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MemberThat mirror reall does vex people. I think there have been more discussions on these forums about that mirror than any other topic.
By and large, I would agree with Rakshasha’s explaination. In fact, his comment about Sammael is pretty much idential to a comment Sammael makes in Book 4.
I think the thing you have to remember about Lilith and Sammael is that they are pretty much in the same boat as Orcus. They are extremely old, and have definitely been around long enough that they’ve probably Phoenix Cycled many times–they just aren’t going to be discussing such things in public. Remember, they claim to be part of the original creation of the multiverse.
MemberFrom what I’ve heard, it’s been a very long strange trip he’s been on.
MemberThat’s an interesting topic, and an uncomfortable discussion I have with Rede in book 4.
Being in the Abyss doesn’t make you immortal, it just means you can’t die. And this, as I explain is because it is a fixed afterlife (unlike the afterlife sites created in the Outer Planes by the gods) and there is literally no where for a soul to go there. Mana bodies and real bodies regenerate there, except when they are corroded by the “weather” in which case you can end up with sort of a homeostatic balance of perpetual decay-regeneration.
An immortal is somone who has figured out how (and the acquired the power) to stay alive anywhere they go in the multiverse (within certain limits)
MemberWell, most djinnternships are for a limited time. One presumes they want to get on with the rest of their lives at some point. Djinn tend to be information collectors, so once they feel they have all the good info they can get, they often move on to new research projects.
So for example, a djinni serving a human would normally serve the human’s life, or a good part of it, before moving on. It’s a learning experience for the young djinn, and very explicitly a chance to “experience the material world” and it’s pleasures and sensations.
Finally, djinn aren’t actually material beings so the determination of their lifespan isn’t a function of physical age. For example, djinnnistan is on a demiplane, it’s not a material plane as we think of it. Which is on reason young djinn do djinnternships. And when they go, they leave their memories behind for later generations.
MemberI think T-A-G may have raided my cookie stash one too many times.
MemberMissed? I just saw him last night, he’s busy “slaving” away at the moment though.
Hmm, I think humans normally mean Rest In Peace, however, he told me last night he was going to be extremely busy trying to understand the physics of the Abyss. My response was quite literally “Good luck with that!”
He showed up in the Abyss the other day smelling like buttah, apparently a friend had brought him some extra special edibles to relieve some pain he’d been having and the next thing you know he’s in Astlan and well…I think we know the story from there.
Good news for him is that I’ve met his accursed master, not that bad as accursed masters go, of course, not that bright–even as wizards go and that’s saying something, so it should be rather interesting.
I’m betting he’ll advance pretty quickly.
Hmm, wonder if I should introduce him to the guys at Doom? I’m betting he’d love to get his hands on a gravity canon. He could make his own black holes!
MemberActually, it was a complete surprise to me. He just showed up. I mean, I have a few clients in Cambridge, so I can probably guess who sold the extra special ingredients to Hawking’s friend that made the edibles, brownies I believe.
Well, it’s a good thing he got the brownies because he didn’t believe in an afterlife so he had no contract to take care of his soul, he’d have just sputtered around for a while before his animus was reabsorbed.
That being said, still a better fate than being stuck on a cloud listening to the demiurge go on and on for eternity.
MemberTaking names and…well, whatever people do with names they take. I know wizards use them to enslave people, not sure what authors do…
MemberThat sounds tasty!
MemberDemon([size=6][i][b]S[/b][/i][/size])[confused] [scared] [mad]
Is he two timing me! [angry] [cursing] He hadn’t better be listening to any other demons! I’m the only one who knows the whole story of Tom and his adventures!
If he’s getting advice or guidance from any other demon, i’m going to rip that demon’s arms off.
Heck, I may rip TAG’s arms off and his left leg, so he has to type with his left foot!
MemberWell, part of the deal is that I let him sleep without interruption for 8 hours every night. He doesn’t always, but it’s not becauuse I am talking in his ear.
If he doesn’t write (and he was very lazy the last half of last year) I sit there and repeat the story I want him to tell over and over again.
Now, there had been these other guys trying to tell their stories, but for the last few years I’ve been able to generally keep them at bay. They also come to him telling him their stories and try to get him to write them down and I am not pleased as it takes away from him writing down what I want him to write down.
The only way he avoids hearing the same one or two chapters over and over again every single night and waking moment is to write them down, and then, I generously move onto the next couple chapters. If he writes them down, then he gets to sleep for 8 hours before I resume telling him the next chapters.
I don’t know if was seriously mentioned, if it was, then it was possibly as a suggestion as to why no one knows why they were so quick to condemn her. There a number of “weird” things that the Church of Tiernon in Astlan was doing that wasn’t tosher (Tiernon-kosher) which of course is a good part of what Hilda is investigating. The rituals and behavior of Talarius and the local church were a bit outside the normal boundaries and were causing her concern.
MemberYes, on Excrathadoris Mortis, it was emanating a lot of maleficence in various forms.
There is no evidence–that anyone remembers–of Mind Reavers being involved. That being said, there are those around who have experience with them and have mechanisms to deal with them. I’d ask for their input on this, unfortunately I can’t seem to recall any of their names…
MemberYes, that is a recurrent problem with the site, I have set the SPF parameters in DNS, so they should let stuff through, but they are not.
So that’s why I have people email me directly Tizzy at and I zap them alive.
I will zap you.
MemberI authorized Lodrik0 in order to preserve continuity of your forum posts, however, if you prefer I can authorize the just plan Lodrik.