Reply To: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador

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I am sure Talarius thought Tom would cheat, he’s a demon after all.

However, Tom, foolishly if you ask me, thought for some odd reason that Holy Knights in Shining Army were the “good guys” or were supposed to be.

I’m thinking he paid too much attention to the history of Greyhawk and too little attention to the Crusades of Earth’s Middle Ages. Of course, if he’d ever been to Westeros, he’d have also known better.

Of course, I have a soft spot for Westeros, you’ve never been to a wedding until you’ve been to one in the Riverlands of Westeros. Those are my kind of wedding! Much more fun than the normal stuffy kind. My buddy, Walder, he knows how to put on a shindig! He also knows something about cheating and betrayal…