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  • in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5291

    I could live with Wu-Tang Ponies, they seem rather pleasant.

    It’s the My Little Ponies that frighten me. Also, no desire to get summoned to the world with all the funky little Blue people They only got like one chic!
    Also don’t want to get summoned by the Blue Man Group either.

    Fortunately none of yous knows my truename, nor does anyone in the book. It is not Tisdale, btw.

    You don’t get to be 143.43435343452459734 Billion Years Old by being sloppy! Speaking of which, have any of you seen my buddy? Nathan Brazil? I hope he didn’t fall in a well again.

    Oh yeah…And don’t go telling me that the universe is only 13-14 Billion Years old, that’s YOUR universe!

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4905

    Small technicality in that Lilith’s demons are (in large majority) not currently bound to a wizard, they are bound to Lilith, albeit loosely.

    Tom actually binds tighter than Lilith. He bound all the D’Orcs directly, Lilith uses a feudal system and doesn’t have direct links to all her minions. She relies on senior minions, money and terror. There is discussion of this in book 3 of course…

    Typically demon lords only use links for very important missions/secrecy for one really good reason…fear that someone could follow the link to their minion upstream to the demon lord.

    So if this starts happening, the best plan of action is to kill someone below you, but higher than where the infection is. At least that’s the paranoid theory.

    At the most, Lilith or her major minions would have tracking links to key people, but not really binding links, those are way too dangerous because they can be infiltrated much the same way Tom did at the end of Book 1.

    Now it’s possible, but unlikely that some of her soldiers might have a master now and then, but the most common reason for joining anyone’s army is money.

    If you have a master, you presumably get to the Planes of Men every now and then and can snag some swag to sell in the Courts, or decorate you cave/condo/etc.

    If you do not have a master, you probably can’t get to the Planes of Men and therefore very likely have no way of generating income to pay for Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) or other things. This makes eternity very unpleasant. Literally what Tom was facing so morosely in his cave in Book 1.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4915

    Please feel free to compare any and all gods to a humanoid politician.

    However, please do not make any search inference about demons. Our feelings would be hurt.

    Of course, if you made the comparison to a D’Orc, any self respecting D’Orc would stand up for his/her race by splattering you to a pulp. Same with Orcs, but they aren’t quite as strong, you’d still be dead, just not quite as big a smear on the ground

    The list of most hated and despised beings for orcs and D’Orcs are

    1) Diplomats
    2) Lawyers (sometimes 1 & 2 are interchangeable, I personally think it’s a function of proximity)
    3) Politicians
    4) Pundits

    They also aren’t that fond of preachers, but as long as they don’t preach in their direction, they can be tolerated. There are no obliterate/eviscerate on sight orders for them.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4924

    [quote=LCSpartan051;3619]Reflect items do what their creators want them to do/believe they do. So a reflect crystal might be able to hold a god pool/pantheon pool if it was created for that purpose. On a related note, are priests just godly warlocks?[/quote]

    That’s the sort of question that gets one either burnt at the stake as a heretic.

    Much more of the original plans for Doom are revealed in book 3 and later.

    Warlocks have long known to be puppets for demons and they typically do not collect mana for their masters. In fact, warlocks being wizards or aniwizards etc generally don’t have any mechanism for collecting mana from worshipers. Could they? One supposes with a lot of time and practice, but as a rule that has not been what they do. The only way wizards have of exchanging mana is via Wizard Links used in joint spell casting etc. Like the wards or a summoning.

    Shamans on the other hand, some of them do have rituals for harnessing group mana–see book 3 for a big example of this.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4926

    Uhm…yeah what you said…I think the second.

    Not sure I can wrap my head around that as I have lot of smoke wrapped around my head at the moment.

    The outer planes are not physical planes, but they are not as immaterial as the astral and aetherial planes. Just very different.

    The aetherial planes are like shadows of the material worlds, and are directly connected to a physical/material universe.

    The astral plane is one of pure spirit, about the safest place for someone with only an animabody to live, short of the outer planes.

