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  • in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4738

    So should we sell eau de Schwarzenfürze at perfume counters or market it to police and military personal?

    I bet it could replace Mace pretty easily.

    Which would be more painful, stun gun or eau de Schwarzenfürze.

    BTW do you know what her name means? I wonder how many people caught that.

    in reply to: Overhwleming Odds #5111

    Do not underestimate the PR capabilities of the FOG. They are very persuasive. Generally speaking most battles are pretty even. It really depends on the plane and the time. Extra-dimensional logistics and supplies chains are very tricky; you can always get the resources and reinforcements where you need them.

    FOG gets support and safe passage through many territories enroute to battlefields, FOE on the other hand as been smeared as murderers, thugs and rapists so when we have to cross people’s borders to get to the enemy, suddenly you have these loud mouths from the FOG shouting that they want to build these YUGE border walls.

    However, to be fair, the fact that our military divisions (infantry, cavalry, etc) happen to be: Murders, Rapists, Thugs, Thieves, Slayers, Bone Crushers, Reapers, Ravishers, Pillagers, etc; well, it doesn’t really help with the PR.

    Bad naming conventions are always a problem. We should probably work around to that.

    So back to the question.

    I think we will be seeing some FOE vs FOE battle it out in the Abyss, sort of like a primary to determine the final candidate to be FOE. Of course there will be that FOG ship from Oorstemoth taking the battle to the FOE’s home field. And then there will be some FOE vs FOL (Forces of Lenamare–I refuse to call him Good) in Freehold.

    I think over the longer haul we are going to see lots of crazy confusing alliances and battles.

    in reply to: Overhwleming Odds #5113

    Like the FOOL!

    Unfortunately, unless Thor can figure out how to get across the broken Asbrú (Bifröst Bridge) he won’t be showing up. Remember that was broken during Ragnarök. Fortunately Völundr was on our side when Loki took it out.

    Grayskull and Eternia ugh, last time I was there it had totally devolved into a large gym for lunkheads. All a bunch of steroidal monsters with the vocabulary of 8 year olds. Even the women took steroids, I got bench pressed repeatedly by She-Ra several times, and not in a good way.

    Now one danger you want to avoid is playing with the Queen of Hearts, knowing it ain’t really smart, the joker ain’t the only FOOL who’ll do anything for you!

    Personally, I prefer sitting around having tea and reasoned debate with this very genial and mild mannered Haberdasher I met skulking around the Queen’s palace. He’s got this lovely pet cat that is clearly on drugs as it seems to fade in and out while smoking a hookah. Pretty sure that’s not tobacco or herbs in the hookah. That damn rabbit is the one that needs a cookie though…

    Cthulhu, he’s OK to chill with, but that unspeakable friend of his–not a great conversationalist. Very hard to address him when you can’t say his name. You walk up to him and go “Heya––old buddy, how’s it going?” and your tongue literally welds itself to the roof of your mouth.

    in reply to: The Holy Mirror of Erastimus #5082


    And better yet…

    when they say “You taste like strawberry!” (for example)

    you reply:

    “[i]NO! I taste like [b]Death![/b][/i] [b]Bwah hah hah hah hah[/b]!!

    in reply to: The Holy Mirror of Erastimus #5084

    Doesn’t everyone have voices in their head?

    If they don’t, that would be very lonely. Wonder what it would take for me to give people voices in their head?

    Maybe I could drill a hole in their head, shove some ghosts in there and then cork it up?

    OOOhhh maybe I could spoon some gelatinous cube in there, and the G.Cube could talk to them as it dissolved their brains?

    Lime would be good.

    in reply to: The Holy Mirror of Erastimus #5086

    I know what you are talking about.

    All that hideous shrieking interspersed with fainting, attempting to run away sometimes breaking down to miserable moans, shakes and pant pissing (and worse)

    It’s really hard to carry on a conversation.

    I do like it though when they completely relieve themselves, I may be a demon who likes to consume people body and soul, but I am by no means a “shit eating demon”

    Nope. So I do like it when they empty themselves out. Unfortunately, I often don’t have a bucket to wash my food before eating it.

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5088

    Yes that would be great magic.

    Not sure how many friends that leathery monstrosity has though….

    The question comes of 37, as is obviously necessary, it is a prime number. So the question is, which are the prime mythological languages that this is translated to?

