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  • in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 145 #7392

    The Tribunal oversees conflict between pantheons.

    The 5S are avoiding them very explicitly over the Nyjyr Ennead incident, and the Eris incident which is an affront to the Olympians, and the whole Orcus thing is also a bit precarious, while Orcus and Doom are not signatories, Orcus is by birth an Olympian. Zeus & Hephaestus could make an issue of it.

    Hephaestus is a member of the Olympians, the Nyjyr Enneand and a few other signatories, he could cause real problems.

    Tiernon etal have been trying to keep things rather hush hush. In many ways, Phaestus has a lot of keys and if he is meeting with a tribunal agent (note that Stainsberry came from Isle of Doom, where Phaestus is) Tiernon is going to suspect that Hephaestus and Orcus are bringing charges to the Tribunal.

    Obviously, they are not, yet, but Tiernon doesn’t know this.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 145 #7393

    Is it just me or do I have too many characters whose names start with T’s. What’s up with that?

    Taergon Thunderhoof
    Tal Gor El CrookedStick
    Tamarines DarNathos Parfeuesnas Deblentre
    Tar Roth Non
    Targh Bowelsplitter
    Te Narthos al Biyam
    Teodor Trumpev
    Teradgor al Tiernon
    Thakad Stonemason
    Thrinarv Gottslieb
    Tiberious Smashfinger of Murgatroy
    Tisdale aka Tizzy
    Trevin D’Vils
    Trevin D’Vils
    Trig Bioblast
    Tris An
    Tylr Felbs

    in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7406

    [quote=Giwdul;5541]Seems like Talarius would be older than this. Late thirties maybe?[/quote]

    I agree, completely, and have felt that way since book 2, however, when I introduced him in book 1, I said he appeared to be in his twenties….

    (I was in my twenties at that time and made him my age–as long as I can remember I’ve felt old and used that as my definition of old)

    It really screws with the Melissance timeline.

    Hmm, but maybe he’s just an actor on the CW or Beverly Hills 90210 and looks 10 years younger than he is.

    in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7407

    Changed the age thing a bit:

    The knight without the cloak, the one with the giant sword on his back, took off his helmet to reveal a man who appeared to be about thirty with a broad grin who quickly moved forward to embrace the arch-diocate. [i]How could a man so young be the greatest Knight Rampant in Astlan, such a reputation would take decades?[/i] Teragdor wondered.

    “Iskerus! I would never in a million years have expected to find you in Nysegard!” The knight proclaimed.

    in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7408

    [quote=Giwdul;5541]with the army is now located is in the Abyss?[/quote]

    How is?

    So, then the plain that was here, with the army on it, is now located is in the Abyss?” Diocate Aeris asked.

    in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7409

    Massive list, thanks Giwdul!

    in reply to: Beta1 – Bunch of little things #7410

    [quote=GameGraphix;5545]Also, noticed that you started to use the word “dragged” instead of “drug” in the last chapters …..but we now have both terms in the book – need to decide on one term to use and find and replace the others[/quote]

    All dragged.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 118 #7536

    [quote=Iume;5586]Previous Talarius was okay with the conversion / saving the people of Natoor because he (and the church) viewed the Nyjyr Ennead as FALSE deities.Not sure where the heresy part fits in, but it his book 2 perception makes me think that Talarius views the Nyjyr Ennead as a “bad” pantheon, or worshipers of demons, or something or other.That is because of the false deity part combined with heresy.[/quote]

    Yes, should raise this point.

    It was the all or nothing aspect of EM and official church doctrine.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 118 #7537

    [quote=Iume;5586]Maybe, something along the lines of “You were the ones to poses as the gods of Natoor?” “We ARE their gods stupid” Blah blah blah, something something[/quote]

    Yeah need some conversation on this.

    Working on it.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 118 #7538

    He’s very drunk and things get emotional fast so rather than take away or change that attention I go to the next chapter and the first Mount Doom where he’s laying in bed.

    Talarius lay in bed staring at the ceiling. He was not sure what time it was, but he had slept for some time. Passing out drunk would do that. He did not do it often, but he had last night. He had drunk well to celebrate their victory over the Knights of Chaos, the sort of victory that he had only ever imagined in his wildest dreams. He had then drunk more to try to wipe away the memories that Sekhmekt had shared. Those had been…he had no words, no idea how to process them. Such behavior went against everything he had been taught.

    [color=blue]He had known that the Church and Rod had gone to bring the Light of the Five Siblings to Natoor and Najaar, yet history had been clear that the people there had been worshiping false gods, not true gods, not a recognized pantheon, such as the Narveson in Norelon or the El’adasir of the alfar. Yet, clearly they were real gods, heathen yes, but not false gods.[/color]

    He would like to believe it a trick, a deception by a dark goddess; it had to have been. However, the memories, they were so real, as if he had lived them himself. The depth, the details were too much. How would one fashion such a lie? Of course, given that she was a dark goddess, it had to be within her power to do such things.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 118 #7539

    Updated again

    [color=blue]He had known that the Church and Rod had gone to bring the Light of the Five Siblings to Natoor and Najaar, yet history had been clear that the people there had been worshiping false gods, or gods long dead, not true gods, not a recognized pantheon, such as the Narveson in Norelon or the El’adasir of the alfar. Yet, clearly they were real gods, heathen yes, but not false gods.[/color]

    in reply to: Beta1 – Talarius seems too ignorant here #7544

    Once this thing hits the shelves, I think I need to go back and reread everything from scratch and take notes.

    All my rereading in recent years has been from an editing point of view and I rely on memory and beta readers for consistency.

    I need to go back and read for story and anomalies.

    in reply to: Beta1 – Talarius seems too ignorant here #7545

    Good lord, do I ever.

    I am rereading the doom discussion with Pagan Whore…It answers a lot of questions I’d been having lately about who knew what and when.

    My spreadsheet/timeline has events, but not so much on what who knew when.

    in reply to: Fantastic Stuff today! #7550

    So what was your job supposed to be?

    I think about what a pain it is to write specs and documentation, and English is my first language. I can only imagine how much they would not want to write specs/documentation in their second or third language.

    Plus, overall, it’s been a while since I’ve been in academia, but back in the day, CS majors and other majors that went into Tech had relatively minimal writing requirements.

    I would argue that any CS, Engineering Program or Science program should have serious technical writing requirements. It’s only going to become more important as systems get more complex. And in Science, if you can’t write a paper, you starve. Fortunately, they do mentor you on that in grad school, if you go for a Ph.D. But you don’t get much of it at the BS/MS level.

    In the early days of building big systems all the people came from much more liberal arts programs rather than more dedicated technical and vocational backgrounds. Thus they could write because they were forced to take those classes.

    But with the 80’s and later we began seeing much more targeted/narrow degree programs and certification programs. They tended to ignore communication.

    Also, for a while, the big Six, as they used to be called, started everyone as a Business Analyst, and taught them this stuff, but by the time the Internet Era fully cranked up, the demand was so high, people didn’t start by learning the BA part. They were dropped into coding or systems.

    in reply to: Doom Box battle anthem vs. Lilith #7562

    I think I know that one. I should get my amp back today, they found some burned out capacitors as I’d expected given the way it died. Fortunately not part of the digital system.

    At one point I would have just tested it and fixed it myself, but I literally no longer have a decent work area setup nor the time between book and work.

    Got the tools, just not the time and space.

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