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MemberHmm, you have a very good point!
We are going to need a very secret handshake.
We would NOT want Lilith or her servants to discover beta demons, or anyone that’s read the books in the Abyss, because they would be a very valuable source of intel.
Yeah, Antefalken is a security risk, but I’ve known him his entire demonic life, and know how to find him, and he knows that. [wink]
Reggie, that would be a problem, but turns out his Accursed Mistress is literally the “Beloved of pTah” a.k.a. Beloved of Phaestus so he’s got her soul well in hand. Bwah hah hah!
MemberThe “cure” for ghouls is generally sending to the Abyss, depolarizing them and returning them.
Not something he can do.
As far as I know the only people doing curing of vampires (or ghouls–not sure I recall that happening) were Saints and Avatars.
It’s basically a miracle and requires a very high level of permission/channeling. It is not something done routinely, at least by Tiernon’s priests.
Hendel’s priests, might be another story, but even then it would be very high level.
Iskerus, “might” be able to do it with a lot of prep work. The High Pontificate can most likely do it.
I am betting that Teragdor, as an apostle could now do it, if he can find the ritual in his Apostle book.
But standard procedure is elimination for both…
MemberWell, he might be able to send them to the Abyss and back now, with Tom’s help…
MemberYou better be careful or T-A-G might try to forcibly induct you into the Beta Program?
But “how” you say? How can he do that?
He sends me, I have your email address, Bwah Hah! Hah! I will use that and your IP Address and come “visit” you every night, and we will talk about all sorts of things, like whatever comes to mind (my mind, mainly). Now, while I have no idea why, for some reason, most people agree to my initial proposal with one to two days.
Now, this Russian dude, Rasputin? He took 4.5 days to convince. Howard Hughes? 2.3 days. Oddly enough, Brian Wilson took 8 whole days, still not sure how that happened; he’s invited me back a couple times.
So, it is known? I don’t know, I’m a demon after all, not a Priest of Tiernon! I am just speculating. While you might think that as the “Story Dictator” (he who dictates the story to T-A-G) I might have some sort of third person omniscience–sadly, I do not.
So maybe she knows more than him? She is a High Priestess after all. I’d expect she knows more. This sounds to me like she knew of people in the Church who could perform the ritual. Iskerus? Maybe, the High Pontificate? I am sure.
Or! Maybe, psychoanalyzing Talarius? Do we think something deeper is afoot? You will, of course, recall in Chapter 148. this snippet of conversation?
[SPOILER]Beragamos beamed. “I am sure Iskerus will be quite happy to have you back in Astlan.”
Talarius grimaced. “I am afraid I won’t be returning immediately to Astlan.”
Beragamos blinked in surprise. “You plan to stay in Nysegard?”
“Perhaps, there are certainly challenges here, but before that I must right an old wrong that I have committed.” Talarius replied.
“An old wrong?” Tom asked, puzzled.
“It is a long story, a story of my personal shame that I will not go into at the moment, what with the more pressing concern of this flying cylinder. However, suffice to say, I need to rescue someone who was very dear to me from a cruel fate to which I callously and unjustly left her.” Talarius said.
MemberI am sure it depends on the god(s) in question as well as pantheon.
I don’t know any actual rules, everything I am saying about who can or can’t do something is pure speculation, unless we’ve seen them do it.
1) Tiernon is a Fire God, Justice and War
–>This means kill first, heal later, resurrect if a mistake was made.
2) Hendel is the Healing god, his priests heal first, so maybe rules are different for them.Now here’s the thing
A) Undead are “dead” first.
B) Vampires are definitely dead
C) Curing any undead (vampire, zombie) is generally going to be similar to resurrection
1) and we will see more discussion of this in COA:ITW, turns out the Kristof’s maternal side (non-Etonian) do quite a bit of Resurrection and in that book the rules are discussed to some extent.
2) In a normal fesurrection, finding the soul is usually the hardest part, and may be impossible. This is why in general, you want to only resurrect someone of your own religion. Assuming your religion has an afterlife, it should be straight forward to pull them out of it. Now–think about trying to steal a soul from another god’s afterlife. Probably impossible if you are from a different pantheon. Probably a lot of it is unethical if they aren’t the same religion even if possible.
3) In resurrection there is also the problem of recreating the body–this can be very major problem…Less of a problem with zombies, and not so hard with a vampire
4) For curing, vampires have their souls there, zombies should also, have something left.
5) What is there is also discussed more in Book 4 as Undead go to the Abyss.Yada yada, this is going on too long.