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5090

    Well those are clearly the major ones. But that still leaves a lot of languages.

    I myself find Harpish to be a bit shrill, even the simplified version.

    The nice thing about Unicornian is that it is very good at getting to the ‘point’

    I’ve also heard that a lot of porn is written in Unicornian as it makes people very horny.

    Sphinxlish…so much of it is in the form of questions/riddles that it can sometimes be complicated for me to explain myself.

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5092


    OMD! (Oh My Devil)

    I love that; not sure which demon prince this guy is, but I can see they clearly filmed it on location in the Abyss!

    They truly captured the spirit of the place!

    Too bad this didn’t make it to series (I assume it did not, will research)

    There have been a number of good and semi accurate “Hell” based tv shows and movies in the last few years.

    Hell and Back was great.


    And of course [url=]Your Pretty Face is Going To Hell on Adult Swim[/url]

    Then there is this TV show coming up on FOX (in US) about this totally misnamed/mistranslated name for the Satan called “Lucifer”

    I am sure they are just going with marketing, but there has never been a demon/fallen angel named Lucifer. Lucifer is roman name for the Morning Star aka Mercury a planet is some inconsequential backwater of a fierd system. Sheesh, biblical mistranslations.

    I am hoping it will be good, despite the name.


    One of my favorites was the show Reaper:


    There have been a number of other, will have to see if I can think of them.

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5093

    Hmm, there are more Old Harry’s Game out there, did it become a tv show? I see it was based on a radio program.

    I know what I’m going to be watching on my mirror tonight!

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5095

    Sweet. I will audiblize it!


    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4729

    They have all seen the balling by this point.

    Hortwell was in the Council Chamber the first time and was there getting drunk with the others afterward.

    Hortwell didn’t do much in Book II; don’t recall the guy even getting any lines. I don’t know about wizards, but if were an actor, that would significantly affect his pay.

    Hortwell strikes me as someone too prepared/paranoid to try summoning a greater demon that has flumuxed both Jehenna and Lenamare. In particular, he knows about the ring incident with Jehenna.

    You know, I haven’t seen Zargy in a very long time. He was never big for hanging around the bars in the Courts. Mainly stuck to his cave. I should go visit him some time. Of course, there’s a lot of folks I haven’t seen in some time. That’s the problem with being as popular and widely admired as I am in the Abyss. Just don’t have the time for making as many social calls as I’d like.

    It is odd, though, you’d think more of my friends would visit me?

    in reply to: Rupert as a demigod #5059

    That is what Tom has been saying all along.

    But then, Tom is a demon and as we all know, demons lie. All the time.

    Can’t trust ’em. There is only one truthful, honest, morally upright and virtuous demon in the Abyss. And that demon has four arms, four legs, is doubly endowed and has a set of really sexy insect wings and one of the best smelling pipes to be found!

    in reply to: Rupert as a demigod #5061

    Antefalken did assure Tom that Lenamare would not be trying to summon him anytime soon. Remember he also had the stolen mana from Tiernon. That was during the cave period.

    Once Tom had the Rod of Tommus, I’m pretty sure Lenamare was a lesser concern; if Lenamare tried again (remember Lenamare doesn’t know about the D’Orcs or Mount Doom, and even if/when he finds out, he won’t automatically assume Tom is in charge of Doom, unless Damien tells him) Tom would be able to use the Rod of Tommus and the Power of Doom to turn the tables.

    At this point Tom pretty much is what Lenamare fears him to be.

    And, in fact, my bet is that if Lenamare finds out that Tom has a D’Orc army, he will start doing whatever he can to sever the link or shield himself from Tom.

    At the moment, Lenamare feels fairly safe because of the wards around the city, which are once more up.

    in reply to: Rupert as a demigod #5064

    I am not sure he was so self assured as too busy being freaked out by everything else.

    You recall he was curling into a ball frequently.

    So, he personally, was probably too overwhelmed by the whole ‘Heir of Orcus’ and a bunch of D’Orcs wanting him to be their leader and return them to glory to even worry about Lenamare.

    I think the big thing was that he had taken Lenamare’s measure by the end of book 1. Remember the dinner party, and felt more confident about him than the whole Mount Doom thing.

    I am told a person can only worry about so many things at once; and only the most urgent gets their attention.

    I wouldn’t know as that’s what my pipe is for.

    Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

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