s ignoring me, so that’s why I went to visit Krampus!
MemberSomeone else brought this up recently.
Not sure if it was here, or on Amazon. But I think here.
I think my suggestions was that Tom and Rupert are the same person.
Or maybe, at some point in time, Rupert will use the world gate to go back in time and travel to Earth, marry Tom’s mother and she gives birth to Tom.
Sure, T-A-G says that Rupert’s origin does not depend on time travel; but as you’ve noted, there are unreliable narrators. And if you ask me, based on my personal experience and what has really been happening and what T-A-G actually reports…I KNOW T-A-G is an unreliable narrator!
I mean, what possess him to spread rumors about me being a drug dealer? That is flat out libel! If I could find a court with jurisdiction in both your world and the Abyss, I would sue him.
Wish he lived in the UK; you can sue just about anyone there for libel…hey wait…these books are sold in the UK via!
I bet that counts as being published here. I can sue him there for slanderous libel that has compromised my good name!
MemberSee, now I got to make sure the Brits can see you slandering my name on this board so I can sue you!
I have a very good name! I’m very well known and well liked! I am so well liked in fact that people in bars shout my name when I come in to bars! (although I use a different name at my favorite Boston watering hole).
Making my way in the multiverse today, takes everything I’ve got; taking a break from all my worries, sure does help a lot.
I just want to get away. Sometimes I just want to go where everybody knows my name, and they’re always glad I came.I want to be where I can see that my troubles are all the same, where everybody knows my name!
MemberAnd while I could sail the seven seas…I’d prefer to stay at the YMCA!
MemberWell, the people in earlier (pre book II) discussions did not rule out Bess being there; it was simply “unknown” at the time.
We have no evidence of where she was at that point.
Based on book III, and Talarius’ comments there, I will assume he’s never seen a goddess in the Mirror (since he had never met a god or goddess before). So no one has any idea how she would show up.
However, presumably, if she can fool people with demon/wizard/animage sight into believing her when she says she’s an archdemon she can presumably control her aura. Think of how Maelen saw Tom. Demons can see similar information if they try. Their interpretations may vary.
I.e. If she couldn’t hide her aura, no one would believe she was an archdemon. They would think demon prince or god or something.
However, I will also say that most demon princes and arch demons do tightly guard their aura’s. If you have significant control over your power you can “hide” to demon sight. This is important to them since they don’t want others to know for sure their true power level. Lillith and Sammael are particularly good.
If you were to see their full power, then chances are, they are exercising it at that moment and you’d better hope you are on their side.
Now, the question is, what does the Mirror see? And how true is it? Well, it is obviously better than wizard/demon/priest sight or why use it?
But we just don’t know.2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2856Tizzy
MemberWell, Boggy isn’t that old. He never met Orcus, that was way before his time.
I suppose some people think of the Concordenax that way, don’t know why, does not make any sense at all. None. But I hear them. I think they must be insane. Not sure why one would worship a Concordenax.
But then you see people worshiping toast with random patterns that look like a face. So who knows.
2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2858Tizzy
MemberYou sort of assume the Concordenax is a him as do many others. Looked more like an it to me. But what do I know?
Who is the father of human children? Not following. :-s
2020-06-02 at 15:22 in reply to: General misconceptions about demons and other thought or mana entities #2860Tizzy
MemberA mother bears, a father sires.
Actually something that has been coming up quite a bit lately. Probably all this incubus stuff and those crazy Nyjyr Ennead and their plans for repopulating their people down on Astlan.