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MemberOh My Bezos!
Love it!
And the 10+ year shelf life? Perfect for the fallout shelter!
Archdemon Bezos has a true gift as a quartermaster, he can find and sell you anything!
MemberI’ll let T-A-G know, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.
It may make him feel better about me ransacking his computer to get the blurbs. He’s been in a snit ever since.
MemberOOH, very good point! I think you’ve hit on it!
MemberWe just have normal/traditional patreons that support demonic artists and protect them from other powerful demons.
One big advantage demons have is that we don’t need to eat, unlike weak kneed humans like T-A-G, and if you don’t mind being rural, housing is cheap, just find an empty cave! Of course, internet connections and electricity are a bit pricey, particularly if you live in a cave…
MemberIt is totally worth it if you get to hang with me!
MemberYes on all that above about who knew what.
Big thing is: only the 5, Beragamos and a few really high level avatars of the 5 had any clue as to who Orcus was, and then the dirty little secret about locking up dear old mom and dad? That is super hush hush.
Sentir Fallon “officially” did/does not. Or let me put it this way, Tiernon and Beragamos believe that Sentir Fallon does not know who Orcus is/was and how he was related to him. See the conversation Tiernon had about how upset he was when Sentir Fallon slew Orcus and why he could not punish him.
So for the point of view of the meetings, Beragamos has to officially be concerned about a) demon and later b) a demon prince screwing around with them. And, as mentioned, Tiernon and the avatars “in the know” are paranoid about Orcus’ wrath. Killing Orcus broke a lot of oaths.
So before they knew it was Orcus, their concern in the meeting was very real. Once they started to suspect, they had the obvious real concern about him wanting vengeance and Beragamos even more so, since he knew that it was a much bigger betrayal/screw up than anyone else knew and that it was also far more problematic than the other avatars thought.
Except of course for Sentir Fallon, as to what he did or did not know when? We learn that in Book 4.
As for spiders, they can eat weed, I suppose. I know they really like my cookies.
However, there are quite a few different fauna in the Abyss, I don’t think anyone is taking credit for creating the demon spiders, although I could be wrong.
MemberWell, technically, it’s all stored in the consciousness of the individual for everyone.
Now of course, live people don’t have very good control of that, so some scarring/disfigurement can occur. But generally, they just regenerate to their previous state. Genetic code will help.
So, yes, if they are turned into a true puddle, they are pretty much stuck as a puddle. And if you dismember the hell out of them, well I point to the dragon that Tom killed early on.
But you can hack off a limb and then just stick it back on and hold it/stitch it (let the glue set) and be OK.
In short, it’s much like a ring of regeneration in terms of memory.
Of course, what happens with a ring of regeneration when the finger it is on gets hacked off (or hand) but then lost down a drain or something.
Person goes on without finger (or ring) and ring starts growing a new person. Does person 2 have the memories of person 1?
Now, in point of fact, for arcane ring this won’t happen, those typically don’t have the mana reserves, But a divine ring? Or a person in the Abyss?
OK, the person in the abyss is understood. The place that retains the consciousness/and or largest amount of animus (hopefully the same place–if not there will be a problem) regenerates and the other parts don’t. I believe I already explained this in book 1 or so…or in the forums previously.
On the other hand, if you were in the Abyss, with a ring, and the ring and finger got chopped off, the ring would probably have the mana (and finger level of animus) to eventually regenerate a second person (even a normal arcane/wizard ring).
So the finger may be a bit implausible, but say an arm? I could see a person ending up split between two bodies. Although at some point if the person’s two animus clouds were far enough apart, and process slow enough, you might end up with two separate people who both thought they were the original person.
This would be a pretty cool experiment. Hmm. Too bad I’ve got plans for my current test subject and can’t try this out. Need to get a new test subject for Dr Tizzy! The Sane Scientist!
MemberI know soldiers get Meals Ready-to Eat (MRE) do you have BRE? Bacon Ready-to Eat?
MemberT-A-G left the room to cook is “frozen pizza”–ick
He forgot to lock his screen, so of course, I had to look around, check his progress.
