Forum Replies Created
MemberHave you considered trying D’Uber?
You use your magic mirror to contact a D’Uber, which is a D’Warg all saddled up and ready to go.
However, I must warn you, when you get to your destination? Be sure to tip the D’Warg otherwise it will probably eat you.
MemberI wonder what she looks like cookied?
MemberI really have to wonder why everyone is so focused on this concordenax thing.
I am just mild mannered, friendly Tizzy. No more, no less.
You guys are starting to sound as paranoid as wizards. o:)
MemberBut you see how crazy wizards are? All this fuss over a simple recipe book? I’m a good cook, but no Julia Child!
I am probably going to have to locate that book, I am thinking I’ll be able to get a lot of sales in Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Amsterdam and other more enlightened places.
MemberWhat?!?! Only 2?
Why not 3 or 4 thumbs up?
I myself have a mixed opinion, mainly due to the spurious allegations T-A-G has made about me being some sort of super manipulative interdimensional drug dealer.
So I give it 2 thumbs (Upper Right, Lower Left) up and 2 thumbs down (Upper Left, Lower Right), netting it out to 0 thumbs.
Someone here is totally ageist! or age-ist, looked like I called you a geist, nope, you aren’t a geist, just age-ist.
Yes, I am getting up there in years, but I’ve got just as many marbles as ever!
As far as competition, I was talking about my indescribable beauty! I’ve got very little competition in the looks department. See my picture beside this post. Helen of Troy used to weep when she would see me, knowing she could never match my beauty!
Besides you guys are reading way way too much into that clearly hallucinogenic Lacuna.
And what’s with this idea of including a Lacuna? A lacuna is a missing fragment…it is supposed to be missing! It’s not missing if it’s there!
T-A-G has clearly gone off the rails.
MemberHello–it is I Tizzy, I have been trapped in the kitchen baking cookies for like forever!
The release is midnight in your time zone.
It is already alive and for sale in Australia and Japan. It’s actually like #41 in Australian Science Fiction & Fantasy! And #14 in AU Fantasy/Epic!
Which is odd because there are no recorded sales in Australia or anywhere.
Apparently pre-order and real sales all magically appear at midnight in the viewers time zone as well.
However, interestingly, pre-orders which don’t count as sales show up for rankings…
Anyway, from reports I have spied upon (I have hacked T-A-G’s computers) the sales go live at everyone’s own midnight (or their stores) and the preorders start downloading then…so typically about 12:05 your time. I think, but Amazon is even more mysterious than Lilith!
MemberYeah, I think that used to be possible, but they’ve gotten quite a bit trickier as time has gone by.
They’ve gotten particularly stringent with Kindle books; at one point early on you could buy them in other countries stores but they’ve really tightened that down and made it harder. So at one time you could probably have figured a way to buy it early in Australia, but not any more.
Korwin talks about it in some posts in the forum.
MemberBe careful, you don’t want that to go to his head!
It’s pretty big already!
Remember you can’t believe everything that T-A-G writes. He is just a really lousy interpreter of the story I send him and he takes huge liberties. For example, did you notice? He is basically implying that I am some sort of inter-dimensional drug dealer!
Talk about aspersions! [-(
MemberWell you have one that is close T-A-G, but not topical enough:
Since the precedent for telling a story out of order has already been set by George Lucas, let’s make the next book be:
Demons of Astlan Volume VII: “The D’Orcs Awakens”
MemberIf you think that is going to be the plot then I will vote for:
Exador vs Lenamare: Dawn of D’Orcness
MemberHey, why are you so crispy?
Were you trying to kiss a dragon when it hiccuped or something?
MemberCool! or rather Hot!
You would have a blast in the Abyss! You’d probably be setting off those giant balls of flame right and left!
That could be handy in a deep cave, give everyone some light to read by!
MemberLet’s Beta the Beta Demon Forum
“Toto: There’s no place like the Abyss, There’s no place like the Abyss, There’s no place like the Abyss”
[url=]Corrected link[/url]
If you follow this link while logged in, and clicking your heals together three times, that “should” register you as a Beta Demon, which should make another forum visible under For Beta Demons only.
It will unlock it for you and your little dog too…not clear what will happen to your house and if it will land on a witch. But you won’t be in Kansas any more…
You know it’s odd, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a munchkin of the non-donut variety…oompa loompas…dozens but no munchkins…
MemberI suppose to some extent.
He actually has a fairly wide set of styles. Initially we were thinking first generation of covers for the Myth Adventure books (the slightly more classic style than the zanier later books)
But then through discussions just sort of came around to this.
Here is one he did that is very different in style from most of his other works [url=][/url]
I think this one is closer in style to the cover we ended up with
We spent quite a bit of time discussing Tom and ended up going with something like Zodd the Immortal
He took the three wizards from my images on the site. I was very surprised/pleased with those, they look very classic fantasy ala Darrell K Sweet, Rowena, etc.