Beta 2 Status Update
So I said this week, but it will be next week for Beta 2.
I’ve got what I hope is some major adrenaline coming.
I’ve been going through, trimming, tightening, editing, injecting more detail that should make things later clearer. Added some more Tom, Rupert, Talarius earlier and will be continuing to work on that. I’ve introduced a few sort of new characters, in that they’ve been mentioned or you have seen/heard of them but now they are active sooner than planned, and one of them in particular is pushing things on the ground in Freehold and will play a big role in the hook at the end.
The other one is a longer term major player that has been missing from the scene so far. He/She is no longer missing, but may not be obvious to all immediately (or maybe will be)
I am also lining up some battles of very large proportion that I think make good sense for the story and the plot and help fix issues that people have brought about. The difficulty has been making them fit into the existing plot and overall story and not be gratuitous. I think I’ve got that taken care of. I hope.
In particular, I think some of these battles will showcase characters that have been under served in both books and particularly in book 2.