So Tantor wanted a preliminary blurb for COA and OOA and T-A-G had to send them something.
So I thought I would share it with you. I am thinking it’s a good way to keep pressure on him.
I will post each in their own forum.
[size=6][b]Chronicles of Astlan: Into the Wilds[/b][/size]
His Holy Highness, Kristof Torson, Imperial Prince of Etonia, youngest son of His Holy Imperial Majesty Rafaestus Torson III, the Holy Etonian Emperor and Imperial Prince of Pontificates led a rather calm, carefree and comfortably pleasant life, secure in the knowledge that as the Seventh in Line to the Holy Etonian Throne, the weight of worry that came with the crown was safely at bay. Unfortunately, as he was soon to discover, his life was about to get a bit more—interesting.For while Prince Kristof may be a safe seventh in line to the Etonian throne, with both uncles, aunts and cousins ahead of him in line–his father having only lost two of 11 potential heirs—the situation was a bit more pressing on his mother’s side. His mother, his father’s fourth wife, was the daughter of Hugart, Lord Narthan, the defacto ruler of the Wilds of Eton. Lord Narthan had been decidedly less fortunate in terms of heirs, and unlike the Empire, House Narthan’s line of succession was purely patrimonial.
Lord Hugart had previously lost three heirs to unusually unfortunate deaths, and while visiting the installation of his younger sister and her new husband, Hugo, the Duke of Sur Etonia, Kristof learns that his uncle, Chief Filip, the current heir of House Narthan, had just perished in a—not surprisingly for House Narthan—rather grisly manner. This left Prince Kristof third in line to the Nathan throne, behind his cousin and infant nephew; and, unfortunately, due its patrimonial nature, currently the last possible successor.
Given the rampant mortality on his mother’s side, the likelihood of Kristof becoming Chieftain or even Lord Narthan was now something that had to be planned for. Thus, his grandfather had decided it best for Kristof to come visit the Wilds and learn, “the family business.”
Unfortunately, “the family business” was not a humorous metaphor, Lord Narthan was quite literally a merchant king. The Wilds of Eton were a vast, untamed region of treacherous swampland filled with all sorts of disagreeable creatures and disreputable individuals. It was the only place on the entire continent of Eton, that the Empire had at no point, before or after the Vargosite Interregnum, seriously attempted to conquer. No emperor had ever found it worth the cost to subdue and then attempt to maintain order.What made Lord Narthan the defacto Lord of the Wilds was his trading network of walled cities and villages linked by patrolled and dredged trails through the swamps. This network allowed the Narthans to harvest the riches of the swamp for trade across the rest of Astlan via their, heavily armed, merchant navy.
His father and mother had both agreed to Lord Narthan’s, arguably reasonable, request, and thus much to his dismay, Kristof would have to—literally—get his feet wet in the deadly swamps and marshlands that his older siblings liked to refer to as the Wilds of [i]Eaten[/i].
MemberT-A-G left the room to cook is “frozen pizza”–seriously? It’s not even DiGiornos…what the heck The Hut too upscale?
He forgot to lock his screen, so of course, I had to look around, check his progress.
So Tantor wanted a preliminary blurb for COA and OOA and T-A-G had to send them something.
So I thought I would share it with you. I am thinking it’s a good way to keep pressure on him.
I will post each in their own forum.
[b][size=6]Oak Orks of the Antilles: Into the Night[/size][/b]
The current tour of duty for Leftenant Trig Bioblast, Second Shaman of the OCSS Skull Crusher, had been completely routine, and, disappointingly, uneventful. However, this was to be expected for the job of second shaman on one of the mightiest cruiser class vessels to ever patrol the Antilles Cluster keeping the Peace of the Gormegast Horde Eternal. The days of revolution, when the horde had thrown off the tyrannical oppression of the human and elven corporations were a distant five hundred galactic years in the past.Today, there was very little in the cluster that could significantly challenge an Oak Clan Star Ship, nor, admittedly any other clan cruiser in the horde. Sure, there were minor skirmishes with pirates, brigands and spy vessels that had to be vaporized. There were also the odd planetary disputes to be settled, generally with local in-fighting on those worlds; but never anything that a few dropships with squads of heavily armored Oak Marines couldn’t “resolve.” The last battle that had actually required the Skull Crusher to marshal her full might had been with a squid ship, nearly four GY ago, well before Trig had joined the ship.
