What an interesting discussion, I guess i will add in my two cents.
I find the theory of Tom changing his name perplexing, but here’s my theory.
wait… but first i must ask the author guy… Is Tom’s soul originally from Earth? or from another dimension like Astlan?
Tizzy mentioned that when a person is born, he/she is named by the parents but the priests know their true name( identification tag unique to them)
I wager that the person’s soul carries that identification. What are bodies but vessels for the soul?
But concerning Tom’s true name, Castleguard mentioned something about Tom having a true name that he changed or the little part of his theory that concerned people telling their common name as their real name when compelled because they don’t know their true names.
I believe that people have a unique identification that they can’t just change, I wonder…
Is TomedywardPerkinje even Tom’s full True name? or is it incomplete…
Is TomedywardPerkinje even Tom’s original name? or is it a hijacked name?
my theory rests on those questions, people have unique names, but can they discard it?
ahhh hell i gotta stop trying to understand other dimensions and crazy people like tizzy, my head hurts now.
But my personal favorite theory is my own(of course) that Tom was originally some Anilord/archfiend guy that was about to die, but used Temporamastery to displace his true name and soul to the planet earth. Therefore he existed on Astlan and on earth at the same time.