    If the aetherial planes are shadows, then the outer planes are reflections of the material planes, and like most reflection what is there depends upon the direction/angle/position you are looking and who is looking. However, it’s not quite that simple, because the splintering of the multiverse creates multiple-facets each one of which may have a corresponding reflection in the outer planes, or perhaps some overlap. The gods understand this far better than I.

    I’m just stuck in the Abyss. I would thus add to the argument in this thread, that part of what makes a god a god is an understanding of the outer planes and how to manipulate them.

    Maybe a simple analogy would be that the outer planes are somewhat similar to your cyberspace and virtual environments. As reflections of the material world controlled and manipulated, they are to all intents and purposes “virtual worlds” and the gods are the programmers. The souls are the players, the avatars the game masters?

    But that’s a loose analogy; technically completely inaccurate, but….functionally not an incorrect way of thinking about it.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4930

    I think SQUEEE!!! is the noise someone makes when their loud squeal is abruptly cut off by shoving one of their various body parts down their throats.

    I’m sure I musta heard it more than a few times over the millenia, but you know how it goes, one torture session blends into another.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4932

    In that case, you’d love Demon Twister, you are required to get an appendage on the colored dot, if you can’t manage it, one of the Game Masters will assist by detaching a limb to place on the spot.

    Hmm, so that’s what the D’Orcs were playing with Lilith’s demon army…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4935

    T-A-G is writing along this weekend, first solid writing period in several weeks.

    Trying to squeeze out the SQUEEE!s as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5282

    Final death?


    Don’t believe that it exists…

    Have you never seen a soap opera or read a comic book?

    Where there is a writer there is a way!

    Just ask my friend Kenny!


    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4893

    “Holy Heartthrob Heartbreak Batman! I thought I was your intended?”—exclaimed Robin, the boy wonder, an expression of crushed hopes and desires writhing upon his face mirroring the boy’s internal misery.

    [SPOILER]Nothing so straightforward for Melissance, I fear. :-” [/SPOILER]

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4894

    Incidentally, in the show, they added the character of Aunt Harriet precisely to allay concerns of impropriety between Master Bruce and his ward, Dick Grayson.

    I know this because, I once tortured an executive from ABC Standards and Practices.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4897

    Ah yes, of course Demonic Universal Tongue has a very difficult time translating stuff from Sorkinese.

    Never could understand what was happening on Sports Night, but then, I find US/Earth sports pretty lame. A few concussions with permanent brain damage and people get all weepy for 300 lb armored warriors charging into each other to make crap loads of money.

    Hell, orcs and D’Orcs do that for free, do you think they worry about brain damage?

    Plus, how many heads get pulled off during a regular game? Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone pop a quarterback’s head off during a sacking!

    The only game on your planet I can even pretend to watch is hockey. It’s at least worth it if you get seats near the penalty box.

    Lacrosse would be much more interesting if they put sickles on the end of their sticks instead of baskets. You could then replace the ball with your opponents heads which would be easy to lop off with the sickle.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4900

    Well, having read what T-A-G has so far, and believe me it’s difficult, I am reading over his shoulder.

    Fortunately, when he tries to block me from seeing it, I have more hands than him and can easily hold his hands still and read and scroll with my other hands…

    But…Melissance and what she’s been up to is much discussed in book 3, she sort of looms like a specter…however, she has yet to make an appearance.

    If what I’ve read is true…she has not had a pleasant time of it in the Abyss. Her captor is well, rather infamous, to say the least.

    Let’s just say that if I was a young lady? I’d prefer to be the slave of the (by comparison) very sexy Jabba the Hutt. Sure he’s got a big mouth, and a very long prehensile tongue to do unspeakable things, but at least Jabba has only ONE mouth.


    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4902


    Too true…

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5274

    Hmm, very interesting question, and equally good follow up thought.

    First, I was excited by the thought that maybe, for once, under at least some circumstances, a demon might get justice…but then I realized, given the paperwork and depositions and inquiry, justice might be more painful and agonizing, and take longer, than half a century to a century of slavery and torture.

    So thinking maybe the torture and degradation you know vs the torture and degradation you don’t….

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