All of which made today, much more interesting. While on duty, Trig had received an Automated Ӕthereal Message from the OCSS Bone Wracker; and while there was nothing unusual in getting a message from another clan cruiser, this one was a Call-To-Arms. An extremely rare type of message that was only issued when a ship encountered a situation that was beyond the capabilities of a single OCSS. Further, and more troubling, he had tried repeatedly to hail the other shaman, and gotten no response. That was completely out of protocol and could only mean something had happened to the shamans aboard the ship.
Of course, the truly exciting news was that his superior, Thargus, was temporarily incapacitated, making Trig the acting First Shaman, giving him a front row seat to the investigation as part of the First Away Team. It appeared that, at long last, his on-duty life would get exciting enough to distract him from his off-duty life.
His off-duty time had been a bit more than interesting. It had, in all honesty, been completely bizarre. About two Galactic Weeks ago, a long dormant shaman stone passed down his family tree for thousands of years had suddenly become active much to Trig’s surprise. Upon examining the stone, he’d discovered that it was linked to another stone—in a different universe, beyond the Astral Plane. And the people who had activated the stone? Well, they were an ancient army of mythological immortal warriors that his grandfather claimed had once ruled a vast Multiversal Empire, but then vanished for no known reason.
It seemed that these, no longer quite so mythological beings wanted Trig, by heredity and as the owner of the stone, to join them and assist in their ‘Restoration of Glory.’ He wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but he was more than a little concerned that doing so might be a conflict of interest with his allegiance to the horde.
A worthy adversary for their ship and a heated battle or two should serve to keep his mind off his mythological being problem.
I fear you have put the egg before the chicken!I am thinking that humanity was spawned from my own superconsciousness!
You should see some of the things I dream up when I have a tummy ache from too many cookies!
MemberAll 3 in one quarter would be a logistical nightmare! Even for someone like me with 4 hands to type and edit with! Betas are pretty intensive things for T-A-G.
The vaguely formed plans of T-A-G were to get the first one out in Q1, the second one sort of end of Q2 or in Q3 and fourth in Q4 or something like that.
However, his late January and all February was hijacked by crazy people wanting more work from him in exchange for money than he anticipated. Now, “in theory” March should return to normal, but the first of the Betas gets pushed into Q2, hoping end of April. That will almost certainly be OOA. He’s been stuck in one (insanely long) chapter for the entire month! (and not because of writers block it’s a great chapter, just no time)
How/what order the others are in is sort of up in the air still because while COA will be about half the length of Book 4, Book 4 has so much going on that it basically writes 2x as fast (i.e. stuck on one arc? do another, keep moving, never stop where as OOA and COA are single POV stories–one arc each)
MemberYou would think that, but, he has to pay licensing and redistribution fees to me, so he’s only left with enough money for coffee–and I mean plain boring coffee, not the Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) which he can’t drink, be mortal and what not.
Of course, even if he could drink it, the shipping and handling charges from the Abyss are prohitibive, although giving shipping times, it would probably cool off enough for a mortal to drink as long as they are good with a bit of mercury…
MemberWell, not my fault, he’s incredibly lazy, and drinks a lot of coffee. If he wrote faster, he’d get money faster, have fewer months to drink coffee and so would have more after coffee take home pay.
MemberWell, not if you listen to them, of course, but then no one ever thinks “they” have it coming; “it” is always going somewhere else…
With immortals, about the only way to be innocent is to be “dead” or “MIA” long enough that people forget all the bad things they hated you for when you were around, and give them time to find someone else that they (currently) hate more than you to keep them busy.
It’s how enemies become allies.