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  • in reply to: Animages, Etonia, and the Society #5517

    Well, from what I gather, after the fall of the Anilords, trade between northern Eton and Norelon broke down; there was a lot of backlash against animages so they sort of went into hiding on Norelon.

    They are also not particularly welcome in New Etonia and the Holy Etonian Empire; and while there are animages in the Eastern Free Eton, it’s not a particularly safe place. That places is very disordered/anarchistic with very feudal lords and small citystates. What security there is on the road is provided by the Rod, who don’t like wizards, and animages even less.

    So, yes they are still “in charge” of Etonia; however, the current Society there is officially composed of what people think of the Society of Workers (thing guilds and craft unions of the non-magical sort) and the Society of the Learned who are seen as magical scholars of various traditions.

    Obviously, people in the “know” understand these are animages but they keep a low profile as such and refer to themselves by their primary disciplines:
    Seers, Healers, Summoners, etc. Commoners see them as either exceptions/weird or just funky wizards.

    Also, be aware that there is often a fine line between how some other professions can work: Druids/Shamans/etc. Some of them are more like priests, and others are more like animages, and some sort of like wizards. So in many parts of the worlds, people might confuse an animage as being a well groomed shaman, or possibly a witch.

    Witches, btw, do exist, they are usually animages who have dabbled in wizardry. Generally self taught, or poorly taught. (and technically wizards can function as an animage, most just have no idea how–wizardry is the technology of animagic; spells make using animagic much easier to do)

    Finally, advances in wizardry have sort of made wizards, particularly in Norelon rather contemptuous of animages. So, for example, while Jenn saying something like this represents ignorance. Lenamare or Jehenna saying this is indicative of dismissive contempt.

    For example, Elrose clearly knew the Society existed, he contacted them. So, obviously, some wizards knew they existed; others were just too self-involved to notice. It is not a group they have to deal with very often, yes heard of, but “are they still doing stuff?”

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5519

    Who is this Watson guy?

    Why is he saying I need love? I resent that! I’m perfectly happy with my yuge circle of friends (Boggy, Tom, Rupert, Gastrope’, Jenn, Maelen, Antefalken, Estrebius, Reggie) That’s like 9 friends! That’s more than I’ve ever had before, who in the multiverse needs more than 9 friends.

    I don’t think anyone other than Mark Zuckerberg has more than a baker’s dozen!

    So what, did this Watson guy get an account and reading my posts? Not seeing him in the user list…

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5521

    Will this Watson tool spam me?

    I am hoping so!

    I love spam, it’s delicious and nutritious.

    Pretty sure it’s made from pink food coloring and Soylent Green!

    And everyone knows how delectable Soylent Green is. It’s secret ingredient is one of my favorite foods!

    Although I’ve noticed these commercials on TV for this nutritional shake called [url=]”Soylent”[/url]

    Seriously? Did the people who started this brain damaged company never hear of Charlton Heston?


    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5523

    Ack, Ack.

    That’s because he added another forum for his business and it confuses the crap out of the forum software.


    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5524

    Hoping that fixed it, seems there is a bug in the sql code; he knew that when creating, but thought he’d kludged around it.

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5525

    thinking it made things worse…damn gremlins.

    Got a weird error message after posting.

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5526

    Nother kudge to temporarily fix the gremlin’s attack.

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5527

    or maybe not.

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5528

    trying this again see if the gremlin bomb goes off

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5529

    Tricky gremlins, their error message was completely pointing in the wrong direction from the problem.

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5530

    This is a dekludge of the spell I used to battle the gremlins when I thought it was the other thing. Did I rebreak it?

    in reply to: Tizzy vs. Watson #5531


    Maybe good.

    in reply to: Gods and Orcs #5537

    They do have some gods, however, by and large they are shamanistic rather than pantheistic.

    The shamans are their priests. Check out the Library on Shamans/Druids or Druid/Shamans and how that works. T-A-G probably needs to update the shaman stuff a bit more. But the shamans can certainly harness the mana of the tribe etc to do magic in battle and elsewhere this will be seen in book 3.

    So, by and large, think of them as being more like Native Americans, or various pre-European African tribes.

    However, they do/did refer to Orcus as a god. Tom is learning much more about this in book 3. There are a few other war gods who tend to be quite somewhat bloody and require sacrifices of the tribes enemies.

    And what Orcus was actually up to is a major learning curve for Tom and the readers, not sure how long until that is more fully revealed. But a big chunk is revealed in Book 3.

    in reply to: The Council States #5539

    Well, from what I’ve observed and Damien and Antefalken have told me, it’s a federalist sort of thing.

    Actually, the EU on your Earth, might be the best example. The city-states have territory around them and they appoint/elect members of the Council of Magistrates based on each city’s rules. The actual Council of the Council of Wizardry is voted on by all the members, although the current council gets to nominate people for approval There are also rules for external nomination as well. It’s usually a political thing trying to get the best, the brightest, most influential and in many cases, the most expedient member.

    Most of the citystates use a guild-style democracy to elect officials. There are some members of the government elected at large, depending on the city.

    In any event, the two councils have binding authority on the areas of their province, specifically in terms of intercity standards and trade, as well as overall trade. Very much like the EU or the US.

    But again, not so absolute as the US or EU. Turelane is not part of the City States, but Randolf does sit on the Council of Wizard. Same for example for Lenamare, Zilquar, Exador and some other mages. They are nominally part of the Council States, but because they are more private entities with their own domains, you could think of the Council States as being like NATO.

    The Council of Magistrates are only from member citystates and thus that is like the US/EU, but tangential “Magedoms” (Turelane, various wizard schools, and powerful wizard-lords [Exador]) are NATO like members through the Council

    there really is no good single current Earth example.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5238


    Doh, why did I not realize that? Now that you mention it, that is incredibly obvious!

    That is exactly how things work. Clearly you’ve been hanging around the Courts even longer than I.

    I have no idea why I did not think of that. ](*,)

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