COA Blurb

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  • #9382

    This was one of his most bizarre movies…ever.

    I like is documentaries better…you know: Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks….


    “Haven’t I told you to stop calling us humpires!?”



    That’s a very good point!

    What is also known, from OOA, is that vampires vastly prefer the blood of their own original species, so that all adds up.

    Drinking humans would be like diet soda or maybe even some nasty protein drink.


    One of the technicalities I still need to figure out is how do orc vampires suck someone’s blood without ripping their dinner’s head off with their tusks? Or do they just rip the head off and stick the neck their mouth and gulp? Sort of like one of those juice bags you tear the top off and drink.


    Will be seeing a list of new characters to look forward to in the upcoming books?



    And very appropriate for orc vampires given my youthful opinion on orcs.

    In junior high/middle school playing D&D, we (or maybe me and I assumed) always thought of orcs as having rather porcine characteristics. I think this was 1) tusks like boars and 2) orc rhymes with pork. [All of this before Warhammer–or any movies]

    So the hampire would sort of be like my childhood orc vampire.

    And yes we will see more undead of all types, including those that fled the field of battle, and of course Tizzy’s new dhampire friend.


    Are we going to meet the vampires again?



    The dance that no on knows what it means….

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