In short you got to repolarize the soul and reanimate and heal the body.
I suspect it’s on par with resurrection just different.
Ghouls are not dead, they are just severely diseased. How do you cure them with out killing them though? That might be tricky, so you have to be prepared to have them die and resurrect them or I have no idea.
This requires a very powerful priest. In fact, normal parish priests probably can’t do this. High Priests maybe depending on the religion. Maybe higher like a Diocate. (See the library for Church Hierarchy)
Melissance was a high priestess. She thought she could cure ghoulism, or may be she at least knew it could be done and she could figure it out.
We don’t know how much of what she said was angry wishful thinking and how much was real.
Talarius is not a priest, he may have some holy abilities, but he’s not a priest and doesn’t know the lore, in his experience, maybe killing is the best/easiest answer if there is no sufficiently high level priest around????
We would really need to ask him. Who knows, there may have been different religion issues to.
Now, we have no idea what religion the vampires etc she cured were, but since they had their souls, there was no afterlife issue and she is quite powerful.
Also on Talarius changing preference—I suspect that the grass is always greener on the other side.
Also, if the Undead are an army attacking the “good guys” it’s even more clear cut that you should kill them vs cure them vs poor benighted souls like in Book 1.
MemberThere were/are specialist animages that could (and probably still do it)
Technically, at least for ghouls, it’s much more up an animage’s alley. There are a couple of disciplines that would be involved.
MemberAnd of course, there are necromancers and animancers who would be quite good at it.
Except necromancers are generally in the business of going the other way…an animancer on the other hand….
COA:ITA has at least one animancer in it.
MemberCOA:ITW has an animancer or two.
MemberThose were who I was talking about in the first lines…I just couldn’t recall the name of the profession when typing.
Because I personally know the main animancer in CoA:ITW and recently visited her in that book, I could remember animancer.
After I posted the response I went “Oh, doh! Animaster…”
BTW CoA:ITW doesn’t have a whole lot of Tom, but I’m definitely there. Rather nice to be the most powerful demon in a book for a change.
MemberWell, I’m not an expert, but I would expect so.
These Knights Rampant are really rather an odd lot, with a [u][b]LOTS OF TOYS![/b][/u]
But according to some, they are extremely well trained and insanely skilled, so maybe a cross between Batman and Ironman.
Both have lots of toys, but if they were forced to put away their toys? Pretty sure Bruce Wayne could flatten Tony Stark. Of course, it’s hard to believe either of them being willing to “give up” their toys, at least all of them, they’d each sneakily have something up their sleeves.
Yep, really does sound like one of these knights.
According to Kristof, in CoA:ITW, he briefly considered becoming a Knight of Tiernon (younger imperial children often take up careers in Churches, or church militaries) But he was not at all certain that he was up to “Slaying dragons in his short pants before breakfast every morning.” Given this statement, I would therefore assume this must be part of their daily routine.
Seems pretty unsocial to me, at least from a dragon’s point of view. Also sort of sounds like genocide if all of them are doing this every single day…
MemberThe key problem was none of us here today, were there, otherwise we’d know what happened.
And I can’t say much more without a mega spoiler for book 4. [-x
MemberA plot? Is someone plotting against me? 8-[
You mean on Asmeth’s ship in book 1? Let’s see, that was a LONG time ago, like 20 days or something…. :d/ Actually longer ago than that, since I am much further ahead in time than when T-A-G is writing, which is why I can recite the events to him.
Just had to do a little shopping, so ran a few errands and then rejoined them on the ship.
[SPOILER]Did you hack T-A-G and download a copy of Chronicles of Astlan: Into the Wilds????? [-x [/SPOILER]
MemberYour memory is too good… [cursing]
Hmm, would you believe it was the All Powerful Wizard Gastropus summoning me across time and space from 3,000 years in the future?
[SPOILER]Actually, it was my doorbell ringing, not an accursed master. The doorbell does the summoning, it’s basically an alarm spell. It’s actually a big time saver in critical situations, saves me from having to fly a very long distance–and cross planes which is very hard for a fiend. See COA:ITW for more info. o:) [/SPOILER]
MemberAh, but remember, I am a fiend, I can’t dematerialize like a summoning…
Actually, neither can Tom, he portals. He actually could fade once he figured it out, you basically just fade to the astral plane, but then where do you go? Having a link is very useful.
However, as a Fiend, such things are beyond my powers.
On the other hand, I can get a wizard to make me a doorbell. If I scare one enough, or pay one with something it finds valuable. Of course, what could I offer as payment? :-k